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I have decided that the cleric class is not an appropriate class for Trinity. As such, it has been replaced by the priest, a class that uses the Truename magic system from Tome of Magic.

Note that the system has undergone extensive modification to accomodate the needs of Trinity; all changes will be noted in the class description.

The Priest
							Utterances Known	Max Utterance Level
Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special		  So / To / Ma		  Sou / Too / Map
1	+0	+0	+0	+2	Domain		   2 / -- / --		  1st / --- / ---
2	+1	+0	+0	+3			   3 / -- / --		  1st / --- / ---
3	+1	+1	+1	+3			   4 / -- / --		  2nd / --- / ---
4	+2	+1	+1	+4			   5 /  2 / --		  2nd / 1st / ---
5	+2	+1	+1	+4			   6 /  2 / --		  2nd / 1st / ---
6	+3	+2	+2	+5			   7 /  3 / --		  3rd / 1st / ---
7	+3	+2	+2	+5			   8 /  3 / --		  3rd / 2nd / ---
8	+4	+2	+2	+6			   9 /  4 /  1		  3rd / 2nd / 1st
9	+4	+3	+3	+6			  10 /  4 /  1		  3rd / 2nd / 1st
10	+5	+3	+3	+7			  11 /  5 /  1		  4th / 2nd / 1st
11	+5	+3	+3	+7			  12 /  5 /  2		  4th / 3rd / 1st
12	+6/+1	+4	+4	+8			  13 /  6 /  2		  4th / 3rd / 2nd
13	+6/+1	+4	+4	+8			  14 /  6 /  2		  4th / 3rd / 2nd
14	+7/+2	+4	+4	+9			  15 /  7 /  3		  5th / 3rd / 2nd
15	+7/+2	+5	+5	+9			  16 /  7 /  3		  5th / 4th / 2nd
16	+8/+3	+5	+5	+10			  17 /  8 /  3		  5th / 4th / 3rd
17	+8/+3	+5	+5	+10			  18 /  8 /  4		  5th / 4th / 3rd
18	+9/+4	+6	+6	+11			  19 /  9 /  4		  6th / 4th / 3rd
19	+9/+4	+6	+6	+11			  20 /  9 /  4		  6th / 5th / 3rd
20	+10/+5	+6	+6	+12			  21 / 10 /  5		  6th / 5th / 4th


The divine is not a Force to be trifled with. While Magic may claim to rewrite the laws of the world, and Psionics may claim to find loopholes in the rules, the Divine does not meddle with such pedestrian affairs - no, he merely commands the world, and it bends to his will. There is no modification, no manipulation: the priest speaks, and the world obeys.

The priest taps into the Divine itself for the inspiration and power to bend the world to his will. However, such power is not readily attained by mortals - only beings that are actively worshipped may grant this power to their followers, and so the priest is greatly tied to his patron Saint or Lucavi, for to fall out of favor means to lose the power to alter reality at will.

Game Rule Information

Priests have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Divine.

Force Resistances: NI 5 + level, VI 5 + level.

Abilities: Wisdom, above all, is paramount to the priest. Without personal insight and understanding, he cannot begin to fathom how his words can alter reality.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills: The priest's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Search (Per), Speak Language, and Prayercraft (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Age: Moderate.

Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10gp.

Favored By: None.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the priest core class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The mediator is proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.

Utterances (Di): The priest uses the power of words, the manifestation of the Divine. When he speaks words in the tongue of creation, he may reshape the world to his liking.

Utterances are incredibly powerful, in that there is no restriction on how often a priest may use one. A priest who can continue to make Prayer checks (see below) can continue to use utterances.

Utterances are divided into three categories, called Lexicons. For sake of brevity, these are referred to as the Soul Lexicon, the Tool Lexicon, and the Map Lexicon. Some organizations may know these Lexicons by different names.

A priest has access to a certain number of utterances of appropriate level from the appropriate Lexicons, as per the table above; he has no need to prepare these utterances, and he does not need to pray daily to maintain them (though he may need to continually show his faith in his patron Saint or Lucavi by performing acts the individual "deity" favors).

Prayer: To use utterances, the priest must focus and speak carefully. The universe is difficult to command, and the tongue of creation is incredibly exacting.

In addition, the universe is resilient to such demands upon it - each time the priest uses a particular utterance, it becomes harder to use. Over time, the universe's resilience washes away, but attempting to call upon the same utterance multiple times in rapid succession is incredibly taxing.

To use an utterance, the priest must make a special Prayer check, which is a d20 + his priest level + his Wisdom modifier. Compare the result to the following table.


Type of
Utterance	DC Formula
Soul		9 + (CR or HD) + utterance level
Tool		20 + (2 x utterance level)
Map		20 + (3 x utterance level)

Should the prayer check equal or exceed the DC, the priest successfully manipulates reality with his utterance. If he fails, nothing happens.

In addition, with each successful use of an utterance, the DC to use that utterance increases by 2 until the next day.

Domain: At 1st level, the priest may choose to align himself with a Saint or Lucavi. The priest does not have to do so, but attempting to tap into the power of the Divine without the intercession of a Saint or Lucavi can be incredibly dangerous, and his abilities will not be nearly as diverse as those of the faithful.

Should the priest decide to align himself with a Saint or Lucavi, he gains several benefits. He gains access to a new class skill, depending on the being he aligns himself with; he also gains an additional weapon proficiency. He also gains access to two of three possible granted powers, which he must choose at 1st level, and cannot change.

In addition to these benefits, the priest also adds all of the utterances on the deity's domain list to his utterances known, provided they are of the appropriate level and from the appropriate Lexicon. Whenever the priest gains access to a new utterance level, or a new Lexicon, he automatically adds all available utterances of that level and Lexicon to his utterances known list.

Below is a listing of the available domains.

Tracy Vannieu		Ajora
Konoe Ishikaru		Zalera
Arcostes Germonik	Adrammalech
Samahtar		Velius
Saiwin Aiwe		Teniel
Luna Lorne		Hashmalum
Sardon			Elidibs
Fortang Diaclo		Kali
Calixte			Falriox


Below is a list of utterances that all priests have access to.


