Session 106

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Chapter 12

Harold: Will Story join us tonight?
Random_Nerd: Nope. He sent me a PM to that effect.
Random_Nerd: The Curse of James is /powerful/.
Harold: lol
Random_Nerd: I'm expecting you to spontaneously combust or something within three sessions.

      • Knockwood has joined #nobilis.

BethE: Hi Knock!
Knockwood: Hi guys
Random_Nerd: It's worse than being a Spinal Tap drummer.
Random_Nerd: Hey, Knock.
Harold: Well, there was an earthquake this morning...
Harold: Hi Knock!
BethE: And there are hurricanes all over the place, it seems...
Knockwood: what happened?
BethE: Stories cannot join us tonight.
BethE: The Curse of James strikes yet again, like a forgetful rattlesnake...
Harold: Well, at least, the rest of the group is here :)
Harold: Ready to defend Creation against...well...pretty much anything.

      • You are now known as Theresa.

Random_Nerd: So, ready to start?
Theresa: Ready, I think.
Harold: Indeed.
Random_Nerd: Okay. Now, let me glance up in the log to see where everyone was, and then we can start.
Knockwood: .nick DanteE

      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.
  • DanteE kant tipe

Harold: If I remember correctly, I was outside the tower, chatting with Migrations about my relationship to my Imperator and my Familia.

      • Harold is now known as Herbert.

Random_Nerd: Okay. Now, I was /going/ to introduce Stories this time, but obviously that will have to wait for next week.
Random_Nerd: Okay, let's go.
Random_Nerd: __________________START________________________
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "So, you're... part gargoyle?"
Herbert: "Well, I sort of remember being able to fly, but I never had wings. So, my memories, my soul is part gargoyle. But my body, well, it's part city now. Look at this..."

  • Herbert lifts his shirt and shows Migration the unhealthy spot that appeared on his abdomen, a reflection of the part of Kaerkoven that was devastated by the giant bunny.

Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Lots of people can fly without wings." He gestures at the empty air supporting him. "Although I'm not sure if I qualify."
Random_Nerd: He squints at it.
Herbert: "Qualify? As a gargoyle? I don't think so, no."
DanteE: "Well, I can leap tall buildings in a single bound... with a decent tailwind"
Herbert: "I'm working on a way to make the city a LOT healthier. I call it: project UP."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "So, do you keep your soul in your body, or outside of it?"
Herbert: (Migration is still inspecting the mechanism of the clock?)
Theresa: (Dante isn't there, I think...he was inside with Seasons and the others...)
Random_Nerd: (He's looking more at the tower itself than the Heart.)
DanteE: (oops)
Random_Nerd: (And Dante could easily be near a window or something, and sticking his head out.)
Theresa: (Very true.)

  • Herbert looks puzzled. "I didn't know I had a choice in the matter. Than again, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable travelling without my soul. And you?"

Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Oh, I thought most Powers who were as connected to their Chancels as you kept their souls in the ground somewhere. As for me... it depends how you define it?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "This wasn't my original body, so technically perhaps I don't, but on the other hand, I consider it to be my body now."

  • Theresa shows Rivers and Seasons the conference room...comfy chairs and all. Badge Maker of the Realm is in the corner. "And we have a transmogrifier off-site but it's booked with some of the Chancel folk caught in the changes..."

Herbert: "And your soul... It's in this body or back in the Chancel?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations gestures at his chest.
Random_Nerd: "It's in here."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Oh, you're changing your chancelfolk too? You might want to talk to Migrations about that. He's good at it."
DanteE: "Well, we're changing the ones who got changed and want to be changed back."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Some time, when the chancel's safe, I should take you there, and show you the grave I keep my human body in."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I hope nothing happened to it."
Theresa: "Well, it was less a conscious decision and more it sort of happened thing. We have humans that are now ogres from fairy tales and their wives are not happy. We also have trees that have become humans and they are getting nervous about winter.
Herbert: "I guess I'll follow your example for the moment. My soul stays in there." Points to his chest. "But it seems I at least share my body with the land. Or part of it."
Theresa: "
Herbert: "I'd like that."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Ogres like Lord Entropy's ogres?"
Theresa: (I love the kinf of matter of fact "I hope nothing happened to it.")

  • Herbert looks at the tower. "How about visiting the inside of the tower, I guess the others are in the conference room. I could also introduce you to my assistant."

