The Complex
3-5 The Complex
The Complex Introduction
Welcome to THE COMPLEX campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a play-by-chat tabletop GURPS role-playing game to run my own campaign, labeled THE COMPLEX, which takes place a few years after World War III. THE COMPLEX is run using the 4th edition GURPS system. The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about the game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
Basic Campaign Data
The campaign The Complex is designed for 3 to 5 characters. It is essentially a Treasure Hunting game taking place in a Post World War III California. For ease of character creation, some templates are provided as well as a campaign summarization sheet. Important NPCs, locations, and some maps will also be provided.
- PCs start with 50 character points, may take up to -30 points in disadvantages, and may take further -5 in quirks. Quirks do not count towards disadvantage total.
- PCs may not take any magical abilities, but are allowed to buy very minor mutations. Psychic powers are possible, but are not powerful and usually not reliable. Mind reading is not allowed, but Empathy as an ESP ability is allowed. Telekinesis is allowed, but cannot grant total damage higher than 1d-2. The advantage Gadgeteer 1 is allowed, but no further levels.
- PCs start with $2000 base wealth. Maximum wealth level is Comfortable, no minimum. Signature Gear is a valid advantage.
- PCs start with Status +0 (Wanderer) and very limited, if any, Reputation.
- PCs can start with TL 0 to TL 7. Starting with a lower TL does not count against point total.
- All characters must take the template Wasteland Inhabitant [7] or Wasteland's Victim [-5]; see templates below for details.
- Enemies are limited to -10 points, Allies have few restrictions.
Using the CAMPAIGN PLANNING FORM, a free resource from Steve Jackson Games, with some minor editing:
GM: Lonewulf/Daemonus Lupus Date: January 06, 2008
- Campaign Name: The Complex
- Starting year: 2008
- Rate game time passes: Travel time will be glossed over except for important parts.
- Genre: Post Apocalypse Survival/Treasure Hunt
- Realistic or cinematic?: Realistic, with Cinematic Mutations and Cinematic Tech Levels and Bioengineering
- Multiple planes of existence?: No
- General theme of campaign: Fight to survive and make something of yourself. Discover the treasure.
Campaign Background
- Campaign's base nation: Western california
- Society/Government type: Anarchy/depends on city
- Control Rating: 0
- Exceptions to general CR: 1 to 3, depending on cities/towns.
- Tech Level: 7 base Exceptions to general TL: TL 8 to 9 also exists in very rare tucked away locations; TL 0-6 exists in some places with no local technology or infrastructure. NOTE: Lower TL levels do NOT count towards character total as a disadvantage.
- Suggested or required reading/books for characters: At the very least, GURPS Lite or GURPS Basic Set: Characters. For theme -- Watch Mad Max: Road Warrior or Mad Max: Thunderdome. Play any game in the Fallout series, including Wasteland. Any other game that takes place after a nuclear war is suggested material.
The Complex Background
The Complex is set in the near future on an alternate Earth. In the year 2008, great advances in science unlike any in our Earth had been made, especially in the fields of bioengineering, weaponry, and armor. However, things being what they were and for various reasons, all the nations of the earth fell into a total collapse after a nuclear holocaust. The reasons why are unknown amongst the average survivor; all they know is, they must survive in the aftermath. Humanity in the year 2015 is now scattered throughout the Earth, in either enclaves like Machine City, under the rule of a tyrant, or like the Californian Tribes, various primitives that have forgotten (and sometimes disdain) the advanced technology of their forebears.
Life is eked out into a matter of survival, but also the dream of success. Bartering and wealth creates a market for prized commodities, and the goal of any survivor worth his salt is to one day strike gold; to rise up and no longer worry about such petty things as continuous survival. However, in order to accomplish this dream, the wasteland survivor must survive through harrowing ordeals and experiences, until eventually they either overcome or fall.
The Complex Templates
First, characters must buy one of two templates:
Wasteland Inhabitant [7]: Survival/Radioactive Wasteland (A) @ IQ [2], Radiation Resistant/PF 2 [5]
Wasteland's Victim [-5]: Social Stigma/Ignorant [-5]
You are either part of the wasteland, or you are it's victim; and victims are never trusted for anything important in the wastes; which essentially means they're not trusted for anything. Those that are ignorant to the effects of radiation are either entirely radiation resistant, or have never stepped out into the wasteland before; most PCs would be Inhabitants.
