Doc Narnian

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A character in the Project Narnia PBP TMNT game.

Whale Comms Specialist

IQ: 19
Mental Affinity: 22
Mental Endurance: 20
Physical Endurance: 24
Physical Prowess: 13
Physical Strength: 29
Physical Beauty: 11
Speed: 11

HP: 27
Size: 14 (sold down 7, for 35 pts)
SDC: 100 (50 + 40 + 14 - 4)

Mutations - Hands: Partial (5 pts)
Biped: Full (10 pts)
Speech: Partial (5 pts)
Hold Breath (5 pts)
Sonar (5 pts)
Thick Blubber (5 pts)

Matrix: Evolving


You were trained in using and maintaining communications devices of all sorts. You were also taught common codes, and methods of concealing transmissions from detection.
-Basic Electronics (56%)
-Cryptography (46%)
-Semaphore and Morse (66%)
-Radio: Basic (66%)
-Radio: Scrambler (56%)
-Surveillance Systems (56%)
-TV / Video (56%)

You know all there is to know about the workings of plants and animals, and can apply that knowledge in the field in practical ways.
-Biology (56%)
-Botany (56%)
-Cook (76%)
-First Aid (66%)
-Foreign Language: Latin
-Wilderness Survival (56%)

You were trained to keep your cool while fighting up close and personal, and taught to use a variety of different weapons. You sparred regularly with human and Aesopian agents alike.
-Hand-to-Hand: Expert
-Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Knife, Staff, Sword

Alertness (51%)
Detect Ambushes (56%)
Escape Artist (41%)
Fishing (71%)
Land Navigation (50%)
Nautical Mechanics (59%)
Pilot Sail Boat (60%)
Sing (51%)
Swimming (64%)
Writing (44%)
Charm/Intimidate (75%)

Actions per round: 3
Dodge: +2
Parry: +2
Roll with punch/fall: +6
Base Strike: +0
Melee Damage: +14

Save vs. Psionics, +3
Save vs. Death/Coma/Toxins, +5

There were some questions as to the military application of applying the procedure to giant marine mammals. But given the sheer size and strength of blue whales, the exact scientific reasoning went: "Ah, fuck it, why not?"

The results were mixed. The subject, an infant male, was extremely stunted by the standards of his species, barely reaching a length of 10 feet from snout to fluke, less when standing upright. Further, his body structure did not become as humanoid as was observed with many other subjects.

On the other hand, the native intelligence already found in non-mutant whales carried over into the subject, and he took to biological study at a phenomenal rate, thus the nickname Doc. And his natural cetacean singing translated into impressive instinctive understanding of communications, codes, and long-distance transmissions.

And even a greatly reduced blue whale is still a huge, tremendously strong creature that can beat you to death with an uprooted tree.

- Doc grew up in a secluded research station on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean. He had little contact with humans other than his handler and a few of the scientists; however, he was able to swim in the ocean, and thanks to the fact that whale song can carry for thousands of miles in the water, he was able to experience a form of communication with his kind. This was only partial, however -- Doc is nowhere near large enough to produce sound on the scale of his larger brethren.

He was amiable, and enjoyed work on codes and electronic transmissions, once it became clear that this was the human equivalent of what he was already doing in the ocean.

- Clay Quinn, a marine biologist brought in for the experiment that produced Doc, was a genuinely nice guy, as far as Doc ever knew. They got along well, and Doc was always very careful never to accidentally break him.

- After the initial results of the experiment that produced Doc were assessed, it was decided that military applications could be useful. An orca was brought in and had the same tests performed. The result was the cleverly-named Killer, a humanoid orca trained as an amphibious-assault commando. Killer was an utterly sociopathic monster, and Doc loathed him.