Drake d'Cannith

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Name: Drake d'Cannith

Alignment/Race/Class: True Neutral. Ranger 2/Rogue 4/Artificer 3/Chameleon 4/Binder 1.

Personality Description: Drake has a refined military attitude if you meet him on the street but if a stranger pulls a good practical joke on him he will be the hardest to laugh. To his men he is kind but firm. Many successful battles have one him the respect of his men and he rarely needs to discipline them.

Appearance: Drake is nearly always dressed in a practical many pocketed shadoweave officers outfit that conceals at least three daggers and a throwing dart. He has dark blond hair, hazel eyes and light olive skin.

History: Born in Cyre but raised mainly in Sharn. Drake did okay in his studies but it soon became clear that his main obsession was hunting. His parents seeing this decided to enroll at a military academy with a focus on scouting at this he excelled come top of his class every year he was there.

It was at that time that he developed a dragonmark knowing that if he revealed it he would probably be confined to a lifetime of diplomacy or some such he concealed it for many years. When it was finally found out that he had a mark he was prepared to run away rather than face what the house had in store for him luckily Merrix offered him a different post that of of the Cyre Scout he would take special training aimed at helping him survive in the Mournlands. Once his training was finished he was sent on several missions into the Mournlands it soon became apparent that with the myriad dangers of the Mournlands he would need help. It was at this time that House Orien started looking into putting a lightning rail through Mournland. He was put in charge of a group of Orien soldiers and a Cannith wizard the house then hired a Jorasco druid to help them with healing and to provide food he lead the expedition from on a long trek from Loom Keep down past the Glowing Chasm to Metrol from their though the Glass Plateau and then on to Caer Shadowfast. An amazing tactician he managed to almost get their with the loss of only one Orien soldier at which point he encountered the Speakers of Orkus. He promptly defeated them and arrived at Caer Shadowfast.