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Name: Khadre
Gender: Female
Race: Tiefling
Class: 09 Thief - 02 Fighter - 01 Thief-Acrobat
XP: 78000
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Str: 15 [+2]
Dex: 20 [+5]
Con: 12 [+1]
Int: 16 [+3]
Wis: 10 [+0]
Cha: 14 [+2]

Hit Points: 70 (10d6+2d10+26)
AC: AC 20 (+4 Chain Shirt : +5 Dex : +1 Rope of Monk) Flat 14 (Never Flat Footed unless Immobilized)
Init: +04
BAB: +08/+03, Grap: +10; Melee +09/+04; Ranged +13/+08
Speed: 40' (+10 Boots of Striding and Springing)
Fort +07, Ref +13, Will +03
15 Spell Resistance (Enchanted into Chainmail)


+1 Rapier of Keen Wounding (Crit 15-20 : 2x+5d6) +14/+08 (1d6+3Dmg)
Short Sword of the Planes (Crit 18-20 : 2x+5d6)

  • +14/+08 (1d6+3Dmg) vs Primes and on Prime Material Plane
  • +15/+09 (1d6+4Dmg) vs Elementals or on Elemental Plane
  • +16/+10 (1d6+5Dmg) vs Natives of or on Astral & Ethereal Plane
  • +17/+11 (1d6+6Dmg) vs Outsiders or on Any Other Plane

+1 Light Crossbow of Distance (Crit 19-20 : x2) (+5d6 in 30ft) +14/+08 (1d6 Dmg) 160ft Range Increment
Unarmed +13/+07 (1d8+2Dmg) (Crit 20 : 2x+5d6)
Duel Wield +12/+6 Main : +12 Offhand Rapier Main, Shortsword Off Unless Otherwise Stated

Trained Skills:

  • 05 Appraise
  • 15 Balance
  • 09 Bluff
  • 12 Climb
  • 05 Cooking
  • 08 Decipher Script
  • 13 Disable Device
  • 07 Disguise (09 with audience)
  • 09 Escape Artist
  • 07 Gather Information
  • 17 Hide
  • 14 Jump
  • 05 Listen
  • 15 Move Silent
  • 15 Open Lock
  • 07 Planer Knowledge
  • 07 Play Lyre
  • 09 Search
  • 05 Sense Motive
  • 12 Slight of Hand
  • 05 Spot
  • 15 Tumble
  • 12 Use Magic Device (14 with Scrolls)

Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic, Elvish, Goblin

Telling Blow (Add Sneak Attack Damage on Crit)

  • Dodge (+1 AC One Target)
  • Mobility (+4 AC vs Attacks of Opportunity due to Movement)
  • Weapon Finesse (Use Dex Bonus on Attk)
  • 2weap fight (Extra Attack at full bonus with offhand weapon)
  • Spring Attack (Can do Move/Attack/Move)
  • Combat Expertise (Up to +5 AC for same loss on Attk)

Class Features

  • Trapfinding
  • Sneak Attack +5d6
  • Trapsense +3
  • Evasion
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Improved Uncanny Dodge
  • Fast Acrobatics
  • Kip Up
  • Steady Stance

Racial Features

  • Darkness Vision (60ft)
  • +2 on Bluff & Hide
  • Generate Darkness Once per Day
  • Resistance 5/Cold 5/Fire 5/Electricity
  • Languages Start: Common, Infernal
  • Languages Bonus: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Hafling, Orc
  • ECL +1

Thief Acrobat Compete Adventurer pp83
Fast Acrobatics

  • Thief Acrobat is able to avoid normal penalties for accelerated movement while using acrobatical talents. Allows character to ignore –5 penalty to movement while making Balance Check. Can climb at half speed as a move action without –5 penalty to Climb Check. Can tumble at full speed without –10 penalty to Tumble Check.

Kip Up

  • Thief Acrobat can stand from prone as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. (Only works in Light Armor and Light Load conditions)

Steady Stance

  • Thief Acrobat is never considered Flat Footed while using Balance or Climbing skills. Character adds Class Level to Balance and Climb checks for the purpose of remaining Balance or Climb when taking damage.[/sblock]

22,315  : Sword of the Planes (Short Sword)
10,100  : Mithril Shirt +4 AC (Spell Resistance 15)
32,310  : +1 Rapier Keen & Wounding
02,000  : Heward’s Haversack
13,000  : Belt of the Monk (Worn under Tunic)
05,500  : Boots of Striding & Springing
01,800  : Hat of Disguise (Hairpin instead of hat if GM will allow)
09,000  : Necklace of Adaptation Silver-Blue metal links with Ouroboros in an infinity twist
08,335  : +1 Light Crossbow of Distance
00,500  : Elysium Lyrrette
00,100  : Masterwork Thief Tools
01,000  : Exotic Spices for Cooking
02,000  : Clothes, Caltrops, Equipment, Comb & Brush, Soap, Cheap Jewelry, Etc…
02,040  : Portable Wealth (Good Jewelry, Gems, Coins)

27 Lbs


Khadre a little over five and a half feet, an exceptional height considering she looks like she might be a half elf. It's difficult to tell her race, but she certainly is not human. Her skin is dark, an almost creamy chocolate color, and her eyes are deep amber and have slitted pupils, like a cat. The distinctive elvish point of her ears is greatly exaggerated, giving her features a pixeish quality. Her hair is raven black, and is cut short at back, growing longer as it comes forward. It now sports one completely white lock middle left on her forehead. Once past her ears it lengthens sharply until the locks that frame her face reach to past her chin. She often has several strands falling across her face. Her teeth are all pointed, not needle sharp but quite effectively advertising her carnivorous nature.

