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What happens when you cross a very smart inventor and a comic book fan with a taste for adventure? Why Foxbat, of course.

He had his comics, that would have been all that he wanted, but then he saw the real thing on the news. A few of the "Superheroes" where not so super, but instead relied on intelligence and the ability to make the tools that they needed to win.

He was already very smart, he could get in on the game, all he needed was the tools. Looking around his room he found all the tools that he needed, at least for the mundane things. His mind went to work on the more advanced things.

Late one night, on a roof top over looking a battle between Superheroes and Supervillains, the man now known as Foxbat made his appearance. He had told the press about the battle and was waiting for the cameras to show, he wanted to make a big splash with his first appearance.

The news van pulled up and started their remote feed. He waited for the action down on the street to slow a bit then started his new career. NEVER FEAR, FOXBAT IS ON THE SCENE. He had to work on that, it didn't have the ring he was looking for.

He posed for the camera. Chin up, chest out and gun pointing to the distance. Then he leapt from the roof and glided down to the street. He landed with the standard "crouching tiger" stance, the cameras where all over him. He drew his gun and fired at the Supervillain, but the gun was loaded with the wrong ammunition sequence. The first shot loaded was the explosion, he would never use that one again.

The explosion had no effect on the villains, but knock the heroes for a loop. The cameras thought that he was a villain and fled the scene.

The villain Foxbat was born, though he doesn't want to be a villain, it was all a mistake.

Foxbat PL 11 (165PP)

Init +4; 30ft (Run), 40ft (Glide), 40ft (Leaping); Defense 23/18 (8 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +8; +11 Melee (3S Punch), +12 Ranged (8S/L Various Effects); SV Dmg +3 (8 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10 (Total 72PP)

Skills: Balance 2/+6, Acrobatics 2/+6, Computer 5/+9, Disguise 2/+2, Disable Device 3/+6, Move Silently 3/+7, KS: Comic Books 4/+8, KS: Superheroes 4/+8 (Total 25PP)

Feats: Dodge, Expertise, Improved Trip (Total 6PP)


  • Foxbat Shooter (Weapon) +8 (Source: Technology; Power Stunts: Snare, Obscure, Stun, Duel Damage) (Cost 1 / Total 8+8PP)
  • Foxbat Suit (Armor) +8 (Source: Technology; Extra: Flight [Gliding]; Power Stunt: Leaping) (Cost 2 / Total 16+2PP)
  • Foxbat Visor (Super Senses) +6 (Source: Technology; Extra: Telescopic Sight; Power Stunts: Ultra Hearing, Darkvision, All Around Sight, Radio Hearing; Flaw: Device) (Cost 2 / Total 12+8PP)
  • Foxbat Utility Belt (Gadgets) +8 (Source: Technology) (Cost 1 / Total 8PP)