Palatine(Halt Evil Doer!)

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Real name: Roland Danann

Code name: Palatine

Age: 38

Race: Human

Appearance: A heroic sentinel garbed in red, white, and blue power armor.

Powers: A Beta class Nova skilled at developing weaponry and armor. In addition to his 'Dullahan' Power Armor, he uses an array of powerful weapon systems based on objects of legend. Some of them:

  • 'Gungnir': A powerful positron rifle with targeting drones 'Hugin' and 'Munin'.
  • 'Caladbolg': An adjustable length force blade capable of cutting mountains.
  • 'Claíomh Solais': A lightsaber.
  • 'Aegis': A bulletproof shield capable of generating a powerful defensive screen.

Weaknesses: Palatine's armor is a little behind the times and will be often out classed by more modern power armors. Do to high power costs of many of the weapons and Roland's inability to properly miniaturize a power supply of suitable strength, his armor has an unfortunate tendency to run low on power during extended battles against superhuman opponents.

History: Roland Danann is the son of a Vietnam Era superhero named Lieutenant Freedom, who was framed for several war crimes by agents of SHADOW. While studying robotics at FIT, he built his first power armor, 'Maximilian', and became Palatine in order to fight SHADOW and prove his father's innocence.

During 10 year period that followed, Palatine battled SHADOW, faced an evil parallel version of his father, became a member of the Freedom League, proved the innocence of many Vietnam Era superheros including his father, fought in the Terminus Invasion, married his girlfriend Jenifer and had a son.

5 years after the Terminous Invasion, with trouble at home and after several arguments with his fellow leaguers bout Captain Thunder's attempts at being declared the Centurion's heir and the savage beatings that the captain had inflicted on several Centurion imitators, Palatine retired.

With the Freedom Leagues resent "abandonment" of Freedom City, Palatine has put his armor back on in order to protect the city he cares for an set an example for the new heroes who will emerge.

Halt Evil Doer!