Merah the Cat

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Pathfinder Stats

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Race: Valken (Cat)

Class: Rogue 2/Sorcerer 3


  • Strength 12
  • Dexterity 18
  • Constitution 12
  • Intelligence 14
  • Wisdom 10
  • Charisma 18


Tall, sensual, most evidently female, Merah has long black hair, with black fur on her ears and tail. Her eyes are have slit pupils and are brilliant green. When she chooses to emphasize her appearance, her beauty can be another weapon in her hands. Her age is uncertain, but probably under 20 winters.


Despite her origins in the gutter, Merah is good-natured and lacks the ruthless self-centered streak many such possess. She is sensual, and loves thrills and new experiences. Free-spirited, she hates to have people telling her what to do which leads to a certain disrespect for petty laws. She also has a mischievous streak, and enjoys pranks and getting into places she shouldn't.


A good actress, Merah uses her charisma to good advantage. Combined with her Hat of Disguise she can use it find herself ways past guards and through defenses that are supposed to be impregnable. Her spells tend towards showmanship and illusion, though not exclusively so, and she keeps her old roguish skills from her street days well honed, though nowadays she is more inclined to put things into people's pockets than take them out.


Merah has no idea who her family was. She grew up on the streets of Alfein, and displayed a natural talent for thievery. But it was a talent for the arcane which took her away from her childhood when she was discovered by a wizard of the Grand Arcanum.

Talent for the arcane doesn't necessarily equate to a talent for the academic life, or tolerance for the attitudes of many wizards. Merah's magic and personality were both too spontaneous for her to fit in, and eventually she left of her own accord. Some of her teachers were disappointed, but most were relieved to see the back of a student like her. She still has friends among those who were students at the same time as her, but the higher ranks of the Grand Arcanum don't want to see her back.

She has made a living as a dancer in Sybus' Caress, combining magic with her dance. Her beauty and talent have allowed her to live well as just a dancer, and her magics have thus far been enough to deter those who might try to force her in less pleasant directions.

But dancing isn't Merah's only occupation. Her love of thrill and pranks and her distaste for law and authority have drawn her into a second life. A statue by a famous artist is to be revealed tomorrow? Tonight she will be there, painting whiskers on its face and leaving a catnip-filled mouse beside it. A valuable necklace guarded and on display? Soon there will be an addition to the display, a token that she passed the defenses. But Merah never actually steals anything, except perhaps the pride of those who thought they could keep her away. To her it's nothing more than a game.

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown