Mano a Mano:Character CP

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Character CP

Total CP
A character's total CP value is the sum of the character's template CP and character CP.
Template CP
The CP of the character's template is usually copied with the template, but can also be calculated by adding up the character's template ability CP, template health CP, template speed CP, template agility CP, template power CP, and template natural weapon CP, template dexterity CP and template natural armor CP. (See Game Design/Templates/Template CP.)
Missing Limbs
If the character is missing limbs described in their original template, update or recalculate their template CP.
Character CP
Character CP is the sum of character reach CP, character agility CP, character health CP, character power CP, and character ability CP.
Reach CP
Each natural weapon longer or shorter than the template reach has a character reach and character reach CP. Every meter of reach is worth 200 CP, every tenth of a meter of reach is worth 20 CP, and every centimeter of reach is worth 2 CP. For example if the template reach of a weapon is 1.5 m and the character reach is 1.8 m (0.3 m longer) then the character reach CP is 60.
Agility CP
Character agility CP is based on the character's agility modifier.
Agility -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
CP -1200 -600 -200 0 200 600 1200
Health CP
Each point of health is worth 200 CP. For example a tiny, feeble character has a -7 character health modifier, and -1400 character health CP.
Power CP
Character power CP is based on the character's power modifier.
Power -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
CP -2000 -1200 -600 -200 0 200 600 1200 2000
Ability CP
A character's ability level has the same CP value as a template's ability modifier. The template's ability modifiers are already included in the template CP, so a character's ability CP is based on the character's ability levels, and not on the character's ability modifiers. For example, if a Character has a +6 modifier in Stealth ability and his Template has +4 Stealth, then he has 2 levels of Stealth, which is worth 300 CP. If a character has a -3 Nearsighted modifier and their template does not have this disability, then he has 3 levels of Nearsighted, which is worth -600 CP.
CP Disability
-1000 -4
-600 -3
-300 -2
-100 -1
CP Ability
100 1
300 2
600 3
1000 4
1500 5
2100 6
2800 7
3600 8