Mano a Mano Fantasy:Miracle Workers

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Miracle Workers

Some games might have miracle workers who can invoke divine power. They may be priests, shamans, bards, druids or clerics of some sort, but often ordinary and eccentric people not suited or called to religious office have the faith or discipline to perform miracles. The miracle worker often plays an important support role in a party of adventurers, healing and inspiring the heroes to keep fighting. Not every game includes divine power or miracle workers. Character creators should make sure the game they are designing characters for allows this type of character before creating one.
Miracle workers have one ability, which we will call virtue, but the name of ability could be different depending on the setting and type of divine power invoked. For example the miracles could be performed by faith, humility, providence, merit, karma, spirit, divine favor or positive energy. The miracle worker's virtue is temporarily reduced whenever a miracle is performed but it is replenished daily.
Each divine power is a quality with a fixed level. The miracle worker must have virtue equal to that level to invoke the power and each time the power miraculously intervenes the miracle worker's virtue is (temporarily) decreased by that level. For example, if a character with 5 virtue invokes a level 3 power, then his virtue is effectively 2 for the rest of the day or until the character performs another miracle, reducing his virtue even more. This means he cannot perform miracles greater than level 2 until his virtue is replenished. Suppose the miracle worker uses a level 2 power that same day. After both miracles the character's virtue is effectively 0 (5 - 3 - 2 = 0), and he cannot invoke any other powers. The next day the miracle worker's virtue is 5 again.

Vaguely described powers, such as afflictions, should be given specific descriptions when they are learned or at least when they are used. For example a minor affliction could be painful boils while a mass affliction could be a swarm of flies that harasses an enemy. Powers that affect every visible enemy don't have to be strictly line-of-sight. They might affect everyone in a visible town, or a significant percentage of people in a big city, but they do not affect a specific individual enemy if he is not visible to the miracle worker.

Level 1 Powers (5 CP each)

everyone present is able to understand each other as if speaking the same language. Differences of social class, education and professional jargon are also temporarily overcome.
talk to animals
the miracle worker can understand and communicate with dumb animals. The miracle worker can do this casually without using up any virtue unless he needs to send or receive important or urgent information.
talk to plants
the miracle worker can understand and communicate with trees and possibly other vegetables. The miracle worker can do this casually without using up any virtue unless he needs to send or receive important or urgent information.

Level 2 Powers (10 CP each)

minor smiting
the miracle worker makes a success roll with his virtue against a single target's virtue. If the smiting is successful, the target receives damage equal to the miracle worker's virtue, but no more than the target's toughness. The miracle worker must be able to see the target.
minor affliction
the miracle worker makes a success roll with his virtue against a single target's virtue. If the affliction is successful the target has an unfavorable circumstance modifier (-2 to all rolls) for the rest of the battle.
minor inspiration
the miracle worker or one of his allies recovers all stun and receives a favorable circumstance modifier (+2 to all rolls) on his next turn.

Level 3 Powers (15 CP each)

heal wounds
one character's damage is reduced to zero.
cure poison
remove poison and it's effects from one character
cure disease
remove a disease and it's effects from one character

Level 4 Powers (20 CP each)

major smiting
like minor smiting except the damage is 1 plus either the target's toughness or the miracle worker's virtue, whichever is greater.
mass smiting
like minor smiting except that it affects all enemies in sight.
serious affliction
like minor affliction except that the circumstance modifier is very unfavorable (-4 to all rolls.)
mass affliction
like minor affliction except that it affects every enemy in sight unless
permanent affliction
like minor affliction except that it lasts until the miracle worker dies or removes the affliction. The miracle worker must provide the enemy with reasonable terms for removing the affliction (such as unconditional surrender.)
major inspiration
like minor inspiration except that the circumstance modifier is very favorable (+4 to all rolls.)
mass inspiration
like minor inspiration except that it affects the miracle worker and all of his nearby allies.
lasting inspiration
like minor inspiration except that the circumstance modifier lasts for the rest of the battle.

Level 5 Powers (25 CP each)

change weather
the miracle worker can produce any kind of desired weather short of a massive natural disaster. Really foul weather can give everyone present a negative circumstance modifier (-2 to all rolls.) This is not very effective offensively because the foul weather also affects the miracle worker and his allies, but it can be an effective defense if the miracle worker wants to avoid a battle.
lightning bolt
the miracle worker can summon a lightning bolt from the sky to any point which is in sight and outdoors. The lightning bolt can start fires and as a classic sign of divine judgment it can cause damage to any target equal to that target's stamina. There is no success roll required but shelter that would protect someone from a natural lightning bolt will also work against this variety of divine wrath.

Level 6 Powers (30 CP each)

fatal smiting
like minor smiting except the damage inflicted is equal to the target's toughness.
major mass smiting
like major smiting except that it affects every enemy in sight.
serious mass affliction
like serious affliction except that it affects every enemy in sight.
serious permanent affliction
like serious affliction with the duration of permanent affliction.
permanent mass affliction
like permanent affliction except that it affects every enemy in sight.
major mass inspiration
like major inspiration except that it affects the miracle worker and all of his nearby allies.
major lasting inspiration
like major inspiration with the duration of lasting inspiration
lasting mass inspiration
like mass inspiration with the duration of lasting inspiration

Level 7 Powers (35 CP each)

the miracle worker can get information even if there is no natural way for him to know it, this can include secrets that haven't been told, future or distant events.
the miracle worker can restore a recently deceased person to full health, provided that the body has not been cremated or otherwise destroyed.
mass healing
every living person in sight (or just the visible living people chosen by the miracle worker) is restored to full health and cured of any poison or disease afflicting them.

Level 8 Powers (40 CP each)

mass fatal smiting
like fatal smiting except that it affects every enemy in sight.
serious permanent mass affliction
like serious permanent affliction except that it affects every enemy in sight.
major lasting mass inspiration
like major lasting inspiration except that it affects the miracle worker and all of his nearby allies.