Name: Jim Russell
Callsign: Winterborn
Player: Tapeworm
Origin: Gifted Survivor
Class: Soldier 1/Scout 4/Sniper 2
Backstory: Jim Russel is sometimes accused of living in the past. He is a fierce proponent of the Second Amendment, card-carrying member of the Republican Party, and all around hard case. He is a rangy 6'2, raw-boned and weather-beaten with a fierce bushy walrus of a mustache that was out of regulation about two weeks ago. He transferred into the Police Dept from the Park Ranger service, muttering something about 'hippies' and 'politicians.' After serving his time, he continued into SWAT as a long-gunman. The position suits him, as he is exceptionally patient, but has some problems in the heat of things making snap decisions.
There are stories that he tried to pay his taxes one time using rifle and pistol ammunition of various calibers with a value equal to what he owed. Completely coincidentally he has come up in front of the review board once or twice, but so far has managed to talk his way out of anything more serious than administrative review. Additionally, he was involved with a rescue effort when a couple spelunkers (cave-explorers) were trapped, and came away from it with an intense dislike of closed-in spaces.
He has been married twice, the first marriage was right out of high school and more an impulsive decision than carefully thought out. He divorced after the third year and stayed single for a lengthy period of time before meeting someone he thought he could stick with. Mary Russel is as much an avid hunter as her husband, and independent enough that the sometimes lengthy periods of time he is away are not a serious source of contention.
STR 10 (+0)
DEX 19 (+4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 10 (+0)
Derived Values
Action Dice: 2d6
Vitality Points: 49
Wound Points: 12
Fortitude: +6
Reflexes: +10
Willpower: +4
Stress Threshold: 12
Subdual Threshold: 12
Knowledge Check: +9
Request Check: +7
Gear Check: +8
Defense: 17
Initiative: +9
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Unarmed: +6
Melee: +6
Ranged: +10
Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Explosives, Handgun, Hurled, Rifle (forte), Shotgun, Submachine gun
Tricks: Parry
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Armor and Protective Gear:
Speed: 30 ft.
Athletics +10/+11 (10 Ranks, +0 STR/+1 CON, Result Cap 50)
Cultures (Central America, North America) +2 (0 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 15, Error +2)
Drive (Personal Ground Vehicles, Standard Ground Vehicles) +9 (5 Ranks, +4 DEX, Result Cap 30)
Intimidation +5/+6 (5 Ranks, +0 STR/+1 WIS, Result Cap 35)
Notice +11 (10 Ranks, +1 WIS, Result Cap 50)
Profession (Game Warden, Police Officer) +0 (0 Ranks, +0 CHA, Result Cap 15, Error +2)
Resolve +6/+6 (5 Ranks, +1 CON/+1 WIS, Result Cap 30)
Science (Engineering) +2 (0 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 15, Error +2)
Search +4 (1 Rank, +1 INT, Result Cap 20)
Security +4 (1 Rank, +1 INT, Result Cap 20)
Sense Motive +2/+1 (1 Rank, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, Result Cap 20)
Sneak +14/+10 (10 Ranks, +4 DEX/+0 CHA, Result Cap 50, Threat 18-20)
Survival +11/+10 (10 Ranks, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, Result Cap 50)
Tactics +6/+5 (5 Ranks, +1 WIS/+0 CHA, Result Cap 30)
Interests: Hunting, Cooking, Baseball, Zoology
Origin Abilities:
Class Abilities:
Spending Cash:
Currently Carrying:
Total Weight: