Lotus and Allium:Mystery

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Mary Jeanette Kelly, Power of Mystery

Aspect 0 (5 MPs)
Domain 4 (5 MPs)
Realm 2 (5 MPs)
Spirit 1 (5 MPs)

Extra-sensory Perception* (1), Durant (1), Immutable (1), Limited Shapeshifting* (1)

(ESP: Aspect is considered one level higher for the purposes of her five senses and intuition only.)

(Limited Shapeshifting: Mary can become a ghost or take on the physical appearance of any human woman who has died after Mary’s humanity perished. She may choose to look like that woman’s living form or appear with the wounds of death apparent. For example, when appearing in the form of a woman who was decapitated, she can appear as that woman whole, as that woman with her head stitched on by the mortuary's assistant or Mary can choose to be a headless woman and carry the head in a basket. No matter what the form, Mary does not breath, her blood does not truly flow and her heart does not beat.)

Revenant Inhabitants: Mystery is disliked by some of the populace of the Chancel. These are the victims of Redjac. This is not a limit as they are few in number and not the entire population of the Chancel so it only applies on those occasions wherein they can cause her some discomfort.

The Three Truths: If someone can name three truths about Mystery to her face, they are protected from her directly affecting them. They gain an effect of having an increase in Auctoritas for every three truths they can speak and it will last for a month for every point of Spirit they posses, or a month in the case of a human. The conditions are; they have to speak it aloud to her. It is not enough to just know these things, they must inform Mary that they know these things. MP generated at the moment the third truth is spoken. Should that person wish to renew the protection, they must speak three different truths. The truths must also be true for the entity speaking them. “You are beautiful” spoken from someone who does not in fact find Mary esthetically pleasing due to cultural differences or whatever gains nothing. Further note, nothing says Mary must stand still and let the truths be spoken. Provided she is not restrained, she can choose to leave but as her hearing is rather good, she might instead attempt to silence the speaker before the third truth is spoken. It is for the HG to decide who knows of this flaw and who does not know about it.

Revenant Anchor Bond: This has a different effect, depending on what her current Victim-Anchor is. I'm not bothering to name each victim and the HG is of course free to inflict a new one on Mary as is seen to be fit. The current 'Bond' is Stigmata. Mary at times bleeds from the palms, feet and her side. Bloody scars mar her forehead and a whip will crack and scar her back with the marks of thirty lashes. I do envision this as manifesting painfully sometimes. If you've seen the movie "Stigmata" then you have an idea of what I mean. They occur (and give the MP) as the Chancel inhabitants that really hate Mystery focus their hatred at her. And they occur (not granting an MP) as I find a reason to write it as such, leaving bloody footprints on the carpet or bloody smears when I find it artistically suited for what I am writing.

The Code of the Mystery
1. Never reveal everything, never explain yourself fully.
2. Nothing that is easy is of worth; no gift is without price.
3. No enigma is without clue, no cipher is without key, and no puzzle is without solution.

Foxglove and Wormwood are the chosen emblems of Mystery's Estate. The fox is a clever animal, and chasing one requires thought and cunning added to this is the medical mystery of it’s uses as both life saving and life ending substance. Wormwood, the main ingredient in Absinthe, represents bitterness, the bitter taste of her blood in her mouth as she was enNobled. Mary drinks Absinthe often.

4 The Estate of Mystery
3 Ancient Places of Mystery
3 Missing Persons and Celebrity Deaths
2 Vastly Overpowering Conspiracies
2 Victims of Redjac
2 Mystery Books, Movies and Authors
2 Scientists and Seekers
1 Cynthia (Anchor)
1 Whitechapel

Redjac, aka Jack the Ripper: A 'Hate' Anchor, he killed Mary Kelly over a century ago, but he hasn't aged appreciably since then and has survived things that should have killed him. He is an unstoppable psychopathic killer, but he can maintain the temperament of a cultured English gentleman. Meeting him, you would never know how close you stood to death. He chooses his victims with care, and he knows that the pain of the murder he inflicts on them is in some part passed on to Mystery, so he chooses sadistic and horrific methods. His current guise is Vincent Jackson, an English stockbroker.

Cynthia Medici: The current Revenant Anchor, a college student who was majoring in philosophy with a minor in religion; Redjac stalked her for three weeks before finally brutalizing and subjecting her to crucifixion upside down. She 'recovered' and graduated, and now translates documents for the Anglican Church. She manifests stigmata rarely, only when the Chancel Revenants really concentrate on hating Mary, but with enough frequency to hate Mary as well.

Former Anchor Revenants: Mystery has a unique Anchor, which changes. When Redjac murders someone they become an Anchor for Mystery. When he murders again (a year or a decade later, depending on whim) that person displaces the current Anchor, who then becomes an inhabitant of the Chancel. These Revenants are generally pleasant to most, though they often appear as grotesque corpses or monsters depending on how long they were an Anchor and how painful and unpleasant their death at Redjac's hands had been. They tolerate, dislike or hate Mystery depending on these factors and their personalities. They are never her friends but they are members of the Chancel and will not act so as to cause harm to the Chancel or other members of the Familia.

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Imperator: Amunet
Campaign page: Lotus and Allium