Freedom City: Dark Deco

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Welcome to the Freedom City: Dark Deco campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "Freedom City: Dark Deco". This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be editted by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".

Freedom City is a fictional, city-based campaign setting for the roleplaying game Mutants and Masterminds. It was designed by Steve Kenson, whose design philosophy for the setting seems based-on and in honor of several classic comic book icons and concepts.


A Dark Deco style will give Freedom an extraordinary look, redefining the image of the city. The campaign will also revamp classic characters, casting a unique perspective on their origins and personalities.

Freedom City, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks. The heroes begin their crimefighting, working tirelessly trying to establish themselves, all to bring justice to crime-ridden Freedom City. Finding their way as protector, defender and costumed crusaders all alone in the night...

Character Creation Guidelines

M&M1e, Power Level: 7, Skills: 2:1

  • Powers: Forbidden & Otherwise: Which powers would not be appropriate? Watch Superman the Animated Series and you'll find your answer. In Superman, all the villains except Lex Luthor have super powers that are competitive to Superman's; the idea is that humanity is incapable of using super power responsibly and only a pure, heaven-sent messiah like Superman can, it's just not the same in the street. The following powers are out unless there's good background to allow them… Cosmic Power, Dimension Travel, Flight (without assisted gliding, wings, or the device flaw), Time Control/Travel, Healing, Regeneration (above PR2), Incorporeal, Invisability, Teleportation.
  • Style: Batman the animated series combined with Mystery Men. No gun crazies, no killers, most powers will be tech based or usually have a serum or some other catylist. Things like flying are best appropriate as leaping or gliding. blaster gauntlets are better than innate eye beams, etc... No mutants or innate powers. A BtAS equivalent of the lower-key Justice Society types: Hourman, Wildcat, Sandman, Doc Mid-nite. Plus the JLA similars like Elongated Man, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Blue Beetle, etc.
  • Protection: Protection/Armor Rules: the Damage Save is required unless Protection/Armor reduce the Damage to -5, rather than 0.
  • Sorcery: tends to be lower ranked often with flaws such as

concentration or rote.

Setting Background

Set somewhere on the east coast of the United States - possibly New Jersey - Freedom City's history dates back to colonial times when superhero|super heroes first appeared there during the Revolutionary War. People with super-powers have existed throughout Earth’s history, but have become more prominent and numerous in the last few decades.

The extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega has launched invasion attempts on the city in the past but has yet to maintain a beachead.

People & Groups

Current superhuman residents of Freedom City include:

  • The Atom Family
  • The Collective (a gestalt of intelligent albino cockroaches)
  • Eldrich (the master magus)
  • Foreshadow
  • The Centurion
  • The Liberty League
  • The Raven

Other superbeings include:

  • Conundrum
  • The Crime League
  • Dr. Simian
  • Dr. Sin
  • Fear-Master
  • The Green Man
  • Malador the Mystic
  • Megalodon
  • Omega, Lord of the Terminus
  • Quirk
  • Talos
  • Terra King
  • Toy Boy
  • X-Isle, the Living City

Locations of Interest

Bold textThe Colossus:Bold text In 1890, Greek entrepreneur Dmitri Daedelus migrated to Freedom City from his native Greece. Having moved to the US to flee economic hardship, he quickly rose to the head of his own manufacturing firm, Daedelus Technologies. In gratitude to his adopted home, Daedelus commissioned a replica of the Colossus of Rhodes - a gleaming bronze statue of the Greek god Helios, which stands 33 meters high. The statue was finished and unveiled to the public on Jan 1st, 1900, at the stroke of the new century. The Colossus is now one of Freedom City’s most recognizable landmarks. Early-morning ferry and airship rides are popular tourist draws, as the statue bursts into gleaming life with the sunrise. By night, the statue is lit by powerful klieg lights. Although owned by the city, Daedelus Technologies has conservitorship of the statue, and pays for maintenance and upkeep out of its own monies. Bold textNote:Bold text The Colossus stands on the site of Sentry Statue.

The Expo Grounds: The 1939 Freedom City Expo was a hopeful vision of a prosperous future. Unfortunately, the envisioned utopic future did not materialize and the world, instead of uniting, was engulfed in war. The grounds themselves, located just south of the Boardwalk between Pennsylvania Street and State Highway 6, deteriorated in lockstep with its Southside surroundings. Now abandoned and decayed, it is a haven for the criminal underworld. Note: The Freedom City Expo replaces the “real-world” 1939 World’s Fair held in New York, NY, and has many of the same attractions: The World of Tomorrow, Futurama, etc. See Batman: Mask of the Phantasm for visuals.

The “M”: The heart of Freedom City’s public transportation network is the elevated monorail, known as the “M” to residents. There are two different “flavors” of the “M”: one for lines within the downtown and more affluent areas, and another for lines in the financially-challenged sections of the city. Downtown, the trains are modern and clean for the most part, and transit police regularly ride to ensure order is kept. Elsewhere, this is not the case. Grafitti marks most of those trains, which are dirty, dark and dangerous. Robbery, assault and even murders occur with depressing frequency, and the only ones who ride those lines are those who don’t have a choice or those who prey on others.

The AeroDrome: Located in a fairly remote section of southwest Freedom City is the AeroDrome, which is owned and operated by Daedelus Technologies. The AeroDrome is well-suited towards building and servicing airships - gigantic hangers line the fields along with helium storage tanks and cargo warehouses. Heavy-lift cargo airships and smaller police blimps operate from here, along with cargo planes, gyrocopters and private planes. Passenger service airships do not stop here, tho - they go to one of several “high-docks” located in downtown Freedom City. Every spring the AeroDrome hosts an airshow, which is very popular with the public. Note: The AeroDrome is on the site of Jordan International Airport.

Liberty Tower: The tallest building in Freedom City, Liberty Tower is a marvel of engineering. Home to several financial, legal and advertising firms, it also serves as the main travel hub for the city. Most of the “M” lines terminate or originate from Liberty Tower, and the hollow central core houses the passenger airship port, or “high-dock”. Up to 4 airships can dock at one time stacked one on top of the other. In addition, two others can dock at the tower’s apex. The apex dock is reserved for domestic flights, as it does not have customs facilities. Completed in 1921, the image of Liberty Tower, along with the Colossus, was incorporated into the city seal (a stylized Freedom City skyline as seen from Century Narrows). Note: Liberty Tower stands at the site of Freedom Hall.

News & Events

Campaign Recaps

  • [Back Issue Bin]: game session recaps. Freedom City: Dark Deco serial campaign is broken into story arcs. What are Story Arcs?

Campaign Construction

Who are the Dark Deco Heroes? ... .

  • [Campaign Background]
  • Formula
  • Themes
  • Genre
  • Mood
  • Inspiration
  • House Rules
  • Easter Eggs


  • [Game Inspiration Quotes]
  • [Quotes from the Freedom City: Dark Deco Game Sessions]


