3.5 Mantis

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Mantis Feats and Courtier Abilities

Complete Mantis Technique Feat Listing

Armor Focus, The Arrow Knows the Way*, Claws of the Mantis*, Cleave, Daisho Specialization, Depths of the Void, Greater Daisho I, Greater Daisho II, Greater Daisho III, Greater Daisho IV, Gusai’s Technique*, Hand of Osano-Wo*, Hidden Weapon*, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Know the School, Multiple Schools, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Ride the Lightning*, Soul Forge, Soul of the Storm*, Storm Rising*, Sting of the Wasp*, Strength of the Earth*, Touch of Thunder*, Two-Weapon Fighting, Void Use, Way of the Mantis*, Way of the Wasp*, Weapon Focus (kama), Weapon Focus (katana), Weapon Focus (nunchaku), Weapon Focus (parangu), Weaving, Dodging, Rolling*

* Denotes a Mantis-only feat, listed below.

New Mantis Technique Feats

The Arrow Knows the Way
Requires: BAB +5, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Benefit: Any time you miss with a ranged attack due to concealment, you may reroll the percentile dice a second time and keep the more favorable result.
Special: A Mantis Clan fighter may select The Arrow Knows the Way as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Claws of the Mantis
Requires: BAB +1, Str 13, Weapon Group Proficiency (Nofujutsu).
Benefit: When wielding a Nofujutsu weapon with which you are proficient in each hand, you gain the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
Special: You may select feats that require Two-Weapon Fighting as prerequisites, but may only apply those feats while wielding two Nofujutsu weapons with which you are proficient, unless you also have Two-Weapon Fighting.
Gusai's Technique
Requires: Dex 17, Quick Draw, Sleight of Hand 5 ranks.
Benefit: When using the Sleight of Hand skill and Quick Draw feat to attempt to deny an opponent their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class when attacking with a dagger, you gain a +4 bonus to your Sleight of Hand check and may make the attempt at any point during the combat. If the check is successful, you deal an additional +1d6 damage (this is cumulative with any sneak attack damage or similar abilities you may possess). Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this extra damage.
Normal: You can use Quick Draw and the Sleight of Hand skill to attempt to deny an opponent their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class by fighting with a free hand for at least two consecutive rounds before making the attempt, and must succeed in a Sleight of Hand check opposed by the opponent’s Spot check.
Hand of Osano-Wo
Requires: BAB +3, Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Benefit: You gain your full Strength bonus to damage rolls with off-hand weapons, and may apply the damage bonus from the Power Attack feat to an off-hand weapon as though it were in your primary hand. This feat applies when using a double weapon as well.
Normal: Off-hand attacks gain only one-half (rounded down) of your Strength modifier to damage rolls, and no benefit from use of the Power Attack feat (though they still suffer the penalty to attack rolls).
The Hidden Weapon
Requires: BAB +4, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: As a full round action, you may make an attack against an opponent that has a chance of disrupting his battle concentration. If your attack is successful, you deal normal damage and your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or suffer a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to half your character level (rounded up). You must use a weapon that can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat in order to make this attack.
Ride the Lightning
Requires: BAB +1, Str 13, Claws of the Mantis.
Benefit: If you have a weapon in each hand, you may make a special charge attack that allows you to make an off-hand attack as well as the standard attack at the end of the charge. You suffer the usual penalties for fighting with two weapons, along with an additional –2 penalty to your attacks, but may only apply the charge attack bonus to your primary attack.
Soul of the Storm
Requires: BAB +6, Void Use.
Benefit: Whenever you spend a Void Point on an attack roll, you gain a +4 Void bonus to the attack rather than the usual +2.
Sting of the Wasp
Requires: BAB +9, Dex 15.
Benefit: When using a bow with which you are proficient, your threat range in increased by one. Add this bonus after all other modifiers to threat range.
Special: A Mantis Clan fighter may select Sting of the Wasp as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Storm Rising
Requires: BAB +4, Str 13, Dex 13, Cleave, Power Attack, Way of the Mantis.
Benefit: Whenever you gain an additional attack through the use of the Cleave feat, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for that attack. If you may make more than one Cleave attack in a row, this bonus is cumulative, but does not carry over once you fail to drop an opponent with a Cleave attack.
Strength of the Earth
Requires: Base Fortitude save +2.
Benefit: You gain one additional hit point per level, as though your Constitution modifier were one higher. This bonus is retroactive for all previously gained levels.
Touch of Thunder
Requires: BAB +6, Str 13, Dex 13, Power Attack, Way of the Mantis.
Benefit: Any time you inflict more than 15 damage with a single melee attack, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC = damage dealt) or be staggered for one round. Targets immune to stunning are immune to this effect.
Way of the Mantis
Requires: BAB +1, Dex 13.
Benefit: Select three light weapons, two one-handed weapons, or one light and one two-handed weapon with which you are not currently proficient. You gain proficiency with the selected weapons. You may not select a weapon with a base gold cost higher than 50 gp.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Each time it applies to a different set of weapons.
Way of the Wasp
Requires: BAB +9, Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot.
Benefit: You may gain two additional ranged attacks per round. These attacks are at your highest base attack bonus, but all your attacks (the additional ones and your regular ones) suffer a –5 penalty. You must be using the full attack action to gain the benefits of this feat, and cannot use it at the same time as the Rapid Shot feat.
Special: A Mantis Clan fighter may select Way of the Wasp as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Weaving, Dodging, Rolling
Requires: Dex 13, Dodge, Tumble 2 ranks.
Benefit: When taking the fight defensively attack action, you gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC. This is increased to +2 when taking the full defense action. Tumble is always a class skill for you.

New Mantis Courtier Abilities

The Mantis gains a +10 bonus to his Gossip ability, but the knowledge gained is specifically related to ronin, bandits and mercenaries (and the people who associate with such). This information usually includes the subject’s reputation, favored troops, and price for their services. This information may not be relevant to the character’s current activities, but the chance of it being true increases by 10 percent. The courtier may choose to forgo these bonuses and instead gain information not related to society’s underbelly. This ability also grants a +1 bonus to all Diplomacy checks. This bonus increases to +2 when the courtier is negotiating to hire someone.
Inspiring Presence
A courtier with this ability may encourage his fellow Mantis, using the aid another action on any Mantis within 30 feet, even if the courtier is not within the usual aid another range. The courtier may also spend Void Points to benefit another Mantis’ attack rolls, saving throws or skill checks if they are within the same range. This usage stacks with any Void Point expenditure by the subject, but otherwise follows all the usual rules of spending Void Points. This is a language-based ability.
Storm Heart
As a standard action, the courtier may make an Intimidation check against an opponent within 30 feet (DC 15 + target’s Hit Dice). The opponent must make a Will save (DC equal to the courtier’s check result) or become shaken for a number of minutes equal to the courtier’s class level. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the courtier’s Charisma modifier + 3. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. This ability may be taken multiple times, granting additional uses per day equal to the courtier’s Charisma modifier + 3.

Mantis Dojo

Amaterasu Seido
Moshi shugenja.
Social Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks made against shugenja with an elemental focus of either Fire or Air.
Training Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks made to research spells involving the weather.
Master Sensei: Moshi Amika
Dancing Steel Dojo*
Fighter, ranger, rogue, samurai, Tsuruchi Kenkyaku (prestige class), Wasp Bounty Hunter (prestige class).
Social Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks with members of the Tsuruchi family that do not follow the Wasp Code.
Training Benefit: Whenever you take the Weapon Focus feat, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with the weapon as well.
Master Sensei: Tsuruchi Shimiko
Dojo Raiden
Fighter, samurai, Storm Legion (prestige class), Yoritomo Elite Guard (prestige class).
Social Benefit: none.
Training Benefit: Choose a Profession or Craft skill. This skill is always a class skill for you, and you gain a +2 competence bonus to checks with it.
Master Sensei: Yoritomo Tsuki
Goraiku Dojo
Fighter, ranger, samurai.
Social Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks made against other members of the Mantis Clan. This increases to +4 when dealing with male members of the Moshi family or any members of the Hida family.
Training Benefit: When using a composite longbow or composite short bow, you may increase the Strength modifier of the bow by one-fifth your character level (rounded up) but not beyond your own normal Strength modifier.
Master Sensei: Moshi Tishi of Goraiku
Grand Song Dojo
Courtier, rogue.
Social Benefit: none.
Training Benefit: You gain Perform (singing) as a class skill, and have a +2 competence bonus to checks made with it.
Master Sensei: Yoritomo Masae
Kyuden Ashinagabachi*
Fighter, Wasp Bounty Hunter (prestige class), Tsuruchi’s Legion (prestige class).
Social Benefit: none.
Training Benefit: Once per day, when making a full attack with a bow, you gain an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus. This is not cumulative with any effect that grants additional attacks, such as haste.
Master Sensei: Tsuruchi Hakobe
Kyuden Gotei*
Courtier, fighter, rogue, samurai, Storm Legion (prestige class), Yoritomo Elite Guard (prestige class)
Social Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with characters that are both nonlawful and dishonorable.
Training Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Intimidate and Appraise checks.
Master Sensei: unknown
Silent Mountain Dojo*
Fighter, rogue, ronin shugenja.
Social Benefit: none.
Training Benefit: You may choose one light weapon. You gain the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with that weapon.
Master Sensei: Rayoku
Tempest Island
Yoritomo shugenja, Storm Riders (prestige class).
Social Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Intimidate checks when on the sea, coast or an island.
Training Benefit: You cast spells involving the sea as if your caster level were one higher.
Master Sensei: Yoritomo Kaigen
Yamabushi Renshuuba (Mountain Bushi Training Ground)*
Fighter, ranger, rogue, samurai.
Social Benefit: The attitude of NPC Moshi characters begins at Friendly when dealing with you.
Training Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Survival checks and +1 to initiative checks. Both of these bonuses apply only within the Moshi lands.
Master Sensei: Tsuruchi Chizumo

* This dojo is not canon.

Mantis Shugenja Schools

Moshi Shugenja
(Element Focus: Air)
0 Gathering Swirl
1 The Arrow’s Flight
2 Kaze’s Fury (Gust of Wind)
3 Winds of Aggression
4 Blessings of Isora
5 Summon the Wind (Control Winds)
6 Call Upon Kaze-no-Kami (Wind Walk)
7 Borne by the Wind
8 Slayer’s Knives
9 Seeing Ages Past
Yoritomo Shugenja
(Element Focus: Water)
0 Summon Water (Create Water)
1 Castle of Water
2 Bo of Water
3 Breath of Suitengu (Water Breathing)
4 Open the Waves (Control Water)
5 Strike of Flowing Waters
6 Master of the Rolling River
7 Endless Deluge
8 Kingdom Beneath the Sea
9 Tsunami