Theresa: "Nah, more like Baba Yaga ogres or a cross tween a werewolf and a steroid abuser."
Theresa: "He used to be a professor, so very articulated."
Herbert: "Oh, and how did you die exactly? I mean your first body."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Huh. And trees, huh."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I killed myself, of course."
Herbert: "Of... course..."
Theresa: "Yep. Oh and if a giant ambling redwood offers you his cows to pet, it's a good thing. He's a bit shy about making friends."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Let me guess, he used to be a farmer?"
DanteE: "We really should go easy on Herb for a while..."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "it's part of the whole Dark thing. Hardly even hurt, besides."
Herbert: "Yeah, I'm still getting my head around that 'Dark' thing, but I'm getting there."

  • Herbert walks inside the tower, inviting Migrations to follow him.

Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Of course, I'm a transformationist, obviously."
Random_Nerd: Migrations follows.
Theresa: "No, Red's from California. He's an immigrant, I guess you could say. Kudzu wanted a sentient giant. Gave dimensions and we picked up Red, gave him some intelligence and let him go to town. He's keen on the moving around thing but wants to get out into the real world some time and travel."
Herbert: "A transformationist?"
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I take the view that it's possible in some senses to satisfy the Code of the Dark by a human being willingly turning himself into something distinctly inhuman."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Obviously, most of the Dark powers started out human. So, we have to reach ways of fitting that in with our purpose."
Herbert: "And do you consider the fishmen to still be human? What would it take for them to loose their...humanity?"

  • Herbert walks in the conference room, still engaged in conversation with Migrations.

Random_Nerd: Migrations: "I'm not sure on that, yet. We still don't have a working definition of humanity that everyone agrees on."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "That's really the main thing we have in common with the Light, as that's really important to them too."
DanteE: "If your criteria is 'everyone agrees' you'll never get a definition of anything."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Sure. But it's too important to just make a wild guess and go with it."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "So, I split the difference with the chancelfolk. They're arguably inhuman now, but even so, I've persuaded most of then to value the same principles as I do."
Herbert: "So, there's a lot of talk between people of the same faction and people of different factions? Are there symposiums or things like that?"
DanteE: "Anyway... any word on how your Ymera and home are faring?"
DanteE: "And feel free to grab a seat"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "We won, but she's hurt. And I get the impression she wants a bit of time to heal before we see her again. Would it be a problem if we stayed here for at least a few days?"
DanteE: "No problem"
DanteE: "How are your people adjusting?"
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. So, shall I assume you've all made your way to the office?)
Theresa: "None whatsoever. We have rooms at the ready for when you guys get tired of us and want to unwind. And any sort of food or beverage that can provide."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Most of them like the city. They're still a bit shaken up, but they appreciate the effort to be hospitable."
Theresa: (Sure.)
DanteE: (Sure)
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "It's really a shame about all of them that died. There wasn't even anything I could do about it."
Herbert: (Yep.)
Random_Nerd: The texture of his face changes, with slight cracks running through it.

  • Herbert holds his tongue...

Random_Nerd: (Let's see. Dante, the meeting room was always one of your places, as I see it. Would you say that there's any area of it that would have a higher-than-elsewhere distribution of books, music, and right angles than the rest?)
Theresa: (How many right angles can you have a place?)
Random_Nerd: (A lot!)
DanteE: (Hm...
Herbert: (Any non-euclidians angle in here?)
Herbert: (Or typos?)
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Look, I know you don't like that I helped some of them kill themselves. But don't you see the /difference/ between that and death by accident or violence?"
DanteE: (If you remember, the walls have a relief of the view you'd have if there were no walls... so there's always the Kaer)
Random_Nerd: (Tpyo is hiding under the table...)
Theresa: (*kicks*)
Herbert: "I see the difference. I can't say that I /understand/ it..."
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Okay, and is there any written material on hand?)
DanteE: (The usual paperwork, sure)
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Well, if they choose to kill themselves, they're leaving the world on their own terms, and of their own free will. But if they get murdered or die by accident, that's being imposed on them by someone else, or by mere chance."
Herbert: "Well, I understand it on an intellectual level, but on a more emotional one... not so much."
Theresa: (A note pad with Theresa scribblings is always somewhere around. It's habitual.  :) )
Random_Nerd: One part of the room, where the "window faces the university, starts to grow a slightly yellowish color, which is particularly
Herbert: "I know, I know, it's just that as long as there is a possibility for life, I can't understand why they would embrace oblivion."
Random_Nerd: (Err, "window")
Random_Nerd: particularly focused on a pile of papers on the floor.
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Do you really want to live forever? I know I don't."
DanteE: "That's new..."
Random_Nerd: The yellowness flares for a moment, and then subsides.

