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Name: Crysophraxis

Gender: Male
Race: Kobold (Small Dragonblood Reptilian Humanoid)
Class: Dragonfire Adept 12
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Str: 11 (3 pts. -2 Racial)
Con: 18 (8 pts. -2 Racial +4 Amulet)
Dex: 16 (2 pts. +2 Racial +2 Gloves)
Int: 14 (4 pts.)
Wis: 10 (0 pts.)
Chr: 24 (11 pts +3 Levels +4 Cloak)

Hit Points: (9+11d8+48)
AC: 24 (+1 Size +3 Dex +4 Natural +6 Armor), Touch: 14, Flat: 20
Init: +3
BAB: +6/+1, Grap: +2
Speed: 40'/ Fly 40' (good)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +10

+8/+3 Melee, +1 Flaming Dagger, 1d3+1d6 fire, 19-20/x2, Piercing/Slashing

Trained Skills: (6)

  • +26 Bluff (15 Ranks +7 Chr +6 Beguiling Influence)
  • +28 Diplomacy (15 Ranks +7 Chr +2 Synergy +6 Beguiling Influence)
  • +28 Intimidate (15 Ranks +7 Chr +2 Synergy +6 Beguiling Influence)
  • +17 Knowledge: Arcana (15 Ranks +2 Int)
  • +5 Search (0 Ranks +2 Int +2 Racial +1 Feat)
  • +15 Sense Motive (15 Ranks +0 Wis)
  • +19 Use Magic Device (12 Ranks +7 Chr)

Languages: Common, Kobold, Draconic


  • Ability Focus: Breath Weapon (1st Level)
  • Dragontouched (1st Level Bonus)
  • Entangling Exhalation (3rd Level)
  • Enlarge Breath (6th Level)
  • Extra Invocation (9th Level)
  • Extra Invocation (12th Level)

Kobold Traits

  • +1 natural armor bonus.
  • Darkvision: 60'
  • +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Profession (miner), and Search checks.
  • Light Sensitivity: Kobolds are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
  • Natural Weapons: Two primary claw attacks that deal 1d3 points of slashing damage plus Strength bonus, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d3 points of piercing damage plus 1/2 Strength bonus.
  • Slight Build: Whenever a kobold is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Hide), the kobold is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to the character.

Dragonfire Adept Abilities

  • Breath Weapon: 7d6 Fire, 30' Cone or 60' Line, DC 23 Ref. for half.
  • Scales: +3 Natural Armor
  • Dragonkin: +4 Diplomacy with Dragons, reacts as dragon to Draconic Presence.
  • Damage Reduction 2/Magic

Breath Effects (DC: 23)

  • Sickening Breath (Fort)
  • Weakening Breath (Fort)
  • Acid Breath (Ref)
  • Thunder Breath (Fort)

Draconic Invocations

  • Least
    • Beguiling Influence
    • Endure Exposure
  • Lesser
    • Draconic Flight
    • Voracious Dispelling
    • Enthralling Voice (DC: 23 Will)
    • Frightful Presence (DC: 20 Will)
  • Greater
    • Chilling Fog


  • Dragon Spirit Cincture/Belt of Healing(3,025 GP)
  • Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000 GP)
  • Cloak of Charisma +4, Resistance +2 (20,000 GP)
  • Amulet of Health +4 (16,000 GP)
  • Boots of Striding and Springing (5,000 GP)
  • Ring of Entropic Deflection (8,000 GP)
  • +1 Flaming Dagger 8,000
  • Eternal Wand of Greater Mage Armor (10,900 GP)
  • Eternal Wand of Glibness (10,900 GP)
  • Eternal Wand of Shield (820 GP)
  • 1,175 GP
  • +2 Keen Defending Dagger

Crysophraxis is, to his mind, a dragon. Dammit.

Short, yes.

A little...sickly, perhaps, by draconic standards? Fine, yes, very well.

Still and all. He's a dragon. He flies, he breathes fire, he can inspire terror or adoration in lesser mortals with nothing more than the sound of his voice.

Is Crysophraxis outclassed, perhaps, here in Sigil? Not to hear him tell it. He doesn't really understand the place, per se, but does that really matter? He's got power, and plenty of it, and that's enough.

Or so he devoutly hopes....