Avengers 1888 - Claim Your PCs

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This is a spot on the wiki to name your "top 3" Avengers that you'd potentially like to play. Go ahead and list any Avenger you want as long as they are NOT in the #1 position for any other player. If a player has the same Avenger in slots 2-3, we can work out who will play them when appropriate. I've catalogued the Avengers PCs at current that have been mentioned.

Make any notes you like about how you plan to play the character or background, etc...

Kevin's Avengers

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I have more than three... sue me...  :)

  1. the Hulk
  2. Sentry
  3. Moondragon
  1. Tigra
  2. Starfox
  3. Pulsar (Photon, Captain Marvel)
  4. Pym (Ant Man, Giant Man, Yellowjacket)
  5. USAgent
  6. Crystal
  7. Iron Fist

Eric's Avengers

  1. Vision
  2. Beast
  3. Black Widow

Devin's Avengers

  1. Captain America
  2. Iron Man
  3. FIRESTAR. . . wow, can I scrape the bottom of the barrel or what?

John's Avengers

  1. the Wasp
  2. ???
  3. ???

Jefferson's Avengers

  1. Dr. Strange
  2. Swordman
  3. Ares

Scott's Avengers

  1. Thor
  2. ???
  3. ???

Karl's Avengers

  1. Spider-Man
  2. Wonderman
  3. Wolverine

Dan's Avengers

  1. Black Panther
  2. Moon Knight
  3. Namor
  4. Hawkeye aka Bush Ranger

Steve's Avengers

  1. Quicksilver
  2. ???
  3. ???