Blink PL11

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Little is known about Clarice Ferguson before her abduction by the technocratic aliens called the Phalanx, except that she awoke in a pool of blood when her powers manifested and swore never again to use her abilities against a living being. When the Phalanx entity known as Harvest arrived to torment Clarice and her fellow captive mutants, she employed her powers to precisely remove a chunk of deck under her friends, causing them to fall into the water below and saving their lives. She then displaced the entire battleship on which they were being held captive, including Harvest and herself. It is presumed Clarice died during this act.

Blink (Clarice Ferguson) Power Level:11

Ability Scores: Str 12,Dex 20,Con 12,Int 13,Wis 14,Cha 16. [27]

Base Attack Bonus: +4 [12]; Defense Bonus: +8 [16]

Skills: Acrobatics +9, Balance +9, Concentration +4, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Survival +4 and Taunt +5.[14]

Feats: Ambidexterity, Attack Finesse, Attack Focus (javelins), Dodge, Evasion, Heroic Surge, Lightning Reflexes, Move-By Attack, Suprise Strike, Talented (Acrobatics and Balance) and Two-Weapon Fighting. [22]


  • Teleportation +10 [Extras:Disintegration [Disruption], Extended Teleport, Reflection, Transference*;Power Stunts: Dimensional Travel, Turnabout, Fusillade, Penetrating Attack; Source: Mutation; Cost: 7pp] [70]


  • Javelins: Range: Normal; Damage: +2L; Flaws: Uses; Cost: 4pp]

Transference allows Blink to use her Teleportation bonus as the damage bonus instead of the javelins listed bonus. The javelin also gains the Penetrating Attack feat. 中央吸尘新风系统 杭州通诚投资公司成人用品 成人用品杭州婚庆屏蔽器 手机信号屏蔽器网站建设 杭州网络公司 网站建设虚拟主机域名注册 网站推广企业邮箱域名申请 物流电子IC 网站建设 虚拟主机 域名注册 网站推广 企业邮局癌症 vi设计 网页设计 杭州婚庆 杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持 腰带 平面设计 标志设计 手机信号屏蔽器 屏蔽器