  • Theresa walks over and looks at the papers.

Random_Nerd: They look like most of the letters on them have faded to a very light grey, leaving only a few black ones.
Herbert: "Maybe not forever, but for as long as possible and with the knowledge that I'd leave something behind, a family..."
Random_Nerd: They spell out "I'm sorry to damage whatever this is, but I couldn't remember your heraldric designs. Please get in touch when you can. Blue Shock."
Herbert: "What the hell?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Yeah!"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Does this happen often here?"
DanteE: "We had Blue Shock over for a Chancel-warming party some time back."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "Oh, don't tell me. One of you has as his Anchor a shade of yellow with an eraser."
Theresa: "Oh, it's from one of the Dionyl nobles who visited recently. Was he the one who had a body?"
Theresa: (I sense that the day has worn down Season's ability to hold back snark, huh?)
Random_Nerd: (No. That was The Triad, right?)
DanteE: (Is Samuel here?)
Random_Nerd: (He's in his office, which is on the same floor as the meeting room.)

  • Herbert looks confused, but is getting used to it and try to follow the conversations as closely as possible.

Random_Nerd: (Has Herbert met Samuel yet? And what was his reaction?)
Theresa: "Oh, no, it was the Triad with a body. *to Herb* He wanted to do the 'tourist thing' and wear a body while visiting Earth."
Theresa: (Yeah, he's met Sam. Don't remember the reaction, though...)
DanteE: "Hey Samuel! Do you have Blue Shock's contact info?"
Herbert: (At the time, Herb was a bit shocked, so he didn't really react.)
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "No, but William would." "William! We need the Big Book of Flowers! The Dionyl one!"
Herbert: Theresa: "I see..."
Herbert: Whispers to Theresa: "Should we handle family matters in front of our guests?"
Random_Nerd: William shows up in about seventy seconds, dressed in somewhat rumpled and damp clothing, and with a towel wrapped around his head.
Random_Nerd: William: "I'll get the book, one moment, please."
Theresa: *whispers back* "Dante or I can go handle it, if it's something that should be private. You've been doing a great job as host, Herb."
Theresa: (Now I'm pictureing a slight damp red-haired Stephen Fry as William...)
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "We can go, it's not a problem."
Herbert: "Oh, thanks! I can't say it's an area of expertise, but I do what I can..."
Random_Nerd: (It'd have to be a younger Stephen Fry, William's just in his thirties.)
Random_Nerd: William ducks out and shows up with a large book, which he leafs through.
DanteE: "Does it give any details in the papers?"
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "What's up?"
Random_Nerd: (Other than that message, the papers are unchanged.)
Theresa: "Oh, it's uop to you guys about staying or not. No need to air dirty laundry but it may just be that he left something behind at the party or such."
Theresa: (up even)

  • Theresa shows Sam the note from Blue Shock.
  • Herbert tries discreetly to "touch" Sam with the tip of his finger.

Random_Nerd: William opens the book and shows you an odd-looking flower clearly not native to Earth, with many small bunches of flowerlets with oddly angular yellow petals.
Random_Nerd: (Touching in a place with clothing, or a place without?)
Theresa: (I'm only in charge of Plants of Earth, right?)
Random_Nerd: (No, all plants.)
Herbert: (Without!)
Random_Nerd: (At least, all plants that are not themselves Nobles, Imperators, or whatever.)
Herbert: (I wonder if there are a lot of Ennobled Plants...)

  • Theresa transforms a hand into the otherworldly flower, testing it's smell.