Second, characters may take (and modify) any of the following occupation templates:
Doctor: The wandering (or stand-still) healer, spreading his services to any of those that require his aid. Doctors are uncommon in the post apocalypse, and good supplies can be hard to come by. Highest Attribute tends to be IQ, Primary skills Diagnosis/Human/TL 7 @ IQ [4], First Aid/Human/TL 7 @ IQ+2 [3]*, Guns/Pistol/TL 7 @ DX [1], Physician/Human/TL 7 @ IQ [4], Physiology/TL 7 @ IQ [4], Surgery/TL 7 @ IQ [8]
Total: 24 points
- Defaulted from Physician
Merchant: When you need something, the Merchant knows how to get it. This man knows how to deal with people and can tell you what goods are useful or not. Highest Attribute IQ, Charisma, Voice, and influence-related advantages suggested. Acting @ IQ [2], Merchant/IQ+2 [8]*, Fast Talk@IQ+1 [4], Diplomacy@IQ [4], Streetwise@IQ [2]
Total: 20 points
- Note: +1 to Reaction rolls at any level for buying/selling, +2 to reaction rolls if at level 20
Mr. Fixit: The expert on mechanics, machinery, and tools-making. Good for maintenance of your equipment, and good for reviving that bit of lost tech that you just found. Highest attribute IQ, levels of High Manual Dexterity help. Skills Armoury/Body Armor/TL 7 @ IQ [2], Armoury/Small Arms/TL 7 @ IQ+1 [4], Electrician @ IQ [2], Electronics Ops/Communications @ IQ [2], Electronics Repair/Communications @ IQ [2], Mechanic/Diesel Engine @ IQ [2], Machinist @ IQ+1 [4], Scrounging @ IQ+1 [2]
Total: 20 points
Scavenger: All that's important to the Scavenger is to find items that are useful, whether for personal use or for selling. Of course, being able to actually fix what he gets doesn't hurt. Scavenging is often dangerous work, and you never know what might reside in old ruins... Highest Attribute Perception; Skills: Scrounge @ Per+2 [4], Search @ Per+2 [8], Armoury/Small Arms @ IQ [2], Guns/Pistol @ DX [1], Guns/Pistol @ DX [1], Guns/Rifle @ DX [1], Merchant @ IQ [2], Stealth @ DX [2]
Total: 21 points
Sniper/Look-Out: The eagle-eye of the group, as well as being the best at shooting what he aims at. Prefers to use long-range weapons over short-range, and can be a lifesaver to a group of fighters in the wilderness. Highest attribute Perception, suggested you buy a level or two in Acute Sense (Vision). Primary skills Camouflage @ IQ+2 [4], Guns/Rifle/TL 7 @ DX+4 [12], Stealth @ DX+1 [4], Tactics @ IQ-1 [2]
Total: 22 points
Hired Gun: The man you hire if you need a gun, whether it's a hitman, a guard, or a poor man's soldier. Is adept at any task involving a good gun or a knife. Hired Guns are very common in the Wasteland, but finding a good one is the hardest trick. Highest Attribute DX, suggested you buy Combat Reflexes or High Pain Threshold. Primary Skills: First Aid/TL 7 @ IQ [1], Guns/Rifle/TL 7 or Guns/Shotgun/TL 7 @ DX+2 [4], Guns/Pistol @ DX+2 [3]*, Guns/SMGs @ DX+2 [3]*, Brawling @ DX+2 [4]**, Knife @ DX+2 [4], Streetwise @ IQ [2] OR Survival/Any @ IQ [2], Tactics @ IQ-1 [2]
Total: 23 points
- Defaulted from Guns/Rifle or Guns/Shotgun. Guns skills default from one another at -2.
- Note: +1 per die to Thrust/Swing ST-based damage.
