Mano a Mano:Character Equipment
Character Equipment
- Natural Weapons and Armor
- The power of a natural weapon is the character's total power. The combat modifier (Cmb) of a natural weapon is the character's total agility modifier plus total unarmed combat ability modifier. (See Game Design/Abilities/Other Abilities.)
- Missing Limbs
- If the game allows, one or more of the character's limbs could be missing or crippled. If the missing or crippled limb is a natural weapon, reduce the weapon's quantity (Qty) by 1. If the missing or crippled limb limb is important to movement, give the character a Lame disability modifier of 1 or more.
The character usually begins with the basic equipment required by his occupation. The game or GM may give the character additional equipment or money to buy equipment. A character's modifiers when using an item are listed in the equipment section of the character sheet. These are determined by comparing the character's modifiers to the item's modifiers, and may be different from the values listed on the equipment list for that item. (See Game Design/Equipment and Character Development/Inventory Management.)