Julie Young

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NAME: Julie Anne Young [Gael]
1st APP: issue # 1:1: "In God We Trust part I" , June 1, 2005.
QUOTE:  : "I just want my life back..."
BORN:  : (age: 33) December 5, 1973 - Providence, RI
BASE OF OPTS:  : Residence in Alexandria, VA
EDUCATION/CAREER:  : Bachelor of Fine Art, Graphics/Interior Design at Rhode Island School of Design (1999). Currently a housewife.
RELATIVES/CONNECTIONS:  : Daniel Young (husband), Alex Young (son, age 10), Maggie Young (daughter, age 7), Arthur Redford (other...).
STATUS:  : USA Citizen, No criminal Record, Married (Daniel filed for Divorce recently)
GROUP AFFILIATION:  : The Young family. Loose connection with Hopewell and Kings Farm.
KNOWN POWERS/ABILITIES:  : (at current) Instant precise teleportation, herself and those she touches. She has noted that she can appear near any person she knows, almost homing in on them and materializing at their site. It is unknown if her ability can find those she does not know as easily or if she can teleport others without touching them. Her range is known to be world-wide but theoretically might extend beyond if options were available.


Julie used to dream about flying. When she was young she used water color paints to fill page after page with shades of blue mixed with white swirly clouds. She'd never flown on a plane before until promising the kids a Disneyland trip to see their dad. The last thing she remembered on the plane was looking out the window ... and the clouds... Julie married young and became a mother young, finishing RISoD while building a family with her college sweetheart Daniel. Daniel attended business school in nearby DC but created a comfortable life for Julie when they married shortly before Alex was born. Julie, born with a creative spark in her eye has yet to let go of that inspiration channelling it into motherhood. Life seemed perfect until the AA Flight 283 crashed in 2001. Julie and her kids were to meet Daniel in California as he returned from a Hong Kong business trip. Following her return she felt she'd interupted Danielle's life. While she worked very hard to recapture his full attention it was clear that while Daniel had given her a good life before, 9/11 had freed him from what seemed a prison of responsibility - to have it return was too much and he's broken the marriage because of it. Four years had settled Daniel into a life that his family could not understand, although it was just yesterday for Julie. She loves him still but there's little of the man she knew left in her husband now...

Currently Julie is in distress as Daniel has taken Maggie (and tried to take Alex) as part of their seperation. Daniel's representation comes from Kings Farm, while Julie has asked Brian Jaffe to aid her. Maggie is apparently okay but has not been aloud to see her mother in months.

An as yet unknown connection presists between Julie and Arthur Redford. They apparently "first met" in Boston's plane terminal awaiting AA Flight 283 and have maintained a distant attraction. In an alternate reality visited by Arthur's time control abilities it was suggested that Arthur may be the original father to one or both of Julie's children. This would be somewhat of a relief to Danielle possibly but currently is unproven and undiscovered.


  • On Brian Jaffe: "Brian's a good man, at least I want to believe he is at heart. He's stretched himself so thin that I'm not sure he understands his friends and co-workers are starting to see right through him. I want to believe he's a good man, and even though he's trying to do so much for Survivors and my family - right now it feels like he's only concerned with one thing... Himself. So you'd have to ask him if he's a good man..."
  • On Jack Bennett Kennedy: "who'd a thunk it... I know a Kennedy! hehe, he's cute but not in the 'boy he makes me feel like everything's gonna be okay' cute that his Uncle and Cousin did. I barely know him but that hasn't stopped several of the moms at Alex' school from asking for his number..."  :)
  • On Arthur Redford: "... something... something about Arthur. Something... noble and something familiar. I coulda swore we've met before... His dad is a hoot. He and his dad treated me and the kids like family even though I only met Arthur just before boarding the plane. *smile* I betcha he doesn't even remember that. Daniel used to be that kind of man. I miss him."
  • On Mandy Smith: "Ms. Smith... Mandy is sweet. She's been a great help with the kids and it's very admirable of her the way she's helping Beth after the poor girl lost her baby. Of all the people from the Hopewell Foundation Mandy's been the second most helpful, I really appreciate her making the kids feel normal again."
  • On Vivian Janelle: "Vivian makes me laugh. It's funny how she's always calling to check up on Alex and it's almost like she's single handedly working on my divorce case, getting my paperwork signed and notorized. She was so great with the insurance contractors after the house thing happened... Staying with her those couple nights after Daniel took Maggie really helped me stay sane... that and the mocca ice cream from her fridge. *smile* 'V' reminds me alot of Melinda (college roommate), I'm glad she's decided to take the water color course I'm going to be teaching in January - she's got the eye for it, an' it'll be good getting to know her more outside the office."
  • On Mary Beth Manly: "Beth... that poor girl. She's so happy on the outside but the mother in me tells me she and Maggie are having the same problem coming to terms with our new lives on the inside. She was pregnant at almost the same age as I was with Alex, so I know how hard it is - and missing Maggie can't even compare to whoever took her little boy... I'm afraid for her."


  • Brain: On Julie Young: "Julie's the reason I got into politics. Or people just like her, at least. People who have kids to raise, jobs and relationships to worry about; who don't have time to follow every bit of bullshit that goes through Washington; real people. The sort of people who can get by in life, but just wish things could be a little easier. That's why I want Julie on Hopewell's board so badly; she's the only one of us who has any real perspective on what's normal."
  • Jack: On Julie Young: What about Mrs. Redford? -Cough- Ah I mean Um Sh*t "No.. ah No further information is available at this time. Ah yeah... thanks."
  • Arthur: Julie is a bit confusing for me. After my visit to the future I find myself retroactively falling for her. She has a lot going for her. She's strong independant and loyal. If only that loyalty could be steered away from that asshole Daniel, who does not deserve it. She has done as much as she can for her kids, but she is going to need help soon. I just need to let her make the decision herself.
  • Mandy: On Julie Young and her family: Julie's been through the sh!t and still is going strong. I hope to see her and Arthur figure things out and she can leave that bastard Daniel. As for her kids, Maggie's in enemy hands, and I want to change that and Alex is with his mother, thanks in no small part to me. She's good people and it's not fair what has been happening to her. If I had anything to do about it, after we resque Zaida, we need to turn our attentions to Maggie."

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