Blank D20 Charsheet
Basic Information
- Name:
- Race:
- Class(es) & Level(s):
- Alignment:
- Height & Weight:
- Hair & Eye Colour:
- Description:
- Religion:
- Strength:
- Dexterity:
- Constitution:
- Intelligence:
- Wisdom:
- Charisma:
Combat Information
- Base Attack Bonus:
- Hit Points:
- Armour Class:
- Initiative:
- Fortitude Save:
- Reflex Save:
- Will Save:
- (Weapon)
- To Hit: +0; Damage: 1d6+0; Critical: 19-20/x2; Type: P; Range Increment: N/A; Ammo: N/A; Special Features: None
- (Weapon)
- To Hit: +0; Damage: 1d6+0; Critical: 19-20/x2; Type: P; Range Increment: N/A; Ammo: N/A; Special Features: None
- (Weapon)
- To Hit: +0; Damage: 1d6+0; Critical: 19-20/x2; Type: P; Range Increment: N/A; Ammo: N/A; Special Features: None
Class & Racial Features
- (Feature)
- Detail
- (Feat)
- Details
- (Feat)
- Details
- (Feat)
- Details
- Appraise* [Int]:
- Balance*+ [Dex]:
- Bluff* [Cha]:
- Climb*+ [Str]:
- Concentration* [Con]:
- Craft* () [Int]:
- Decipher Script [Int[]:
- Diplomacy* [Cha]:
- Disable Device [Int]:
- Disguise* [Cha]:
- Escape Artist*+ [Dex]:
- Forgery* [Int]:
- Gather Information* [Cha]:
- Handle Animal [Cha]:
- Heal* [Wis]:
- Hide*+ [Dex]:
- Intimidate* [Cha]:
- Jump* [Str]:
- Knowledge () [Int]:
- Listen* [Wis]:
- Move Silently*+ [Dex]:
- Open Lock [Dex]:
- Perform () [Cha]:
- Ride* [Dex]:
- Search* [Int]:
- Sense Motive* [Wis]:
- Sleight of Hand+ [Dex]:
- Spellcraft [Int]:
- Spot* [Wis]:
- Survival* [Wis]:
- Swim*+ [Dex]:
- Tumble+ [Dex]:
- Use Magic Device [Cha]:
- Use Rope* [Dex]:
- * = Skill can be used untrained
- + = Armour check penalty applies (double for Swim)
Money & Other Valuables
- PP:
- GP:
- SP:
- CP:
- Other: