Dragonflight Annual Seattle Game Convention
Mission Statement
Dragonflight was formed 30 years ago with the goal of promoting the gaming hobby in the Pacific Northwest. Dragonflight's annual convention is a three-day event featuring table-top gaming of all varity: Board & Card Games, Miniature Games, Wargames, Role Playing games and LAN Computer Games. Our annual auction (the Sunday of the convention) is a chance to make room on your shelf - or to take up more room on your shelf! We provide the opportunity to play and host a variety of games, to shop dealer tables, and to join official game developer demonstrations for game enthusiasts across the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
Dragonflight Web Central.
Who, When, Where, How...
WHO = Local Participating Community Gamers
Gamer Associations
- Puget Sound Roleplayers Meetup Group
- Seattle Dungeons & Dragons Meetup Group
- Seattle Gamers Assemble! (SGA)
- Third Place Gamers
(Currently being planned!)
Getting There
By bicycle:
By car:
Contacting Us
Other Events
Planning Dragonflight