Random_Nerd: (Not a huge number, but more than you'd think.)
Random_Nerd: (Mainly Serpentine Nobles.)
Theresa: (Well, there's the Ash. It's the mother of Imperators.)
Random_Nerd: (After all, the Serpents are part plant. Some Gods are plantlike, too.)
Random_Nerd: The smell is pungent, and not particularly sweet. The closest earthly analogue would be a combination of citrus and garlic.
DanteE: (Wonder if Kaerkoven has a decent Mongolian barbeque... :) )
Random_Nerd: (If it doesn't, have Herb make one.)
Herbert: (A Garden of Nobles: now, that would be a strange campaign...)
Herbert: (Done.)
Theresa: (With real Mongols?)
DanteE: "I'll take this in my office, then...

  • DanteE grabs the flower
  • Theresa changes it back into a hand and Creates a flower for Dante. *grin*

Random_Nerd: Oh, and when Herb touches Sam, it feels like there's sudden resistance in the air. Not so much like a solid object, or wind being blown on it, but more like his finger "weighs" a lot more than it normally would, and does so with a "down" pointing away from Sam. The direction of this pressure constantly shifts slightly.
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Were you originally a human, or a plant?"

  • DanteE heads into his office...

Theresa: "Human. Kindergarden teacher, actually." *smiles*
Herbert: "Fascinating."
Random_Nerd: Migrations: "Ah. How do you like being human?"
Herbert: (Real Mongols? Tricky, but feasible.)

  • DanteE hooks the flower to his call anywhere executive communication system and coffee warmer and tries to get through to Blue Shock...

