Session 93.75

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Chapter 11

lazarus: I'm not sure I can actually play tongiht. Just too much pain at the moment. Especially annoying that I'm not able to tell when my head is "up" (i.e. in the right place)
Knockwood: I've had my shae of stressors as well...
Knockwood: hm...
Knockwood: I'd be OK with either playing or waiting
Theresa: I'm good with either way too, but if it's playing, we should probably get going.
Random_Nerd: Hmm. I could run the game, but I don't think I could run the game /well/.
Knockwood: what's wrong with you, Laz?
lazarus: easy answer: migraine
lazarus: accurate answer: bad headache, light sensitivity, jaw muscle tension, hell tension all over my head, stiff neck and shoulders.
Knockwood: ...which means staring at a screen makes things worse?
Theresa: Urk. Hate those. Had one Sat. night and another Sunday night.
Knockwood: ah... all for waiting a week, then?
Random_Nerd: Sounds good. Sorry about the delay, but I suppose it's better to have a skipped week than a bad session.
Knockwood: and/or Laz's head exploding...
Theresa: Esepcially since I'm not sure where we're going to go with the hairy giant who is working his way to calling me a name for a female dog.
Theresa: But this is Nobilis...I thought head-splodey was a common side-effect...
Theresa: Or is that UA...
lazarus: don't rest your head
Knockwood: that's OMage. :)
lazarus: (headsplodey is a game effect :p)
Random_Nerd: This is Nobilis. Head explosion is a /feature/.
lazarus: ... or am I thinking of Panty Explosion? I reviewed them both in a short span of time...
Theresa: (Okay, there, Wiki caught up. 93 or so sessions...)
Knockwood: Head explosion is survivable in Nobilis...
Theresa: I prefer making other people's heads explode than my own.
Knockwood: arigato, Beth
lazarus: if I won the lottery, I would say to RSB "How much would I have to give you to get Nobilis republished, and Society of Flowers finished and published? How much more to be able to hire Random Nerd to write some miniature supplements?"
Knockwood: didja see RSB's reply to that one thread in which she said something may be happening soon WRT Nobilis?
Theresa: *grin* That would be so cool!
Theresa: The next word is hard to write on a human keyboard.  :)
lazarus: aye :)
Theresa: (I still don't know what to call this chapter, though. Was thinking, "Repeat after me: At laaast, the paaast come and bites us on the aaaaaass.")
Random_Nerd: Indeed.
Knockwood: she responded to me with that, I might add. :)
Random_Nerd: How about "Aren't you going to eat the giant"?
lazarus: *needs Society of Flowers* :p
Knockwood: Theresa: could wait until something later in the chapter suggests something... which it may
Theresa: That's what I figured.  :)

      • You are now known as BethE.

BethE: I keep thinking about things for Theresa to do in offtime. Just random off-the-wall stuff. Like the find John a girl. Or go talk to the spirit of Dublin for a while. Or go and walk through the MonSanto main labs and go "Hmm."
lazarus: Brian needs to finish his supercollider. Then we can go visit Outside. Have a nice vacation. ...
Knockwood: hm...
BethE: I had a thought on that. Okay, so Wildlords can't go Outside. We're effectively parts of a Wildlord. Wouldn't that mean we can't go either?
Knockwood: Dante can ... go and search for more gangs to roust... respond to people who keep sending him bat'leths...
Knockwood: Beth: no, Wildlords /come/ from outsid
lazarus: we don't know they /can't/. Just that they /won't/. And that no one who's gone outside has come back ... fully intact.
lazarus: (IIRC, there seems to be something in all of their programming saying "avoid Outside!")
Knockwood: we can negotiate with Tpyo. Promise to take her on adventures if she leaves out chatroom alone.
lazarus: *points*
Knockwood: laz: Wikipedia says some people get relief from Benadryl.
lazarus: Benadryl is also sleepy-time medication (seriously, it knocks me out pretty effectively :p) ... I wish I had some, still.
Random_Nerd: Oh, and it's a metaphysical principle that the Wildlords /can't/ go Outside.
Random_Nerd: It's unclear why.
Random_Nerd: For others, it's very dangerous. For them, it just doesn't work.
BethE: Oh and Wildlord question...if everything about them is Freedom!...why follow Entropy's rules?
Random_Nerd: Well, Wildlords don't.
Knockwood: they don't, we do.
Random_Nerd: Entropy's rules are for Nobles.
Random_Nerd: And I imagine most take the same approach as Kudzu did, with the "Honestly, I don't care if you follow them or not, but if you don't, and you get caught, that's your problem."
BethE: As the #1 Rule for Nobilis is "Don't Get Caught."
Knockwood: that's the #1 rule for most RPGs. :)
lazarus: yep, I've got the shinies in front of my eyes which others claim is migraine country
BethE: I thought that was "Kill 'm, take their stuff."
BethE: Go to bed, Laz! *HUG*
Knockwood: laz: get into a dark room ASAP
Random_Nerd: Yeah, photosensitivity is not your friend.
lazarus: advil is starting to kick in, though.
Knockwood: some caffeine might help
Knockwood: (I actually get those. Fortunately in my case they're rare & mild)
lazarus: I also zone out :p
Random_Nerd: I don't get migraines, but I have a wife who does.
lazarus: and feel kinda like mush :p
BethE: For mine, it takes some form of painkiller and usually at least 3 hours in a dark room.
Random_Nerd: Perhaps you've met her?
BethE: She's a horrible GM and only a passing player. Bah.
Random_Nerd: And she consistently fails to provide me with tasty sammiches on demand, too!
Knockwood: which one?
lazarus: I'm not convinced these are actually /migraines/ - they seem mostly due to muscular tension and the fact that my glasses don't sit right (and astigmatism correction /really/ cares about the angle glasses sit)
Knockwood: >:)\
Random_Nerd: Not Gertrude, the other one.
BethE: You make your own sandwiches of a morning, dear.
Random_Nerd: That's my point!
lazarus: I have to buy pre-made sandwiches :(
Knockwood: laz: there's a slight chance it's eyestrain
Random_Nerd: They don't sell bread in the heathen wilds of Canada?
Knockwood: nauseated?
BethE: I have to get ready for work too. I already get up first to get the shower. Now you want me out of bed even more just so I can slap meat between bread-product?
lazarus: (there's a not-stated end to that sentence: "to get someone else to make me a sammidge")
Random_Nerd: Bah! I prefer to perpetuate my own mad ideas about the strange and savage land of Canada.
lazarus: just so long as you do it in an alternifuture RPG book, we're all good
Random_Nerd: Great, now I want to do a Sword and Sorcery game set in a lunatic's version of modern Canada.
lazarus: eh, I just go with Rifts or Shadowrun, myself, for weird insane Canada
Knockwood: so, die, eh?
Knockwood: or, gimme all your cash and poutine, eh?
Knockwood: :D
Knockwood: sorry, /loonies/ and poutine. :)
Knockwood: did I kill the room?

  • lazarus is ded

Chapter 11