Mano a Mano:Combat Example

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Combat Example

To demonstrate the basic hand-to-hand combat system, Steven - the character from our character generation example - has a clone exactly like Steven, except the clone has not made itself a machete. Steven decides to take out the clone before it can get started on an machete of it's own. (See Character Creation/Character Generation Example.)

Steven, adult male human robber, 95 kg, 1.6 m height, 201 CP
1 speed, 0 agility, 3 strength, 7 toughness, 14 stamina, 5 running
2 unarmed combat, 4 one-handed weapons, 2 craftsmanship
2 hands (hand, 3 power, 2 attack, 12 defense)
2 feet (3 power, 2 attack, 12 defense)
1 machete (sharp, 0.5 kg, 3 heft, 5 power, 4 attack, 14 defense)
14 melee defense, 10 missile defense, 13 grapple defense, 3 grapple attack
0 best absorption, 0 total cover, ____ stun, ____ damage

Name The Clone
Age adult Sex male Template human
Occupation(s) robber
Abilities & Qualities   Modifier
unarmed combat 2 / 0
one-handed weapons 4 / 0
craftsmanship 2 / 0
Mass 95 / 75 kg
Length 1.6 / 1.7 m
Length Type height
Variability medium
Speed 1 / 1
Agility 0 / 0
Strength   /  
Toughness 8 / 6
CP Value 166 / 120
Equipment & Natural Defenses   Features   Mass   Heft   Power   Attack   Defense
2 hands hand   kg   4 2 12
2 feet     kg   4 2 12
Carrying Capacity 3 kg
Equipment Mass 0.5 kg
Encumbrance 0
Ground Movement 4 m
Water Movement 0 m
Air Movement 0 m
Best Absorption 0
Total Cover 0
Grapple Attack  
Melee Defense 14
Missile Defense 13
Grapple Defense  
Stun Stamina   Damage

1. Establishing Initiative

Steven tries to ambush the clone. He uses stealth to sneak up on the clone, but Steven does not have the stealth ability so his success modifier is 0. Steven rolls a 13 and adds his modifier (0) to get a total of 13. The difficulty of this roll is 10 plus the clone's detection ability modifier, which is 0 because the clone does not have the detection ability. Steven's ambush is successful because Steven's total of 13 is greater than the difficulty of 10.

2. Combat Begins

Now on his first turn in the combat round, Steven is able to attack first and while the clone is not prepared to defend or counter attack, because of Steven's successful stealth roll.

Steven does a powerful strike with his machete. The attack modifier of this attack is Steven's attack modifier with the machete, which is 4. Steven's player rolls a 2, and adds Steven's attack modifier (Atk) with the machete (4) so that his total attack roll is 6. The difficulty of the attack is the clone's defense. The clone's best defense is his hands and feet which have a defense (Def) of 12. Steven's total of 6 is less than the clone's 12 defense, so Steven's attack misses.

At the end of Steven's turn he can recover one stun, but he has no stun yet.

3. The Clone's First Turn

Now the clone has initiative because his player is sitting next in order.

The clone launches a combo attack. The clone's speed is 1, but he has two hands and two feet. Because the clone has multiple weapons he can do an extra attack (as long as he doesn't use the same hand and foot for both attacks.) The clone's player decides that the clone's combo will be 2 quick strikes with his hands. Both of these quick attacks have an attack modifier of 2. Steven defends using his machete, so the difficulty of the attack is his defense (Def) with the machete, which is 14.

  • On the first attack in the combo, the clone rolls a 14, for a total of 16 after adding the clone's attack modifier (2). Because the clone's total (16) is greater than Steven's defense (14), the clone's first strike is successful. This is a half power attack, so it's attack power is 2. Because the clone's hands and feet are not sharp (or padded) half of the power (1) becomes stun and the other half (1) becomes damage. Steven now has 1 stun and 1 damage.
  • On the first attack in the combo, the clone rolls an 12, for a total of 14 after adding the clone's attack modifier (2). Because the Clone's total is only equal to Steven's defense, the attack misses.

At the end of the Clone's turn he can recover one stun, but he has no stun yet.

4. Steven's Second Turn

It is Steven's turn again, and the beginning of the second combat round. Steven decides to wait and counter attack. It is now the end of Steven's turn and he can recover 1 stun, so his stun is now 0, but his damage is still 1.

5. The Clone's Second Turn

The clone decides to do a powerful strike, but Steven gets to attack first because of his counter attack.

  • Steven's response is a powerful attack of his own. Steven rolls a 14 for a total of 18 after adding his attack modifier (4). The clone's defense is 12. Because Steven's total (18) is higher than the clone's defense (12), his attack succeeds. This is a full power attack, so the attack power is 6. The clone has no armor with absorption to reduce the attack's power. Because Steven's machete is Sharp, the clone takes 6 damage and no stun.
  • The clone's stun plus damage (0 + 6 = 6) is now has more his healthy value, so the clone can no longer do strenuous actions like the powerful strike he was planning. Instead, the clone chooses to evade, giving him a +4 defense modifier against all attacks until his next turn.

If the clone had any stun he would recover one point now, but he doesn't.

6. Steven's Third Turn

Steven decides to follow up his attack with a combo. He can only use the machete once in the combo because his speed is 1, but he can also use his other hand, legs, elbows, knees, head, etc. as a secondary weapon for a second attack.

  • Steven first attacks using a kick (a quick attack with one of his legs.) Steven's attack bonus with his head and legs is 2, and he rolls a 12, for a total of 14. The clone's defense is 12, but this is raised to 16 because the clone is evading. Steven's kick attack misses because Steven's total (14) is not greater than the clone's defense (16).
  • For Steven's second attack he uses the machete, and he rolls a 17, for a total combat roll of 21. The clone's defense and evasion together is only 16, so Steven's attack is successful. This is a half power attack, so its attack power is 3. Steven's weapon is sharp so the attack does 3 damage. The clone is now totally incapacitated because the clone's damage plus stun (0 + 9 = 9) is equal to or higher than the clone's toughness (8).