Gilda "Granny" Greentooth
Middle-Aged Goblin, Cloistered Cleric 4 (XP: 1,200) Height 3'4", skin an unsually pale greyish green, fabulous witch-like nails, incongruously doe-like eyes.
STR 10 (Base 13 [Cost 5] -1 age -2 Gob) bonus +0
DEX 13 (Base 12 [Cost 4] -1 age +2 Gob) bonus +1
CON 12 (Base 13 [Cost 5] -1 age) bonus +1
INT 16 (Base 15 [Cost 8] +1 age) bonus +3
WIS 16 (Base 15 [Cost 8] +1 age) bonus +3
CHA 18 (Base 14 [Cost 6] +1 age +2 Gob +1 Lev 4) bonus +4
Vitality: ## Wounds: ## BAB: ## FORT: ## REF: ## WILL: ##
Skills: (CC/Abil/Misc|Tot)
Skills: (points = 36 at first level, plus 27 for next three)
Appraise (Int): (0/3/0|3) Balance (Dex) Bluff (Cha) Climb (Str) CONCENTRATION (Con) CRAFT (?) (Int) DECIPHER SCRIPT (Int) DIPLOMACY (Cha) Disable Device (Int) Disguise (Cha) Escape Artist (Dex) Forgery (Int) Gather Information (Cha) Handle Animal (Cha) HEAL (Wis) Hide (Dex) Intimidate (Cha) Jump (Str) KNOWLEDGE (ARCANA) (Int) KNOWLEDGE (HISTORY) (Int) KNOWLEDGE (RELIGION) (Int) KNOWLEDGE (THE PLANES) (Int) KNOWLEDGE (LOCAL) (Int) Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex) Open Lock (Dex) Perform (xxxxxx) (Cha) PROFESSION (WITCH) (Wis) Ride (Dex) Search (Int) Sense Motive (Wis) Sleight of Hand (Dex) SPELLCRAFT (Int) Spot (Wis) Survival (Wis) Swim (Str) Tumble (Dex) Use Magic Device (Cha) Use Rope (Dex)
Climb (Str) 0+0+1+2 = +3, Craft (Alchemy) (Int) 4+1+1+4 = +10, Craft (Gonnes) (Int) 4+3+1+4 = +12(+14 with tools; +16 if metal and stone), Diplomacy (Cha) 4+2+1+4 = +11, Knowledge (Local) (Int) 4+1+3+1 = +8, Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) 2+1+3+2 = +8, Knowledge (Noblity) (Int) 4+1+3+1 = +9, Knowledge (Engineer) (Int) 3+2+3+2 = +10, Knowledge (Religon) (Int) 3+1+3+1 = +8, Ride (Dex) 0+4+2+0 = +6, Sense Motive (Wis) 2+2+3+2 = +9, Spellcraft (Int) 2+0+1+0 = +3
Other Abilities:
Spellcasting:(Domains: Knowledge, ########, #####)
Base: 3/1+1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
Bonus: -/1/1/1/-/-/-/-/-/-
A goblin witch of traveller origin.
Class: Traveller
Renown: +X(+XX)
Base starting gold [for magic/exotic only, station will equip your basics] 5400gp Equipment: Purse of XXXgp/month. TEXT
Special Equipment: Proficient simple weapons and light armour
Alchemical Equipment:
Other Equipment: EXAMPLE: 10 GP worth of miscellanous Adventuring Gear (Backpack, Rope and the like) and 50 GP pocket change
Followers: XXXXXXXXX