Mori Faen

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A Seer/Monk from Ket, exiled from his people until he finds inner peace for a dead love. He has fallen among strange companions after capture by pirates, and has learned much -- but not serenity


Str 16 +3 Int 18 +4 Dex 14 +2 Con 12 +1 Wis 10 Cha 8 -1

Increase Stat Advancements

4th Wis +1 (13)

8th Wis +1 (14)

Note: Wisdom originally 12, from 10 plus 2 SRD only bonus

Combat stats

Hp 18 + 30 = 48 Speed: 30 feet Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [dexterity] +2 [wisdom] Touch AC: 14 Flat-footed: 12 Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]


Fortitude save: +6 = 5 [base] +1 [constitution] Reflex save: +7 = 5 [base] +2 [dexterity] Will save: +10 = 8 [base] +2 [wisdom]


Attack (handheld): +7 = 4 [base] +3 [strength] Attack (unarmed): +7 = 4 [base] +3 [strength] Flurry of Blows: +5/+5 [includes strength modifier] Attack (missile): +6 = 4 [base] +2 [dexterity] Grapple check: +7 = 4 [base] +3 [strength]

Carrying Capactity=

Light load: 76 lb. or less Medium load: 77-153 lb. Heavy load: 154-230 lb. Lift over head: 230 lb. Lift off ground: 460 lb. Push or drag: 1150 lb.


Size: Medium Height: 5' 10" Weight: 195 lb Skin: Brown Eyes: Hair: Black; Curly; Beardless

Character Classes

Monk Level 2

  • Hit Points 2x(d8+con Mod(1)) = 18
  • Skill Points 20 + Int Mod (4) x 5 = 40
  • BAB +1 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +3
  • Unarmed Damage 1d6
  • AC Bonus +0
  • Unarmored Speed Bonus +0

Psion Level 6

  • Hp 6 x (d4 + Con Mod (1)) = 30
  • Bab +3 (+4) Fort +2 (+5) +1 Con Ref +2 (+5) +2 Dex Will +5 (+8)
  • Power Points / Day 35
  • Powers Known 13 (Five must be first, 4 must be 1 or 2, 4 more may be 1-3) Maximum Power Level 3
  • Skill Points 6 x(2+int Mod)

Weapon Proficency

Monk: club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling PSION: add shortspear.


Discipline: Clairvoyance

1st-Level Psion/Wilder Powers

  • Disable A: Subjects incorrectly believe they are disabled.
  • Inertial Armor A: Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC.
  • Precognition, Defensive A: Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.

2nd-Level Psion/Wilder Powers

  • Energy Push A: Deal 2d6 damage and knock subject back.
  • Sense Link, Forced: Sense what subject senses.

3rd-Level Psion/Wilder Powers

  • Body Adjustment A: You heal 1d12 damage.
  • Darkvision, Psionic: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
  • Dispel Psionics A: Cancels psionic powers and effects.
  • Energy Bolt A: Deal 5d6 energy damage in 120-ft. line.

Seer (Clairsentience) Discipline Powers

First Level

  • Destiny Dissonance: Your dissonant touch sickens a foe.
  • Precognition: Gain +2 insight bonus to one roll.

Second Level

  • Clairvoyant Sense: See and hear a distant location.
  • Object Reading A: Learn details about an object’s previous owner.


Skill Name Key Ability Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Ranks Misc. Modifier Appraise Int 4 = +4 Balance Dex* 9 = +2 +5 +2 [tumble] Bluff Cha -1 = -1 Climb Str * 8 = +3 +5 Concentration Con 12 = +1 +11 Craft_1 Int 4 = +4 Craft_2 Int 4 = +4 Craft_3 Int 4 = +4 Diplomacy Cha 1 = -1 +2 [sense motive] Disguise Cha -1 = -1 Escape Artist Dex * 2 = +2 Forgery Int 4 = +4 Gather Information Cha 10 = -1 +11 Heal Wis 2 = +2 Hide Dex * 7 = +2 +5 Intimidate Cha -1 = -1 Jump Str * 5 = +3 +2 [tumble] Knowledge (dungeoneering) Int 8 = +4 +4 Listen Wis 13 = +2 +11 Move Silently Dex * 2 = +2 Perform_1 Cha -1 = -1 Ride Dex 2 = +2 Search Int 4 = +4 Sense Motive Wis 7 = +2 +5 Spot Survival Wis Wis 13 = 2 = +2 +2 +11 Swim Str ** 3 = +3 Tumble Dex * 7 = +2 +5 Use Rope Dex 2 = +2

Knowledge (psionics) Int 10 = +4 +6 Psicraft Int 12 = +4 +6 +2 [know psi]


Common, Draconic, Elf, Goblin, Ogre, Lizard Man, Old Baklundish

Feats & Class Features

Monk Bonus Feat (1) Improve Grapple Monk Flurry of Blows (-1/-1) Monk Unarmed Strike Monk Evasion Monks Bonus Feat (2) Deflect Arrow

Psion Bonus Feat (1) Psionic Fist PsionBonus Feat (5) Psicrystal Affinity

Human Bonus Feat:

Feat Level (1)

Feat Level (4)

Feat Level (7)





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