Eberron Equipment

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Cross Guns


Roughly, gunpowder bullets have been invented as early as the 400s in Galifar. By the late 800s, the weapons had evolved into six shooters and are now actually available in automatic and rapid fire capacity in the lands of Galifar.

Cross Guns replace Cross Bows in Eberron as the prevalent form of weaponry. As a simple sign of how they developed, Cross Guns reload with their Clips being shoved to the side of the weapons as opposed to being handled in revolver style format. This is purely an aethstetic choice on the part of the people of Eberron.

Cross Guns come in three different varieties.

  • Hand-Held Crossguns do 1d6+1 Damage with each shot and do not require reloading except when their 8 bullet clips are exhausted.
  • Light Cross-Guns are the equivalent of Rifles and inflict 3d6+1 Damage but require reloading after every shot.
  • Heavy Cross-Guns are the variant of Machine Gun and do 4d6 Damage but require essentially one to have mammoth strength to hold them or be held in tripod like format.

Cross Guns can furthermore be enchanted with magical bullets or simply to have more accuracy. Almost all Cross Guns are manufactured by the Colt and Cannith Company that is based out of Breland.

Lightning Cars

An improvement on the somewhat clunky design of Lightning Carts. Lightning Cars are battery operated machines that are far easier to make but tend to get far less miles to the charge. At present, they are mostly being used only to deliver goods in the lower levels of Sharn due to the fact that they require lifts to move around materials since all of Merrix's flying machines are failures (and the helicopter is something he's unlikely to invent). They also lack the crazy crackling and jerking motion of regular Lightning Carts and function on simple wheels. Luxury versions have already been manufactured in Caer Shadowfast and are rather popular in Aundair with Karrnath likely to start building the first military versions.

Bizarrely, they're non-magical but their batteries are usually charged by magic, thus making electrical cars practical in a way that they aren't in the real world.

Sivis Radios

Basically, a non-magical device put in the service of House Sivis. At present, they are actually becoming fairly common amongst the Middle Class and are likely to only become moreso. Radio towers exist in the capitals of the Four Nations and Zilargo at present with more likely to be created as time passes. Sivis Radios are more or less identical to the kind that were found in the real world with their materials manufactured magically as opposed to scientifically. House Sivis is now one of Merrix's major supporters because of their creation.

The Trust has a heads up on the rest of the world in their use in espionage, having invented the first bugs.

Viewing Lanterns "View Lanterns"

A sort of low-grade version of a crystal ball that's somewhat easier to make. It receives one way signals and can be outfitted for two way signals. At present, Viewing Lanterns mostly exist for individuals who want to watch theater productions and hear private news broadcasts in the comfort of their own homes and other activities of the extremely wealthy. It's mostly restricted to the Aurrum, the Royalty of the Twelve Nations, The Twelve, and powerful merchant families at present. All of them must be hand crafted for audience viewing.

Cassius presented one to the people of Shadowfast for the World's Faire and also has an extra pair that he shares with Kiri and Patch.