Game title abbreviations
This is a guide to the many abbreviations for game books and game lines that you may encounter on the forums.
Numbers at the end of an abbreviation usually indicate the edition. UA2 or UA2E, for example, would mean 'Unknown armies second edition'.
3.5 - Edition 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons
3E - 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
7S - Seventh Sea
AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
ADRPG - Amber Diceless RPG
AE - Amazing Engine
AFMBE - All Flesh Must Be Eaten
AM - Ars Magica
AU - Arcana unearthed
B&B - Bunnies and Burrows
BD&D - Basic Dungeons and Dragons
BESM - Big Eyes Small Mouth (official acronym)
BG - Blood Games
BGC - Bubblegum crisis
BNW - Brave new world
BP - Blue planet
BR - Blue rose
BRP - Basic roleplaying
BtVS - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
C&C - Castles and Crusades
C&S - Chivalry and Sorcery
CC - Core Command
CoC - Call of Cthulhu
ConX - Conspiracy X
CP - Cyberpunk
CP2020 - Cyberpunk
CT - Classic Traveller
CTD - Changeling: The Dreaming
D&D - Dungeons and Dragons
DA:F - Dark Ages: Fae
DA:I - Dark Ages: Inquisitor
DA:M - Dark Ages: Mage
DA:V - Dark Ages: Vampire
DA:WW - Dark Ages: Werewolf
DND - Dungeons and Dragons (usually refers to edition 3.0 or 3.5)
DITV - Dogs in the vinyard
DG - Delta Green
DMG - Dungeon master's guide. Usually in reference to Dungeons and dragons.
DTF - Demon: The Fallen
ED - Earthdawn
EPT - Empire of the petal throne
ETA - Exalted: The abyssals or Exalted: The autocthonians
ETFF - Exalted: The fair folk
ETL - Exalted: The lunars
ETS - Exalted: The sidereals
FB - Fireborn
FF - Forgotten Futures
FS - Feng Shui or Fading Suns
FR - Forgotten Realms
FATE - Fantastic adventures in tabletop entertainment (official acronym)
FUDGE - Freeform Universal Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine (official acronym)
GB - Gangbusters or Ghostbusters
GBI - Ghostbusters International
GH - Greyhawk or Golden Heroes
GK - Gear Krieg
GURPS - Generic, universal role-playing system (official acronym)
GT - GURPS Traveller
GW - Gamma World
HG - Heavy gear
HOL - Human occupied landfill
HQ - Heroquest
IC - Ironclaw
IK - Iron Kingdoms
IN - In Nomine
JAGS - Just Another Generic System (official acronym)
JC - Jovian Chronicles or Jadeclaw
JD - Judge Dredd
KOTE - Kindred of the east
KPFS - Kill puppies for satan
L&S - Lace and Steel
L5R - Legend of the Five Rings
LOTR - Lord of the Rings
LS - Lost Souls
M&M - Mutants and Masterminds
MA - Metamorphosis Alpha
MEGS - Mayfair Exponential Gaming System (official acronym)
MERP - Middle-Earth Roleplaying
MET - Mind's Eye Theatre
MM - Monster Manual. Usually in reference to Dungeons and dragons.
MLWM - My Life With Master
MSPE - Mercenaries, Spies, and Private-Eyes
MT - MegaTraveller
MTA - Mage: The Ascension or Mage: The awakening
MTDA - Mage: The Dark Ages
MTSC - Mage: The Sorcerers' Crusade
MTR - Mummy: The Resurrection
MURPG - Marvel Universe RPG
MW - Mechwarrior
MWWG - Macho Women With Guns
N&SS - Ninjas and superspies
NWOD - New world of darkness.
OD&D - Original Dungeons and Dragons
OTE - Over the Edge
OVA - Open Versatile Anime Role-Playing Game (official acronym)
OWOD - Old world of darkness
PD - Pendragon
PHB - Players handbook. Usually in reference to Dungeons and Dragons.
RA - Random Anime
RC - Rules Cyclopedia. Usually in reference to Dungeons and Dragons.
RQ - Runequest
RW - Ringworld
SAS - Silver Age Sentinels
SB - Stormbringer
SC - StarCluster
SLA - SLA industries
SoJ - Skyrealms of Jorune or Secrets of Japan (Call of Cthulhu supplement)
SR - Shadowrun
ST - Star Trek
SW - Savage Worlds or Star Wars or Superworld
T&T - Tunnels and Trolls
T20 - Traveller20
T4 - Marc Miller's Traveller
T5 - Upcoming 5th Edition of Traveller
T8 - Tribe 8
THS - Transhuman Space
TINS - There Is No Spoon
TMNT - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness
TNE - Traveller: The New Era
TROS - The Riddle of Steel
TS - Transhuman Space or The Terran Story or Top Secret
TSOY - The Shadow of Yesterday
UA - Unknown Armies or Unearthed Arcana or Urban Arcana
V&V - Villains and Vigilantes
VTDA - Vampire: The Dark Ages
VTM - Vampire: The Masquerade
VTR - Vampire: The Requiem
WC - Witchcraft
WFRP - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
WHFRP - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
WLD - World's Largest Dungeon
WOD - Word of Darkness
WOTG - Weapons of the Gods
WoW - Worlds of Wonder
WTA - Werewolf: The Apocalypse
WTF - Werewolf: The Forsaken
WTO - Wraith: The Oblivion