Random_Nerd: (Telling the message board to pray to him on your behalf, you mean?)
DanteE: (same thing :) )
Theresa: *ponders* "Hmm..hadn't really thought about it. It's more a sense of being me...the me that's human, the me that's Noble, the me that's plantlike. " *looks at hands that are missing fingers* "Although, I do have to admire the hardiness of being Noble."
Random_Nerd: (What do you have it tell him?)
DanteE: (.. y'know what, scratch that, I'll try talking to him directly)
DanteE: (just trying to put the conversation up on a screen in case I need someone else to hear it)
Random_Nerd: After about thirty seconds: Blue Shock, in some dionyl language that you can understand because you're Noble: "This had better be important, because while I care about your prayers, I'm waiting for an important message. Who is this?"
Theresa: (This is the equivalent of a wrong number calling you and asking 'who is this' of you...)
Random_Nerd: (Does Dante respond?)
DanteE: "The important message. This is Courage and Blades, Chancel Amyra, Familia Kudzu. You called us?"
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock, switching to somewhat accented latin: "Oh, it's one of you. Sorry, but I've had a lot of incoming prayers."
DanteE: "What happened?"
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "We're still trying to figure that out. Basically, someone or something showed up not too far outside the Chancel, and he or it or whatever is doing something to change everyone's perceptions nearby."
Theresa: (EEp...)
DanteE: (What's Migrations' Ymera's name?)
Theresa: (Uh, this is perhaps bad timing to ask long until the end of the world, btw?)
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "But I don't know more than that, because I can't get reliable information. So, while my Chancelmates are trying to find it out, I'm calling people asking if they know what's up."
Random_Nerd: (Jeris.)
Random_Nerd: (Until the end of the world, or until the start of the end of the world?)
DanteE: "Uhoh. Ymera Jeris was just attacked in her own Chancel by a full Excrucian.
DanteE: "They had to evacuate their Nobles and population to Amyra..."
Theresa: (Start of the end of the world, please. These things can go on for a while.)
DanteE: to the others: "Hey, did that Excrucian mess with everyone's perceptions before attacking?"
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Oh, lovely. I was hoping it was just an old God waking up, or something similar. Yeah, that would fit. I've never seen the effects of a full Excrucian on worldsight, but even a Shard is nearly as potent as a Noble."
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "No, not as far as I know. He just showed up, started smashing things until our Ymera showed up, and then fought her."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "But this isn't even a war front, the way Earth is. I don't even /know/ when the last time we got one of Them here in person."
DanteE: to Blue: "Jeris drove it off with help from Orion, but she's hurt. Their guy just showed up and started smashing things, though."
DanteE: "Where are you?"
Random_Nerd: Blue: "Okay... I'll assume you're right. Is there anything you can do to help? The threat's not physical, but the Excrucian, if that's what it is, has nearly a continent's worth of worldsight pressure behind him."
Random_Nerd: Blue: "I'm just inside our Chancel. Triad and Tint are outside, trying to shore up people's minds."
DanteE: "William... Blue Shock's Chancel may be being attacked. Can you call another Deus Ex Machina?"
DanteE: "Samuel, find a passage from here to there, quick.
Random_Nerd: William: "Frankly, I'm surprised that it even worked the last time. I don't have even near that kind of pull. I can put the word out, but no promises."
Theresa: "What is with today?"
Herbert: "It's one of those days... It's my first day. I feel... cursed."
DanteE: "Herb, stop poking the help and figure out where you can relocate a lot of Dionyl."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Okay, let's see... their chancel's in a Domination-aligned area, so there should be a city outside of the chancel bounderies... I need to look at some maps."|
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Give me ten minutes, and I think I can come up with something."
Theresa: *to our guests* "You guys should get some rest while you can. Especially you, Rivers. Remember to simply ask and your needs will be taken care of."
Random_Nerd: (Rivers isn't here.)
Theresa: "Dante, ask about any atmosphere conditions or stuff. In case we need a sub again?"
Random_Nerd: (She's in the aquatic hotel room that Herb made.)
Herbert: "So we have to fight another of these Excrucians? And what does that mean 'worldsight pressure'?"
DanteE: "Blue... we'll be there in 10 to 15 minutes. Your place have breathable air?"
Theresa: (I thought Rivers came with us upstairs. My mistake. Retcon, please. At least that part.)
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "It's like... okay, you know how you can see two worlds, right?"
Herbert: "Yes."
Theresa: "Dionyl are different from humans in that their reality changes in accordance to who is more powerful around them. At least on their planet."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "It's like that, but less defined. To some degree, everyone on Dionyl has their own world. A lot of people, probably most, live in groups where they work to keep their worldsights aligned."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "And if an outsider, a traveller perhaps, came near a city where a bunch of people were sustaining a shared worldview, he'd probably be caught up in theirs, unless he was particularly disciplined or important."
Herbert: "So, when something else, something powerful arrives, he can mess all of this up?"
DanteE: (wouldn't that include us?)
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Yeah. Normal people aren't that powerful, except in groups. Nobles are more powerful, even if they don't use any special miracles. Imperators can change a region's worldview just by coming to visit."
DanteE: "Samuel, could we evac a population of Dionyl to here?"
Theresa: "Wouldn't that be like causing DA to them?"
Herbert: "And what would they need?"
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Yeah, you could... but it wouldn't help. This place is under Earth's rules, and that'd be even more traumatic than what's happening now. I had to spend over a year in training to be able to function here."
DanteE: "Crap. Do we have connections to another Dionyl world?"
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "See, because there are only two worlds here. And they're /really/ strong, and you /have/ to see one or the other. It's like wrestling with Superman, and a normal Dionyl might hurt himself in his panic."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Dementia Animus! Yeah, that's what world-pressure is like. It's when you get caught out of your preferred worldview and forced into another."
Herbert: "So, evacuation isn't really an option."
DanteE: "Not to here, no."
DanteE: "We'll have to go there and improvise."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "You'd have to sedate them heavily, at least."
Theresa: (I don't even have that much morphine!)
DanteE: (We'll bring fabric softener. :) )
Random_Nerd: (Morphine wouldn't even work.)
Theresa: (Well, true. No blood system. Air freshener?)
Herbert: "We'll have to be careful, I'm a bit exhausted for a god."
Random_Nerd: (Really weird-looking fans!)
Theresa: "Okay, so Lesson'll hold down the fort here, our guests will be safe and we jaunt off to another freakout across the stars."
DanteE: "I'm Courage; what did you expect?"
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Yes, please don't take him. I don't want even a change to get caught up in how he sees the world."
DanteE: "Sam, where's that passage?"
Herbert: me call his wife quickly to tell her he won't make it to dinner tonight.
Theresa: "Want to come along, Sam? You would probably be the best guide we have on hand."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Working on it! Please stop asking questions! I can't think in more than one stream at once, I was raised Domination."
Theresa: (*giggle*)
Random_Nerd: William goes to Samuel's side and helps him with some calculations while Sam squints at maps in a big atlas.

  • Theresa hurries to her office and plucks some healing leaves off of the graft of the plant in there.

Theresa: "Just in case we get hurt..."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Got it."
DanteE: "Theresa, bring a bouquet of our flowers as well.

  • DanteE is loaded down with blades...

Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Okay, when we go over... try not to think focused... uh... I don't have vocabulary for this that would make sense to you."
Theresa: "I can just make one once we get there."

  • Herbert grabs his notepad and a bunch of pencils.

Random_Nerd: Samuel: "William, you've never actually been to Dionyl, right?"
Theresa: "Give it a shot, Sam. Should we think like Brian after that night with the co-eds and the bar crawl?"
Random_Nerd: William: "Yeah."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Stay near one of the bosses, until you get used to it."
DanteE: "Migrations, Seasons... what happened in your place right before the you-know-what attacked?
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Oh, and by the way, me being able to find a channel to a different world is /really impressive/, especially in this kind of time constraint. I don't mean to brag, but I /rule/."
Random_Nerd: William: "Yeah, pretty much."
Random_Nerd: Samuel scribbles on a map of Amyra, post-Enchancelment.
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Okay, here's the path."
Theresa: "We'll throw you a parade when we get back, Sam. Convertible with the top down and everything."

  • Herbert looks closely at the map.

Random_Nerd: It's a particular path through the junglelike shrubbery and ruined cities surrounding Amyra ever since the enchancelement.
Random_Nerd: (Any other preparation you guys are doing before you go?)
Theresa: (Nah.)
DanteE: (Paint the Dantemobile orange with a big '01' on the side? :) )
Theresa: (Although, if need be, we can escort out guests out of our Batcave...)
Herbert: (I'm good.)
Theresa: (I am not sliding across the hood in this skirt...)
DanteE: "William, any luck getting help?"
Random_Nerd: Seasons: "No offense, but I'm sticking behind. I already did this once today."
Random_Nerd: William: "Not really. We don't have many connections on Dionyl."
DanteE: We'd better move, I told Blue Shock 10-15 minutes."
Random_Nerd: (Cut to you guys riding Dante's Improbably Large-Trunked Hummer through the junglecity?)
Herbert: (Yeah!)
DanteE: (you bet)
Herbert: "That's quite a vehicle you've got there Dante."
DanteE: "One of the more mundane perqs of running the place"
Theresa: "You can fit a medium-sized monster in the trunk, even.":
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and is Herb going to create anything with Realm miracles to take along? They'll last a day even if you don't sustain them.)
DanteE: "Everybody go Zen, we're about to hit the portal..."
Herbert: (I can't think of anything useful right now, so I'll go 'naked'.)
DanteE: (BTW, when is the Big Endgame starting?)
Random_Nerd: (So if you want to make any duct tape or dragons or ninjas or whatever, now's the time.)
Random_Nerd: (Ah, okay.)
Random_Nerd: (It has not yet started, based on what information you received.)
Random_Nerd: (In about a month it will.)
DanteE: (Herb: make a ninja duct-tape dragon. :) )
Herbert: (With lots of duct tape?)
Theresa: (With anything!  :) )
DanteE: (or out of nothing!)
Theresa: (It could have spikey sharp ntoched bits for katanas.)
Random_Nerd: (So, cut to arriving on Dionyl?)
Theresa: (Sounds good to me.)
DanteE: (Yeah)
Herbert: (All right, I'll do a Lesser Creation of Ninja of the Dragon Clan. In addition to regular weaponry, he's holding some duct tape. I'm serious. If it's not too late. I'll find something to do with him.)
DanteE: (Suddenly, there are more people in the car, but we can't see them...)
Random_Nerd: *Bamf*
Theresa: (But does Aspect help in seeing ninjas?)
Random_Nerd: Suddenly, Herb's ninja appears in a puff of smoke.

  • Theresa looks at the ninja, if it is allowed.

Theresa: (Hey guys, am I getting through?)

      • You have been disconnected. Thu Sep 11 22:36:54 2008.
      • Automatically rejoining channel...
      • Theresa_ has joined #nobilis.
      • #nobilis: Theresa_ Random_Nerd DanteE Theresa @Herbert

