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Freedomwood is just beyond Hannover and its only recently that the rest of the city has started to catch up to the edges of Freedomwood's palatial estates and vast movie lots. The place was established in the year 1910 by playboy millionaire industrialist David Atrus the First, who wanted to spend the money he'd made capitalizing on Ford and Edison's advances to make motion pictures. For the most part, the early Freedomwood pictures were Westerns though gradually they started into increasingly more elaborate epics with silent pictures giving way to epics.

Freedomwood's biggest star during the 1930s was Lauren Hammond whom was Carmen the Banshee in the same way that Bela Lugosi was Dracula (with all that implies). While Boris Karloff and Lon Cheney were able to move onto other work, Carmen was unfortunately given increasingly lurid parts as she struggled to maintain her sex symbol status. In the end, as it became apparent that her recent work had made her a joke, Lauren took her own life and became something of a Freedomwood urban legend.

Modern Freedomwood is tremendously glitzy with theme parks just to the side of the studios like DelphicWorld (in the words of Homer Simpson "It's exactly as big and rich as Disneyworld and looks like it too.") and Roman Breweries Gardens. Massive Hannover Hills Boulevard housing are afforded to the extraordinarily affluent and life seems to be largely one big party. The closeness of FIT allows Freedomwood the first pick of new CGI artists and special effects men. Plus, a never ending stream of young actresses head down to Freedomwood to either become disillusioned or usually land small roles.

Freedomwood is slightly less sleazy than the real world's Hollywood. There's still a sense of artistic integrity in the land and the corporations, if not exactly generous, have some vague notion that their stars are human beings. Unfortunately, Science Fiction religions like The Pinnacle Path have their headquarters in Freedomwood and are attractive for worn out minds.