Zir is a character played by neonchameleon in Xaos's Eberron PBP game "The Path To Xoriat" on RPG.net.
Zir, "Cleric of the Sovreign Host"
- Changeling Rogue 4/Barbarian 1/Chameleon 1
- Height: 5'8"
- Hair: Mousey Brown
- Eyes:Grey
- Build: Lean, androgenous, unremarkable
- Skin: Tanned, weatherbeaten.
- Deity: The Sovreign Host + The Traveller - emphasis on Aureon, Olladra, and The Traveller
- Alignment CG
- Str: 10
- Dex: 16
- Con: 12
- Int: 18
- Wis: 14
- Cha: 9
- Move: 40ft
- BAB: +4
- HP: 4d6 + d12 + d8 + 6 = 50
- AC: 19 (Flat footed 15, touch 13)
- Fort: +4 (Normally +6)
- Ref: +6 (Evasion)
- Will: +3 (Normally +5)
- (Shadow Hands) Ranged Touch AB: +7 Damage: 5d6 1/Encounter
- +1 Rapier AB: +8/18-20 Damage: d6+1
- +1 Composite Longbow AB: +8
- Sneak Attack +2d6
- Sap AB +7 Damage:d6s
- Dagger AB +7 Damage: d4/19-20
Weapon + Armour proficiencies:
- All Martial Weapons
- Hand Crossbow
- Light + Medium Armour
- Shields (Not Tower)
- Weapon Finesse
- Able Learner (RoD 150)
- Investigate (Eb 55)
Racial Features:
- +2 save vs sleep and charm
- +2 on Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive
- Natural Linguist (Speak Language as class skill)
- Minor Change Shape
Class Features:
- Sneak Attack +2d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Uncanny Dodge
- +1 to knowledge checks (from Racial Substitution @ Rogue 3)
- +10ft Movement
- Rage: 1/day
- Aptitude Focus 1/day (defaults to Divine Focus)
Languages spoken:
- Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
Skill Tricks:
- Conceal Spellcasting
- Social Recovery
Skills: 36+58+8-4=98pts
- Bluff 9 - 1 + 2 = +10
- Sense Motive 8 + 2 + 2 = +12
- Diplomacy: 5 - 1 + 4 = +8
- Disguise: 8 - 1 + 10 = 17
- Search 7 + 4 = +11
- Disable Device 8 + 4 = +12
- Hide 6 + 3 = +9
- Move Silently 7 + 3 = +10
- Spot 8 + 2 = +10
- Listen 6 + 2 = +8
- Sleight of Hand 7 + 3 = +9
- Tumble 9 + 3 + 2 = +14
- Jump: 5 + 3 + 2 = +10
- Spellcraft: 4 + 4 = 8
- Knowledge: Religion : 1 + 4 + 1 = +6 (normally +8)
Normal spells prepared:
- Cure serious wounds
- 2* Cure Light Wounds
- Bless
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Read Magic
- Resistance
- Light
- Heyward's Handy Haversack (2000)
- Vesment of Many Styles (500) (RoE 174)
- +1 Mithral Shirt (2100)
- Mithral Buckler (1015)
- +1 Composite Longbow (2100)
- +1 Rapier (2020)
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750)
- Goggles of Minute Seeing (1250) (10735)
- Novice Shadow Hands (3000) (13735)
- Everburning Grey Ioun Stone 50 (13785) (Normally stored in box with removable sides
- Quiver, 20 Cold Iron arrows
- Quiver, 15 Silversheen arrows, 5 Adamant arrows
- Masterwork thieves tools
- Sap
- 3 concealed daggers (1 cold iron, 1 alchemical silver)
- Belt Pouch
- 2 waterskins
- Silver symbol of the Sovreign Host
- Wooden symbol of the Traveller
- Spellbook (blank)
- Spell component pouch (on belt)
- Soap
- Ink, pen, parchment
- Tent
- 10 days trail rations
- Bedroll
- Travelling money
History (Zir - current identity)
Zir is a weatherbeaten cleric of the Sovreign Host, and lush. By his own admission, he was consecrated as a cleric of the Sovreign Host by paying one who was deep in debt to do so.
History (Zir - real)
Zir is a young changeling who has always had the belief that everyone should have the right to improve themselves and that people should help others to do so. This caused him to be seduced into Mimic Mansion without taking full account of the slightly sinister agenda of the founders. Fortunately, the mansion isn't in the habit of deliberately turning recruits against them and so hasn't given him anything he'd be completely disgusted by as a task.