Opend20: Artefact Powers
Change Artefact
Change Powers have 3 noticable displays.
Note that the higher DC powers don't really seem to be very powerful in comparison to the DC 20 power to change one Artefact into another. This is not taking into account the increase in DC for technical complexity - to Change (radio into motorcyle) would probably be DC 40.
20 - Change one Artefact into another (radio into clock) - add 5 to DC for each order of magnitude of technical complexity OR volume (radio into motorcyle), or into its base materials (clock into metal)
30 - Change Artefact into a similar noun-form you have access to (clock into stone)
45 - Change Artefact into any other noun-form you have access to (clock into water)
60 -
80 - Change Arefact into complex combinations of noun-forms you have access to (clock into bottle of moisturiser)
Create Artefact
Create Powers have 3 noticable displays
Create Artefact does not work unless the base materials are present, or the character can also Create the base materials (this would be a more complex spell involving adding both DCs with a much longer casting time)
20 - Create a radio
30 - Create a cell phone; a hangun (revolver, 'six-shooter')
45 - Create a motorcycle; a handgun (modern, semi-automatic)
60 - Create a computer; a machinegun
80 - Create a mecha
Control Artefact
Control Powers have 1 noticable display.
20 - Control target's wristwatch (change the time displayed)
30 - Control surveilance equipment to slip in undetected
45 - Control a computer
60 - Control a computer network
80 - Control a plane/ship, change the navigation systems around
Destroy Artefact
Destroy Powers have 2 noticable displays.
20 - Destroy a radio; jam a cell phone or revolver
30 - Destroy phone or revolver; jam an engine
45 - Destroy an engine; freeze a computer
60 - Destroy a computer; disable a tank
80 - Destroy a robot or tank
Sense Artefact
Sense Powers have no displays as such (they can be purchased as disadvantages). Sense Powers can be noticed by using Sense Motive, Spellcraft or another Sense Power on the character.
20 - Sense one property of an Artefact (determine how powerful a computer is, the speed of a jet-pack)
30 - Gain an intuitive/full general understanding of how an Arefact functions, or what it is supposed to do; Sense nearby Arefacts of a specified kind (guns, computers)
45 - Gain in-depth understanding of how an Artefact functions, enough to rebuild or repair it (with the appropriate skills and tools)
60 - Speak with an Artefact - know who previously used it, what it was made for, etc.
Summon Artefact
Summon Powers have 2 noticable displays.
Because the Monster templates have not been done, it is not possible to write up the Artefact Powers at this point.