GURPS Weapons 19

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Weapons of World War II

Weapons of Japan

Guns (Pistol)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 Koshikawa Baby Nambu (7mm Nambu) 2d pi- 1 130/1600 1.6/0.2 3 7+1(3) 7 -1 2 $60 3 [2]
6 Meiji 26 Nen Ken Ju Revolver (9mm Nambu 26) 2d-1 pi 2 120/1600 2.2/0.2 3 6(3i) 8 -2 2 $20 3 [2]
6 Nambu 14 Shiki (8mm Nambu) 2d pi 1 130/1600 2.2/0.2 3 8+1(3) 9 -2 2 $15 3 [1, 2]
6 Nambu 94 Shiki (8mm Nambu) 2d pi 0 130/1600 1.6/0.2 3 6+1(3) 9 -2 2 $5 3 [1, 3]
6 1904 Nambu (8mm Nambu) 2d pi 1 130/1600 2.1/0.2 3 8+1(3) 9 -2 2 $15 3 [1, 2]

Guns (SMG)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 Kokura 100 Shiki Kikantanjuu (8mm Nambu) 2d+1 pi 3 140/1600 8.5/1.1 8! 30(3) 9† -4 2 $45 2 [1]
6 Kokura 100 Shiki Kikantanjuu (1944 Version) (8mm Nambu) 2d+1 pi 3 140/1600 9.7/1.1 13! 30(3) 9† -4 2 $45 2

Guns (Rifle)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 Arisaka 38 Shiki Rifle (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 4 600/3000 9.1/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -5 4 $30 3 [1]
6 Arisaka 38 Shiki Carbine (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 4 375/2300 7.6/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -4 4 $30 3 [4]
6 Arisaka 44 Shiki Carbine (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 4 375/2300 9.2/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -4 4 $30 3 [5]
6 Arisaka 97 Shiki Rifle (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 4+1 600/3000 11.5/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -5 4 $30 3
6 Arisaka 99 Shiki Rifle (7.7x58mm Arisaka) 6d+2 pi 5 1000/3900 9.1/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -5 4 $30 3 [1]
6 Arisaka 99 Shiki Short Rifle (7.7x58mm Arisaka) 6d pi 5 750/3000 8.6/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -5 4 $30 3
6 Arisaka 2 Shiki Take-Down Rifle (7.7x58mm Arisaka) 6d pi 5 750/3000 8.9/0.3 1 5+1(3) 10† -5 4 $30 3

Guns (AT Rifle)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 Kokura 97 Shiki (20x124mm Type 97) 6dx3(2) pi++ 6 1400/6000 114/11 6 7+1(3) 12B† -8 5 $375 1 [1]

Guns (LMG)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 Nambu 11 Shiki (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 3 600/3000 20/1.5 8! 30(3) 12B† -6 4 $100 2 [1, 6]
Spare Barrel 6 $30
6 Nambu 91 Shiki (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 3 600/3000 27/2.5 8! 30(3) 12B† -7 4 $125 2 [1, 6]
Spare Barrel 6 $30
6 Nambu 96 Shiki (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 3 600/3000 21.5/1.5 8! 30(3) 12B† -6 4 $125 2 [1, 6]
Spare Barrel 6 $30
6 Nambu 99 Shiki (7.7x58mm Arisaka) 6d+2 pi 4 1000/3900 26.2/3 13! 30(3) 13B† -6 4 $125 2 [1]
Spare Barrel 6.3 $30

Gunner (Machinegun)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 Koishikawa 3 Shiki (6.5x51mmSR) 6d pi 7 600/3000 63.5/1.5 8! 30(5) 11M† -6 2 $300 1 [6]
6 Nambu 1 Shiki (7.7x58mm Arisaka) 6d+2 pi 7 1000/3900 45/3 8! 30(5) 12M† -6 2 $400 1
Tripod 25 $50
Spare Barrel 6 $40
6 Nambu 92 Shiki (7.7x58mmSR Type 92) 6d+2 pi 7 1000/3900 60/3 8! 30(5) 12M† -6 2 $400 1
Tripod 62 $50
Spare Barrel 6 $40
6 Nambu 92 Shiki (7.7x58mm Arisaka) 6d+2 pi 7 1000/3900 60/3 8! 30(5) 12M† -6 2 $400 1
Tripod 62 $50
Spare Barrel 6 $40
6 Nambu 93 Shiki (13.2x99mm Hotchkiss) 12d pi+ 7 1300/5000 90.7/8 7! 30(5) 20M† -8 2 $950 1
Tripod 130.3 $50
6 Nambu 97 Shiki (7.7x58mmSR Type 92) 6d+2 pi 6+1 1000/3900 27/3 8! 30(3) 12M† -6 2 $225 1
Spare Barrel 6.6 $30

Liquid Projector (Flamethrower)

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6 100 Shiki 3d Burn - 30 55 1 10 10† -8 - $200 1 [1]


  1. Page W94-98.
  2. Malf 16.
  3. Malf 15.
  4. Folding Stock.
  5. Built in Bayonet.
  6. Must lubricate cartridges or Malf 16.

Hand Grenades and Incendiaries (Throwing)

TL Weapon Damage Weight Fuse Cost LC Notes
6 91 Shiki 4d cr ex[2d] 1.2 8 $10 1 [1, 2]


  1. Takes one Ready maneuver to draw the grenade and a second Ready maneuver to pull the pin. Detonates as indicated by the fuse, depending on grenade type.
  2. Page W98.

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