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PL:10 (PP: 150)

Alternate Identity: Anne Signmond; Enna Sigmond

Identity: Secret

Occupation: Scientist, Sometime Heroine

Base of Operations: Port City

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 143

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Age: 25


Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 12 (+1) Constitution 10 (+0) Intelligence 22 (+6) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 16 (+3)

Saving Throws

Toughness +6 (Defensive Roll 6) Fortitude +5 (Base +5) Reflex 10 (Dex +1, Base +9) Will +8 (Wis +1, Base +7)

Defense +10 (Base +10) Attack +8 (Attack/Damage Trade-off)

Initiative +1


Blast (Fire) 12

AP Fire Control 12, Stun (Heat, Burst) 6

Flight (50 mph) 3

Immunity (Fire) 5

Mind Shield 10


Attractive 1, Defensive Roll 6, Equipment 4 (Motorcycle, Pontiac Firebird), Inventor, Rage


Craft (Chemical) 10 Knowledge (Life Science) 10


Anne Sigmond started her life as a normal happy (and very intelligent) child. That all ended the day she watched her parents burn to death. The cause of the fire was never determined, but arson was suspected. After that traumatizing night, Anne moved in with her grandmother. Grandma Sigmond was more then happy to take her in, but noticed that Anne seamed a Sometimes she would be confident and outgoing and the next moment become nervous and reclusive. Her grandmother was worried about the amount of time Anne spent by herself, but figured that no child that did as well as she did in school could be all that strange. Even if she was terribly afraid of fire. But considering what she saw happen to her parents, who could blame her?

Anne's life changed forever when her mutant abilities manifested as a teenager. Walking home late at night she was jumped by a group of would be muggers. Instinctively she used her powers to send them packing. Unfortunately for Anne she was pyrokinetic. As the flames exploded from Anne's hands, fear shattered her mind. Maybe she killed her parents? What if she did it again? All Anne remembered from that night was a sudden wave of guilt, and waking up sweating in her bed. Writing it off a bad dream Anne never thought about it again. Enna Sigmond remembers it as her birthday. Enna knew what she was shortly after the fight ended, a delusion of a broken mind. She decided to roll with it. For the first few years Enna could only subtly try to guide Anne's actions. A benevolent insanity, she tried to get Anne to move on from her parents death, open up, and live her life. It worked to an extent.

Perhaps subconsciously realizing what she was (and prodding from Enna), Anne became an expert in super-human biology. Brilliant she landed a research job with the Millennium Group but quickly faded to the background as others took credit for her work. Seeing that she needed to take a more active role in Anne's life, Enna learned to take control of Anne's body when needed and can even talk to Anne (who sees Enna as just another person). As far as Anne is concerned the two share an apartment, and doesn't seem to notice the odd looks she gets when the "two" of them talk in public.

Firebird made her first appearance, when Anne's grandmother was held hostage at a bank. Taking control of Anne, Enna rushed in to beat the thugs but didn't get out in time to beat the press. Anne was thankful for the heroine that saved the last of her family, and Enna loved the feeling of helping people. Ever since Enna has protected the city as Firebird. Strangely enough, since Firebird appeared Anne has been feeling more confident. To Enna's surprise (and delight), Anne is (very) cautiously trying to see if there is a possibility of a relationship with Eriq Godrick (secretly Devil of Dockside, The).


Anne is brilliant and kind. But afraid to stick up for herself, fearful she might say or do something that will cause problems. She wants to be noticed, to have fun, and do important things but is to afraid to do anything about them. She idolized Enna, seeing her as a role-model and mentor. Anne has been making progress, but is becoming worried about the blank spaces in her memory (when Enna is in control). She is beginning to suspect that Enna is Firebird, and admires her all the more for it. Anne still has no idea that she and Enna are the same person.

Enna is everything Anne wants to be. Confident, outgoing, and a hero. She is very protective of Anne, and isn't above using her powers to get back at those who would hurt her. She'd never kill anyone, but more then one person has ended up with the tires on their car melted. Enna's goal is to try to heal Anne's broken mind, even though it would mean her own death. She's always trying to get Anne to go out, although she is running out of excuses as to why Enna can't go to the clubs with her.


Anne tends to dress in baggy clothes, with her hair in a rough bun, and glasses looking very much the image of a busy scientist.

Enna often wears stylish jeans, tight T-shirt, and is often turning heads. Her hair is down, and she wears contacts. As Firebird her attire doesn't change all that much, she just throws on sunglasses because the traditional tights "look ridiculous". Despite her vocal opinion on super-heroic fashion she is considering a more traditional costume.