Mano a Mano:Character CP
Character CP
- Total CP
- A character's total CP value is the sum of the character's template CP and character CP. Total CP must not be greater than your Character Point allowance. (See Game Design/Templates/Template CP.)
- Character CP
- Character CP is the sum of the character's extra ability CP, extra health CP, extra power CP, extra agility CP, extra speed CP, and extra reach CP. (See Character Creation/Build and Character Creation/Character Abilities.)
- Maimed Characters
- A character who has lost (or never had) the use of a limb may have lame disability, missing natural weapons or reduced natural weapon quantity or dexterity. Typically, players need the GM's permission to create characters with missing or disabled limbs. If the character's natural weapons are different from their original template, recalculate their template CP. (See Game Design/Players and Characters, Game Design/Abilities/Disabilities and Game Design/Templates/Template CP.)