Keles Antarus
Name: Keles Antarus
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Wizard 8
Alignment: Neutral Good
- Str: 10 (+0)
- Dex: 16 (+3)
- Con: 12 (+1)
- Int: 20/22 (+5/+6) (+2 leveling, +2 Headband)
- Wis: 14 (+2)
- Chr: 10 (+0) (+2 SRD)
Hit Points: 40
AC: 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Bracers), Touch: 13, Flat: 11
Init: +3
BAB: +4, Grappling: +4
Speed: 30 ft/rd
- Fortitude: +4 (+2 Base, +1 Con, +1 Cloak)
- Reflex: +6 (+2 Base, +3 Dex, +1 Cloak)
- Will: +9 (+6 Base, +2 Wis, +1 Cloak)
MW Quarterstaff: +5 (1d6/1d6) MW Light Crossbow: +8 (1d6)
- Concentration +12
- Craft (Alchemy) +9
- Decipher Script +11
- Knowledge (Arcana) +19
- Knowledge (Planes) +13
- Knowledge (History) +11
- Knowledge (Geography) +12
- Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12
- Knowledge (Local) +8
- Listen +2.5
- Move Silently +6
- Search +8
- Spellcraft +22
- Spot +5
- Survival +2.5
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Infernal
- Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus)
- Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (1)
- Spell Focus (Evocation) (Human)
- Eschew Materials (3)
- Craft Wonderous Item (Wizard 5)
- Spell Penetration (6)
- Sagacious Method (Greyhawk Bonus)
Spells Per Day: 4/6/5/4/3
Spells in Book:
- 0 - (free) All
- 1 - (free) Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep, Shield, Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Floating Disk, (purchased) Comprehend Languages
- 2 - (free) Scorching Ray, Web, Knock, Cat's Grace, (purchased) Fox's Cunning, Bull's Strength, Invisibility, Resist Energy
- 3 - (free) Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud, (purchased) Arcane Sight, Haste
- 4 - (free) Shout, Stoneskin, Rainbow Pattern, Mnemonic Enhancer, (purchased) Black Tentacles
Nirati ([""||cat])
HP: 20 (d8, 8 HD)
Attack: +6 claws (1d2-4)
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +4, Will +8
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +4 Familiar, +1 Collar, +2 size)
...and all the other [""||familiar abilities].
Masterwork Quarterstaff
Masterwork Light Crossbow
Crossbow Bolts x20
Belt Pouch (contains 15 GP worth of GP, SP, and CP)
Explorer's Outfit
Flask (contains ale)
Spell Component Pouch
Handy Haversack*
Ring of Sustenance*
Bracers of Armor +1*
Cloak of Resistance +1*
Headband of Intellect +2*
Wizard's Spellbook**
Inkpen x2**
Ink (Black, Vial) x10**
Parchment x10**
Scroll Case x3**
1000 GP worth of diamond dust**
- Wand of Detect Magic**
- Wand of Magic Missile (Caster level 3rd)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds x4**
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2**
- Potion of Fox's Cunning**
- Potion of Protection from Evil**
- Scroll of Tongues**
- Scroll of Water Breathing**
- Scroll of Wall of Fire**
- Scroll of Remove Curse**
- Scroll of Phantasmal Killer**
- Scroll of Cone of Cold** (Must make a DC 10 caster level check to use successfully; Keles gets a +4 on this check due to Sagacious Method feat)
- Scroll of Break Enchantment** (Must make a DC 10 caster level check to use successfully; Keles gets a +4 on this check due to Sagacious Method feat)
710 GP remaining**
- Magic Items
- Stored in Haversack
Breakdown of Magic Items: Bracers (1), Haversack (2), Ring (3) were bought; Headband (4), Collar (5), and Cloak (6) were crafted over 9 days (4 for the Headband, 4 for the Cloak, 1 for the Collar). The leftovers from crafting and the rest were spent on spells, wands, potions, and scrolls.