Her body is athletic, graceful and well endowed. Khadre prefers bright colored tunics that are open at the throat and have loose sleeves; and prefers shades in black or grey for the rest of her garments. Her belts and sheaths are made of a grey reptilian skin of indefinite nature. She tends to wear a lot of jewelry of dubious quality and often paints her face with whorls or lines or simple shapes.

She has a tattoo of brambled razorvine in bloom, which encircles her left arm in a spiral from wrist to shoulder. On her right ankle is a rose and she has a butterfly on her left hip. She has triply pierced ears, two low and one high, and has pierced her left nostril as well as her belly button. She has a well-endowed chest, and often flaunts it. On many jobs, she has cursed her breasts for getting in her way, but on the whole she is pleased with the effect they have on distracting men. She swears like a sailor.

Due to her teifling heritage, Khadre has some differences, which are noticeable in other ways as well. For example, she smells like cinnamon when she sweats, and it grows stronger when she gets excited, angry or emotional. Personally she finds this annoying; other teiflings smell like brimstone or ozone or some dangerous substance, she smells like Grandma’s apple pies. Khadre drinks flammable liquids, and they affect her in the fashion alcohol effects humans. Higher “octane” fuels have a stronger effect. She can spit blue white sparks that do not last long enough to start a fire; they simply sting and can leave a mark.

She wears the rapier on her right hip, for a left handed cross draw, marking her as a southpaw. The shortsword is strapped on her back for drawing with her right hand. Unless expecting to need its use, her crossbow is kept in her Haversack. She also keeps a variety of normal daggers, darts and various sharp implements on hand to throw or juggle as whim strikes her. The Elysium Lyrrette is more properly a lap harp made on the Plane of Elysium. Due to the nature of the materials it is a masterwork instrument and resistant to dents, scratches and the other trials of travel or hard use. Khadre treasures it and takes care to oil and polish it weekly.

Mini Bio

Born in Sigil, the Cosmic Switzerland of the Multiverse, her parents adventurers of dubious lineage and demon tainted genetics, orphaned before she was ten; Khadre is a tiefling a thief and a scoundrel. Her “apprentice training” was in running the streets and dodging the Mercy Killers of one of the most cosmopolitan cities in all creation. Also called “The City of Doors”, Sigil has portals and gates to almost every plane of existence, and as she grew more adventurous, Khadre began traveling the Great Ring and visited numerous worlds and planes of existence.

Khadre became a thief for many reasons, the thrill of stealing, the adrenal rush of climbing and sneaking and for (of course) the money. Like many street rats before her, she joined a gang and earned her jink doing everything from tout-work to actual legitimate trading. About the only thing she has never done is sell her body or out right murder for hire. Khadre claims to have sailed Wildspace for a time. She has a love of traveling and seeing new sights; had she been born a Prime they would say she had been born under a wandering star.

A few years ago, she got into more trouble than she really wanted. Breaking into a house belonging to a jewel merchant, she and three companions were caught. Shavon, an Asimaar who was mostly elf, was ravished and then killed by the merchant. Khadre managed to escape and even free Ralf, a human, and Kakatok, a half orc, who were her other two companions. They ran, but got lost in the bowels of the merchants rambling mansion and stumbled through the wrong door. They ended up in the Realms of Ravenloft.

For three years she was trapped in the Realm of Dread. In the first six months Kakatok was bitten by a werewolf and nearly killer her. He escaped into the woods and she sweated out the next moonrise but did not herself change. For another year Ralf and Khadre tried to find a way home without success. Then while crossing the weird fogs that define the limits of the various realms within Ravenloft, Ralf took one step too far away and they were separated. Eventually Khadre managed to find a way out but she at times has nightmares about her time in Ravenloft and she is unnaturally paranoid about fog banks.

One of the things Khadre enjoys most is climbing. She takes many risks, and often travels across rooftops for the sheer joy of doing so. She enjoys dancing, though she is not good at it, and cooking, which she is good at. She also plays the Elysium Lyrrette, which is more properly a harp type instrument from the Plane of Ultimate Neutral Good. She is no bard but has made enough coin at it that her claiming to be a minstrel will not trip the alarm in a detect lie spell.

Planescape 3.5: The Devourer of Faith