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Episode Guide

Episode 1 - The Six Hearts of Destiny
Episode 2 - With Vines of Tainted Love
Episode 3 - Allies and Enemies
Episode 4


Lovely Princess Yuki -- the first and most famous magical heroine -- has become an unstoppable villain!

For twenty years, Lovely Princess Yuki has given hope to the world and inspired many new heroes and heroines to join her crusade for love and justice. Her adventures -- the struggle against the Denizens of the Dark Dimension, her battle with the Five Emperors of Time, the war with the evil King Xenophos, and even her rumored romance with occasional partner, the handsome Silver Fox -- were the stuff of legend. Everyone knew her name and her legacy of peace.

So, it was much to the world's shock that Lovely Princess Yuki -- now calling herself Beautiful Queen Yuki -- declared over a global broadcast that the world now belonged to her. Her declaration was echoed by sudden synchronized attacks on several of the world's most prominent military authorities including the Pentagon, the British Ministry of Defense, China's Central Military Commission and even the Japanese Self-Defense Force. Even more shocking was the realization that the attacks were initiated by Denizens of the Dark Dimension under her command!

The attacks ended almost as swiftly as they had begun, leaving many injured and more than a few dead. The damage to the military structures had been minimal, but the message was clear -- Queen Yuki had declared war on the world!

It has been six months since the attacks, and there is a palpable tension in the everyday lives of people everywhere. Queen Yuki has made no further communication to the world and everyone is just waiting for the inevitable. The world's leaders are preparing for the next attack, but it is little reassurance to their citizens for everyone knows just who they face. As if the Denizen armies weren't enough, Yuki herself is renowned as the most powerful magical heroine in the world -- her magic abilities beyond compare and her fighting skills unmatched. Even with the most sophisticated military technology at their disposal, few military strategists can even begin to predict the type of destruction that Yuki is capable of unleashing on her own.

It is at this time, when the world is unsure of its future and those that it considers its heroes, that a small ray of hope has become evident to those who know how to see its light. There are handfuls of magical heroines and heroes scattered across the world, most of whom are sensitive to the natural energies of the planet in some fashion or another. Though they have rarely communicated much with each other, many have found themselves drawn to a beacon of power that has made itself more and more evident since the attacks. Initially, it was known only to those closest to it, but magical heroes even from across the ocean have recently found themselves seeking a humble high school in the Kanto region of Japan. None can really explain it, but all have been pulled to the place in some way, whether by prophetic visions, ominous dreams, mysterious messages or just good hunches. The school's significance has yet to be discovered, but all who have found it have come to the same conclusion -- somewhere in this place lies the secret to defeating Queen Yuki!

As few magical heroines actually know each other very well, no one really knows how many of them have made their way to the school. A good number of the Japanese heroines -- and even some of the foreign ones -- have transferred to the school as an excuse to be on its grounds any time. Others investigate the school in different (often stranger) methods.

Though Queen Yuki has made herself apparent as the major concern, other villains have not ceased to be a problem. Encouraged by the freedom from their most powerful nemesis, many have actually increased their dastardly exploits and still require attention from the magical heroines. Due to this, the soldiers of justice tend to bump into each other a lot more around the high school in question. Some have formed alliances. Others have become rivals. Even more interestingly, some known magical villains have cautiously decided to oppose Queen Yuki as well and can be found on or around the mysterious campus.

Questions abound and it remains to be seen who will discover the secret... and will it be in time to save the world from its former savior?


In the southwestern side of the Kanagawa prefecture sits the city of Odawara. Situated along the coast with the Hayakawa and Sakawagawa Rivers flowing through it, Odawara is known as the gateway to Mt. Fuji and is a major transportation hub for the Kanto region. While not nearly as big of a tourist hot spot as the neighboring town of Hakone, Odawara is home to more than a few attractions -- chief of them being Odawara Castle. At 114 square kilometers, Odawara comprises a fair bit of both urban and rural area. Among the local attractions are several parks, shrines and a fair number of natural hot springs. In addition, the coastal area of Enoura is popular among divers for its clear waters and abundance of undersea life.

Shiroyama High School -- the primary stomping grounds and point of concern for our characters -- sits roughly in the middle of the city, just north of the Hayakawa River. It is not the only high school in the city, but it is the oldest -- its attendance is also rather sparse in comparison for this same reason. In recent years it has tried to woo more students by refurbishing the buildings, installing newer information technology and experimenting with the curriculum, faculty and sponsored activities. Their success was minimal until this school year when the number of transfer students suddenly spiked. The board attributes this sudden boost of attendance to their renovation efforts and are none the wiser. The school is comprised of one main four-story building, a faculty building and cafeteria, an indoor gym, outdoor track and field, a courtyard and an auditorium. The exterior still sports the old traditional architecture, but the interior has been completely modernized. Like all Japanese schools, Shiroyama High follows all the requirements for standard curriculum, but it also incorporates a few non-standard classes. Club activities have also become incredibly diverse this year -- it is likely that there will be a crackdown on superfluous clubs after summer vacation. In the meantime, there are an unusual array of interesting and sometimes wacky clubs that exist. The school soccer team has always enjoyed more attention than the other sports teams as it was the school's only point of pride for the last decade or so. The school's age means it has a long history and more than a few ghost stories whispered amidst its halls. Occasionally, some odd occurrences lend further credence to these tales. The school's proximity to a very old shrine does not help at all.

The student body this year seems to be a rather diverse lot. Dozens of fresh transfer students hailing from all over the country and beyond have certainly colored the classrooms. The regular students are fascinated by their new peers, though they still don't know what to make of their... oddities.

Finally, this school year has brought one more surprise -- the retirement of the former principal and the promotion of sensei Masamura Takahiro to the post. At only thirty-four, Masamura-sensei is the youngest to have ever taken the role of principal in Odawara.

So many strange things happening at once -- surely this is an auspicious year for Shiroyama High School!

Main Cast

Beat Knight Kiyoko played by AstraKiseki

Spark Defender Excelia played by Alectai

Mystic Protector Lumina played by Silent Wayfarer

Devil Banisher Yomi played by Faustus21

Pretty Deathknight Thanasia played by ANT Pogo

Takahashi Tomi played by LilFluff