Flags of Eberron

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Flags of Eberron

Archduchy of Shadowfast

The Flag of Shadowfast is a variation on the Karrnath flag. The Phoenix of the Karrnath nation is stylized gold and made to resemble more strongly Archduke Cassius' sword Demonslayer. The blood red color is also hinting at his past as the Red Thunder. It's source is the Neo-Zeon Flag of Char's Counterattack.

Somewhat sinisterly, it also has resemblance to the Soviet Union's flag.



The blue and gold lion of Aundair is a deliberate attempt at being French and aristocratic while also distinguishing itself with frills and ruffles from the other flags. It is based on Oz's flag from Gundam Wing.



The flag of Breland is meant to invoke the British Empire and it's glorious rulership. It's also meant to imply a slightly snooty society that is on the verge of collapse. It is from Code Geas.


The Flag of Breland is not, coincidentally also possessed of a commoner's variant that has more similiarities to the American Red, White, and Blue. This is the rallying cry behind the Swords of Liberty.


Emerald Claw


The Emerald Claw flag is one that incorporates elements from the worship of Dagon, whom taught House Vol about the worship of the Dragon Below, and its own necromantic leanings. The Emerald Claw foregoes a Dragon motiff due to the persecution that it suffered at the hands of the Argonessan wyrms.

It is based on the flag of Marvels H.Y.D.R.A.


It's based on the Zeon flags of Mobile Suit Gundam.

The flag of Karrnath is clearly one based on Nazi Germany, with variants of it existing but all of them keeping the same background color and the stylized Phoenix in the center.


Most of the rebel organizations of Karrnath tend to use their own variant of this flag. It is the Galifar version of the Karrnath flag with the white cross symbolizing the sacrifices made in the name of the Silver Flame.


The Dark Cabinet have their own flag in addition to the regular forces of Karrnath.



The Chinese Dragon Flag is meant to represent the nation of Reidra and all of its influence that is present. It's actually the real life flag of the Chinese government during the later part of the 19th century. It is also the personal symbol of Zhengyi the Merciless.



The angelic print of the Thranish flag is meant to simultaneously invoke it's religious nature and also strong Spanish influences as well. It is based on the Earth Sphere Alliance from Gundam Wing.
