Trinity:Toplander Tiy Lena
This is the character tracking sheet for Tiy Lena, a member of The Toplanders game, set in Trinity.
Name: Tiy Lena Race: Selkie Gender: Female Age: 13 Height: 3' 10" Weight: 73 lbs. Eyes: Grey Hair: Blonde Skin: Tan
4th Level
Classes: Assassin (4) Str: 14 +2 Level: 4 HP: 21 (4d6+4) Dex: 16 +3 BAB: +3 Con: 12 +1 Grapple: +5 Int: 17 +3 Speed: 30 ft. Wis: 13 +1 Swim: 20 ft. Cha: 15 +2 Init: +5 Per: 12 +1 ACP: -0 Armor Shld Dex AC: 14 +1 +0 +3 Flat: 11 Touch: 13 Armament Armor: Steelcloth Clothes Shield: None Weapons Shuko Crossbow, Light [49 bolts] Total Base Mod Misc Fort: +3 +2 +1 Ref: +7 +4 +3 Will: +2 +1 +1 Attacks per Round Atk Dmg Shuko +7 1d4+2 Crossbow, Light +7 1d8 Racial Abilities Low-light Vision (x3) +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks +2 racial bonus on Pilot checks Hold Breath (Ex): Hold breath for 11 minutes Underwater Fighting: No penalties for fighting underwater Favored Class: Corsair Feats Weapon Finesse Quick Reconnoiter Class Features Poison Use Sneak Attack +2d6 1st Favored Poison (Petropoison) Skill Focus (Craft [Poison]) Uncanny Dodge Death Attack (Aerterial) Skills Total Ranks Mod Misc Craft (Poison) +14 6 Int +5 Escape Artist +8 5 Dex Forgery +8 5 Int Intimidate +8 6 Cha Jump +10 6 Str +2 Listen +7 6 Per Move Silently +9 6 Dex Search +7 6 Per Spot +7 6 Per Tumble +11 6 Dex +2 Hide +8 5 Dex Equipment Backpack -- Silk Rope (50 ft.) -- Grappling Hook -- Artisan's Kit (Poisonmaking) [Masterwork] -- Petropoison (Injury; Fort DC 18; Exhaustion, 1d3+2 Dex) [18] Languages: Common (Eastern), Lynaen, Trade (Glacial, Lotharic, Northlander, Thunder), Phytic
3rd Level
Classes: Assassin (3) Str: 14 +2 Level: 3 HP: 16 (3d6) Dex: 16 +3 BAB: +2 Con: 11 +0 Grapple: +4 Int: 17 +3 Speed: 30 ft. Wis: 13 +1 Swim: 20 ft. Cha: 15 +2 Init: +5 Per: 12 +1 ACP: -0 Armor Shld Dex AC: 14 +1 +0 +3 Flat: 11 Touch: 13 Armament Armor: Steelcloth Clothes Shield: None Weapons Shuko Crossbow, Light [50 bolts] Total Base Mod Misc Fort: +2 +2 +0 Ref: +6 +3 +3 Will: +2 +1 +1 Attacks per Round Atk Dmg Shuko +6 1d4+2 Crossbow, Light +6 1d8 Racial Abilities Low-light Vision (x3) +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks +2 racial bonus on Pilot checks Hold Breath (Ex): Hold breath for 11 minutes Underwater Fighting: No penalties for fighting underwater Favored Class: Corsair Feats Weapon Finesse Quick Reconnoiter Class Features Poison Use Sneak Attack +1d6 1st Favored Poison (Petropoison) Skill Focus (Craft [Poison]) Uncanny Dodge Skills Total Ranks Mod Misc Craft (Poison) +14 6 Int +5 Escape Artist +8 5 Dex Forgery +8 5 Int Intimidate +8 6 Cha Jump +8 6 Str Listen +7 6 Per Move Silently +9 6 Dex Search +7 6 Per Spot +7 6 Per Tumble +5 2 Dex Equipment Backpack -- Silk Rope (50 ft.) -- Grappling Hook -- Artisan's Kit (Poisonmaking) [Masterwork] -- Petropoison (Injury; Fort DC 18; Exhaustion, 1d3+2 Dex) [18] Languages: Common (Eastern), Lynaen, Trade (Glacial, Lotharic, Northlander, Thunder), Phytic
2nd Level
Classes: Assassin (2) Str: 14 +2 Level: 2 HP: 11 (2d6) Dex: 16 +3 BAB: +1 Con: 11 +0 Grapple: +3 Int: 17 +3 Speed: 30 ft. Wis: 13 +1 Swim: 20 ft. Cha: 15 +2 Init: +3 Per: 12 +1 ACP: -0 Armor Shld Dex AC: 14 +1 +0 +3 Flat: 11 Touch: 13 Armament Armor: Steelcloth Clothes Shield: None Weapons Shuko Crossbow, Light [50 bolts] Total Base Mod Misc Fort: +2 +2 +0 Ref: +6 +3 +3 Will: +1 +0 +1 Attacks per Round Atk Dmg Shuko +5 1d4+2 Crossbow, Light +5 1d8 Racial Abilities Low-light Vision (x3) +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks +2 racial bonus on Pilot checks Hold Breath (Ex): Hold breath for 11 minutes Underwater Fighting: No penalties for fighting underwater Favored Class: Corsair Feats Weapon Finesse Class Features Poison Use Sneak Attack +1d6 1st Favored Poison (Petropoison) Skill Focus (Craft [Poison]) Skills Total Ranks Mod Misc Craft (Poison) +13 5 Int +5 Escape Artist +8 5 Dex Forgery +8 5 Int Intimidate +7 5 Cha Jump +7 5 Str Listen +6 5 Per Move Silently +8 5 Dex Search +6 5 Per Spot +6 5 Per Tumble +5 2 Dex Equipment Backpack -- Silk Rope (50 ft.) -- Grappling Hook -- Artisan's Kit (Poisonmaking) [Masterwork] -- Petropoison (Injury; Fort DC 18; Exhaustion, 1d3+2 Dex) [19] Languages: Common (Eastern), Lynaen, Trade (Glacial, Lotharic, Northlander, Thunder), Phytic