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Medusa: PL 10;

Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 18 (+5 base, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +8 melee (+11 S or L hair-lash); SV Dmg +3, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14. [49 pp.]

Skills: Climb +1/12, Swim +1/7, Jump +2/8, Acrobatics +1/4, Computers +1/2, Balance +2/5, Diplomacy +2/4, Pilot +2/5, Hide +1/4, Medicine +1/2, Move Silently +2/5, Science +1/2, Search +1/2, Sense Motive +2/4, Spot +2/4 [22 pp/11 pp depending on which skill cost is used]

Feats: Attack Finesse, Attack Focus (hair), Dodge, Extra Reach x3 (+15 ft. with her hair), All-Out Attack, Attractive [16 pp.]

Powers: Natural Weapon: Animate Hair +5 (Extras: Climbing, Deflection - Deflect Others, Rapid x2, Power Stunts: Dual Damage, Chokehold, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Rapid Strike, Stunning Attack, Whirlwind Attack (all only usable with her hair)) [53 pp] Super-Strength +5 (Flaw: only applies to her hair) [15 pp] Obscure +1 (Extra: Hasty (can activate as a reaction when attacked or threatened), Flaws: Partial Concealment, Reduced Range (her own 5 ft. square only), Effect: Her hair whips into a frenzy and partially obscures her body from sight, making her hard to target behind the roiling curtain of hair) [1 pp].


[145 pp or 156 pp, depending on skill costs] 中央吸尘新风系统 杭州通诚投资公司成人用品 成人用品杭州婚庆 屏蔽器手机信号屏蔽器 网站建设 网站建设 虚拟主机域名注册 网站推广 [ 域名申请 物流电子市场 IC网站推广 网站建设 [1]域名注册 企业邮局 癌症杭州花店 平面设计 vi设 网页设计 杭州婚庆 杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持 [http:// 腰带] 平面设计 [2] 包装设计 VI设计 展位设计 平面设计 网页设计 专卖店计 标志设计 手机信号屏蔽器 屏蔽器