TangeNomic III/Gamestate

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This page details the current gamestate and everything contained therein (subject to bubbles being speedy in updating it).

The Rules

The current rules of the game are considered to be part of the gamestate. See TangeNomic III/Rules for the full rules.


The current roster of players is considered to be part of the gamestate. See the full roster at TangeNomic III. Any titles (such as Speaker) given to a player may be a part of the gamestate. Details of these can be found on each player's page, linked from the main page. A list of player-specific gamestate information is available at Category:TangeNomic III/Aspects of the game state


The following wars are currently in effect

  • TangeNomic III is currently at war with all other, lesser, tangency Nomics


Rule 325 defines items as parts of the game state. A full list of items currently in play can be found at Category:TangeNomic III/Items


Players may have certain titles as a part of the game, which may or may not be recognised as part of the game state. The word 'title' is not recognised by the game state as referring to these; it is used here to aid understanding.

Archived proposals

Whether a proposal has passed or failed is a part of the game state. A full list of passed and failed proposals can be found at TangeNomic III/Archived proposals