CTH Session 6
Noted Events
- This session saw the end of the Paragon Saga
- Mnemon Darik's job was completed during this session
- Whirlwind Panther was sacrificed to Luna by the group
- Cynis Ruccio was introduced and killed during this session
- The party committed its first mass slaying of people
Noted Events
The group continued making its way towards the Brothers of Liberty hideout underneath the city in order to wait out the patrol that was looking for Anako and Buntaro due to their destruction of the hotel in the peasant district. The group made their way to the hideout successfully, where they met Pair, the leader of the Brothers. Pair told the group that he sought to bring down the Perfect due to the Perfect being an idiotic lout who got his jollies by abusing and torturing his citizenry. For their own reasons, the group decided to cooperate with Pair, who introduced them to Cynis Ruccio, a Terrestrial who's been working undercover with the Brothers to avenge the extinction of several rare animals. Pair recommended that the group establishes a plan for infiltrating the Perfect Palace, but they instead did their usual thing of bickering due to not agreeing on the issues or having all of the details. Ruccio decided to be proactive and infiltrate the palace on his own, crafting a disguise to aid his effort.
At the palace, Ruccio did a walk about dressed like a peasant without raising much suspicion. A guard did attempt to arrest Ruccio because he walked in the upper levels where peasants were not allowed, but Ruccio quickly dispatched the guard with a sucker punch to the face. Ruccio successfully mapped the whole Perfect Palace singlehandedly, even figuring out how to open all the secured doors in the palace and how many Blood Ape guards were present. With that information, the next step was to articulate a plan that the group would use to attack the Perfect. The group continued its daily bickering, until Ruccio devised a plan. The plan, which everyone agreed on was that Ruccio would run point with Anako, Gunloc, and Lee following behind in his piano while Buntaro fought his match at the tournament with Takimaki watching to give him support if necessary.
Noted Events
Buntaro once again used his rings to summon Luna in order to ask her to take care of the Blood Ape guards. Luna told Buntaro that she refused to help him if he didn't offer a sacrifice of value. Takimaki, Anako, and Gunloc were quick to offer their comrade, Whirlwind Panther as a sacrifice, which pleased Luna. After the sacrifice of their former friend, the group decided to wait until the day of the tournament. Buntaro and Takimaki made their way to the arena as planned while the others attacked the palace, with Ruccio running point.
Ruccio's team made their way around the palace without being seen, but Ruccio had to ride with Lye Lee because there were too many guards for him to sneak by on his own. Meanwhile, Buntaro's match against the Devil of Martial Arts began. Buntaro destroyed much of the ring at the start of the match and the Devil of Martial Arts struck the first blow, landing a double fist into Buntaro's gut. While the match was going on, Lye Lee was eventually spotted by three Blood Ape guards right outside the walkway to the top floor. Ruccio, Lee, Anako, and Gunloc battled the three Blood Apes, winning quickly. Ruccio took a near fatal wound from Blood Ape claws, after which the group made its way to the Perfect's seats.
As the group arrived in front of the Perfect, Buntaro, who was now glowing from needing to use all of his Essence to fight his opponent,