Armand d'Tharashk
Armand d'Tharashk is a character played by WombleHunter in John Galt's Eberron PbP game on
- Armand d'Tharashk (played by WombleHunter)
- Lawful Neutral Male Human Artificer 3 Picture: WotC Rules Compendium Art Gallery
Ability | Score | Modifier | Cost |
Strength | 10 | +0 | 2 pts. |
Dexterity | 14 | +2 | 6 pts. |
Constitution | 12 | +1 | 4 pts. |
Intelligence | 16 | +3 | 10 pts. |
Wisdom | 8 | -1 | 0 pts. |
Charisma | 16 | +3 | 10 pts. |
- Hit Points: 17
- Initiative: +2
- Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
- AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armour)
- Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
- Base Attack Bonus: +2
- Action Points: 6 (+1d8)
- Club: +2 to hit, damage 1d6 (bludgeoning)
- Light crossbow: +4 ranged 80' to hit, damage 1d8 (piercing), critical 19-20/x2
Skill | Ranks | Ability | Modifier | Misc | Total |
Craft (metalworking) | 6 | Int | +3 | - | +9 |
Craft (construction) | 6 | Int | +3 | - | +9 |
Concentration | 6 | Con | +1 | - | +7 |
Spellcraft | 6 | Int | +3 | - | +9 |
Use Magic Device | 6 | Cha | +3 | - | +91 |
Search | 6 | Int | +3 | - | +9 |
Disable Device | 6 | Int | +3 | - | +92 |
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) | 6 | Int | +3 | - | +9 |
1 +13 to activate scrolls, +11 to activate Wondrous Items
2 +11 to find secret doors or hidden compartments
Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Giant
1 Scribe Scroll(B), Favoured in House Tharashk(B), Investigate
2 Brew Potion(B)
3 Craft Wondrous Item(B), Action Boost
Class Features
- Artificer Knowledge +6
- Artisan Bonus (Scrolls, Wondrous Items)
- Disable Trap
- Item Creation
- Craft Reserve (60)
- Infusions (CL3, 4/2 per day)
- Chain Shirt1 (34gp, 25lb)
- Club (0gp, 3lb)
- Light Crossbow1 (12gp, 4lb)
- 10 bolts (1gp, 1lb)
- Backpack (2gp, 2lb)
- Artificers' (Thieves') Tools (30gp, 1lb)
- Scrolls1 (250gp, 0lb)
- 2x Comprehend Languages
- Endure Elements
- Floating Disk
- Unseen Servant
- Hold Portal
- Mage Armour
- Shield
- Charm Animal2
- Goodberry2
- Jump
- Enlarge Person
- Reduce Person
- Shocking Grasp
- Burning Hands
- Silent Image
- Sleep
- Mount
- Magic Stone2
- 2x Message
2 Divine spell; all others arcane
- Potions and oils1 (500gp, 0lb)
- Oil of Repair Light Damage
- 3x Shield of Faith2
- 2x Oil of Shillelagh2
- 2x Protection from Evil
- Enlarge Person
- Reduce Person
- 10x Cure Light Wounds
71 gp (36 lb.)
1 Self-crafted
Total weight carried: 36 (light encumbrance)