ShatteredPrism:Blank Race Template

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Revision as of 12:30, 15 September 2005 by TracerFox (talk | contribs)
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Race Name

  • Physiology
    • Appearance
    • Variability Among Individuals and Genders
    • Locomotion & Manipulation
    • Body Chemistry
    • Chemical and Environmental Hazards
    • Senses
    • Reproduction
    • Food and Energy Requirements
    • Lifespan & Lifecycles
    • Instinctual Psychology
    • Evolution
    • Habitats and Ecosystems
    • Communcation & Interaction
    • Combat Capabilities/Natural Weapons
    • Special Racial Capabilities
  • History
    • Historical Overview
    • Pre-History
    • Early History
    • Modern History
    • First Contact
    • Empire and Colonization
  • Society
    • Cultural Psychology
    • Hereditary Positions
    • Social Mobility/Status/Rank
    • Distribution of Wealth
    • Cultural Subgroups
    • View of Society's Role
    • Centralized Structures/Governments
    • Coexistance with Alien Species
    • Formation of Joint Governments with Aliens
    • Role of the Military
    • Privacy and the Role of the Media
    • The Rights of the Individual Vs. Those of Society
    • Ethnocentrism
    • Overall Attitudes, Especially Towards Aliens
    • Fashions & Manners of Dress
    • Diplomacy and Alien Relations
      • Allies
      • Enemies
  • Religion & Philosophy
    • Belief Systems
    • Rituals & Taboos
    • Historic Vs Modern Religions/Beliefs
    • Internal Conflicts & Dissent
    • Responses to Faiths of Other Species
    • Morality and Codes of Ethics
    • Metaphysical Views on Morality
  • Family and Community
    • Family Structure
    • Child-Rearing Practices
    • Schooling & Education
    • Traditional Family Roles
    • Naming Protocals
  • Starship Design
    • Artificial Gravity Preferences
    • Drive Technology
    • Range & Endurance
    • Warship Characteristics
    • Civilian Ship Characteristics
  • Technological Strengths
    • Power Generation and Storage
    • Robtics, Computers, and Automation
    • Vehicle Transport
    • Biotechnology
    • Technology's Place in Society
    • Rules, Measurement, and Math
  • Magic, Psi and Other Abilities
    • Magic
    • Psionics
    • Other
  • Economy and Industry
    • Industry
    • Agriculture
    • Commerce