Wasteland Scout: The Wasteland Scout is the survivor of the wasteland. He makes his light tracks in the Wastes, and can find other's tracks if need be. Highest Attributes HT and Perception. Skills: Area Knowledge (Wasteland or another area) @ IQ+1 [2], Climbing @ DX [2], First Aid @ IQ [1], Hiking @ HT [2], Knife @ DX [1], Naturalist @ IQ [4], Survival/Any @ Per+1 [4], Survival/Radioactive @ Per+1 [4]*, Rifle @ DX+1 [2], Pistol/ TL 7 @ DX [1], Stealth @ DX [2], Swimming @ HT [1], Tracking @ Per [2]
Total: 28 points
- Replaces "Wasteland Inhabitant"'s skill bonus
Savage Warrior: The Savage Warrior is a blast to the past; someone that has grown in the Tribes of California, and has no real access to modern technology. Their knowledge is rather primitive, and although they can learn to use modern weaponry quickly (at least, as far as pointing and shooting), they cannot learn any technical or advanced skills past their TL. Note: Savage Warriors are severely disadvantaged through their low TL, but the points they gain as a disadvantage *DOES NOT* count against point total for disadvantages. This means that the Savage Warrior has more points than almost any other template, but is also completely ignorant as to the most basics of technology. The Savage Warrior specializes in hunting and tracking enemies; he is a more combat-specialized version of the Wasteland Scout. TL 1 [-30], Social Stigma/Ignorant [-5] unless in a Tribes-only adventure, Can only be bought off if they take a higher TL. Also doesn't count against disadvantage point total. Illiterate [-3] is also suggested, although is not included in template. Skills: Brawling @ DX+2 [4], Knife @ DX+2 [4], Spear @ DX+2 [8], Survival/Forest @ IQ [2] or Survival/Desert @ IQ [2], Throwing Weapon/Spear @ DX+2 [4] OR Archery @ DX+1 [4], Tracking @ IQ [2]
Total (with disadvantages): -9
Equipment Prices and Resources
Money in the wasteland does not exist, except for some towns and cities that print their own currency. However, almost all actual trading is done using the Barter system. Thus, GURPS $ is equivalent to it's price in barterable goods (usually light jewelry or the like). Still, most measure the "worth" of goods in "bucks", but that is more for ease of transaction than because "bucks" are a form of currency.
Most "long term" items in the book (items meant to last for years if taken care of properly) go by the same price as in the GURPS manuals. However, items that are disposable, 1-use, or used quickly, cost X5 their normal price; this includes most medical supplies such as Medkits. The exception are items that can be manufactured by the average person; this includes almost all the "Dirty Tech" items listed in High Tech. Items that can be manufactured by the average person with some simple skills (such as Armoury) and without a professional factory go by normal price.
First, check the links below to a GURPS Fallout fan site, for the various firearms that are available.
Second, look below for some "Dirty Tech" or useful items (for details, PM GM or look up their entries in GURPS High Tech). Note that if you have the requisite skills to create any of these materials, you may halve their price if your skill is 12 or higher. "Dirty Tech" is bought at listed price, and is not subjected to the X5 price for disposable items rule if the average person with simple skills may create them.
Dirty Explosives
- Hand Grenade Booby Troop: Soldier OR Traps
- Home-Made Fuse for explosives: Explosives (Demolition)
- Home-Made Black Powder (Mealed powder or Serpentine): $4 a pound -- Skills used: Explosives (Demolition) OR Explosives (Fireworks) OR Chemistry
- Home-Made Plastic Explosives: $100 -- Skills used: Chemistry OR Explosives (Demolition)
- Home-Made ANFO: $4 a pound. -- Skills used: Chemistry OR Explosives (Demolitions)
- Jam-Tin (Improvised) Grenade (TL 6): Cost depends on materialsX2 -- Skills used: Explosives (Demolition)
- Molotov Cocktail: Cost as for gasoline or diesel fuel used -- Skills used: NONE
Dirty Firearms
- Zip Gun (Single shot .22 pistol): $50 -- Skills used: Armoury (Small Arms) OR Machinist
Dirty Body Armor
- Paper Armor (DR 3): $20 -- Skills used: Armoury (Body Armor)
- Plastic Improvised Armor (DR 3): $50 -- Skills used: Armoury (Body Armor)
- Various other armor designs: Armoury (Body Armor) -- contact GM for examples or details.
Third, these are items that any survivalist with any sense will be interested in:
- Camouflage, Average Quality (TL 6): Normal clothing cost
- Camouflage, Good Quality (TL 7): +100% clothing cost
- Compass (TL 5): $125
- Diesel Fuel: $50 a gallon -- Gasoline is not as popular as diesel in the Wasteland.
- Geiger Counter (TL 6): $800
- Radiation Badge (TL 7): $25 per badge -- Measures how high a dosage of radiation it's been exposed to.
- Survival Kit, Covert (TL 7): $500 -- Includes Compass, empty 1-quart plastic water bag, fishing kits, matches, micro-flashlight, multi-function knife, notebook, sewing kit, signal mirror, snare, water purification tablets.
- Survival Vest, Pilot's (TL 7): $1,250 -- Includes lighter, compass, emergency blanket, empty 1-quart plastic water bag, fishing kit, insect repellant, magnifying glass, matches, multi-function knife, pen flare, signal mirror, small first aid kit, snares, strobe marker, sunscreen, water purification tablets, and a whistle.
- Water: $5 per pint, $40 per gallon -- To find water in the wild requires both a Survival roll for your terrain (such as Woodlands), and another roll at Survival/Radioactive (+2 with Geiger Counter)
[1] -- Fallout site for GURPS (categories in French, tables in English). Includes very good equipment lists in 3rd edition; PM me for conversions of your favorite gear.