DanteE: (no, you're back)
Theresa: (Weird...last I saw was the ninja appearing...the ninja killed my connection!)
DanteE: "Sam, you're a humans geek, you're familiar with ninja, right?"
Herbert: (He's pretty good.)
Theresa: (Man, that is some nice Realm you have there, Herb.  :) )
Random_Nerd: Sam: "I guess. Not really my area, really."
DanteE: (Just in time for RN to blow our effects budget for the week on the transition to Dionyl)
Random_Nerd: (Is Dante driving?)
DanteE: (Of course)
Herbert: (It's pretty useful when I need a ninja ;) )
Theresa: (You just need to refine the ninjas so they don't flip out and kill the GM's connection... <g>)
Herbert: "Akane, we're going to another realm to fight off the powers of evil. You're ready?"
Random_Nerd: Samuel sits next to Dante, constantly telling him when to turn right or left at that tree or chunk of brick wall or whatever.
Random_Nerd: He's also repeatedly glancing from the road to his scribbled-on map.
Random_Nerd: Ninja: "Yes, master! Blood shall be shed in your name!"
DanteE: ('Road' in the metaphorical sense only, I presume)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah.)
Theresa: ( cute! *patpatpat the ninja*)
Herbert: (lol)
Random_Nerd: (There are a few broken bits of asphalt around, but not more than a few feet at a side.)
DanteE: (Careful, Theresa, you'll lose more fingers)
Herbert: "Well, we'll see about the bood..." Herb introduces him to the other members of the party. "Oh, and can I have that duct tape please."
Random_Nerd: Finally, you plunge into a wall of vines, and as the transition takes place, Sam shouts "I rule!"
Theresa: (This is OOC patting. And I'm Durant at least...)
Herbert: (blood)
Random_Nerd: Duct-Tape Ninja: "Please accept this tape, which is as binding and durable as my own honor!"
Theresa: "It's two-sided..."
DanteE: (It has a light side and a dark side, and binds the universe together.)
Random_Nerd: Your Hummer, which now looks more like a big mottled green-and-red wasp, comes to rest between two buildings made of yellow.

  • Herbert takes the duct tape as ceremoniously as possible while in a hummer.

Random_Nerd: The buildings look vaguely Eastern in a jumbled-together-Orientalism sort of way, and glow quite brightly.
Herbert: "I guess we're no longer in Amyra."
Random_Nerd: The ground is greenish-yellow, polished like glass, and hums in a major fourth interval in C Major.
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Now, you're Noble, so you shouldn't be caught up in anyone else's worldview unless they're even higher up on the ladder than you, or if there are a /lot/ of them and they're focused."
DanteE: "In which case we're in trouble anyway."
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "William, as long as you stick near them, you should be caught up in their worldview."
Random_Nerd: (Oh, hmm. Metaphor. Any of you familiar with Exalted: Fair Folk?)
Theresa: "We should let them know we've they don't think we're more enemies.."
DanteE: "Blue? Tint? Triad?"
DanteE: (not me)
Random_Nerd: (Worldsight challenges work vaguely like shaping combat in that.)
Theresa: (*wiggles hand* Vaguely? It's also Borgstrom-worlded?)
Herbert: (Me neither.)
Random_Nerd: The sky seems to be made out of mother-of-pearl, incidentally, and uniformly radiates light.
Random_Nerd: Over a bit to the right from the way the Hummer is facing, there
Random_Nerd: 's a gathering of Dionyl.
Random_Nerd: They're clothed in much more bright colors than Samuel, and rather than scarves, seem to be wearing outfits that look like a cross between a military uniform and a monk's robe.
Random_Nerd: Sam: "Are you doing okay, William?"
DanteE: (Dionyl ninja!)
Random_Nerd: William nods, and looks a little queasy.
Herbert: (Do we feel the presence of this other entity that's causing trouble?)
Random_Nerd: (There's some sort of pressure coming from the direction that the dionyl group is in, but it's not clear.)

  • DanteE guises to Dionyl, just in case...
  • Theresa stays her normal shape.

Random_Nerd: Waves of blue and red sweep over the masses of dionyl. The blue one suddenly shatters and falls to the ground as a sort of yellowish sand, but the red one moves over them, only deviating a little to the side while doing so.
Random_Nerd: Duct Tape Ninja: "Who shall I slay, master?"
Herbert: To the ninja: "For the moment, you can kill a little time" To the others: "Hell, how are we going to handle this?"
Random_Nerd: As the wave of red shifts across the ground, it changes it to a more reddish color as crimson grass sprouts in its wake, and the tone of the ground changes to a diminished seventh.
DanteE: Where's Blue Shock?
Random_Nerd: You don't really know what he looks like, but if you had to guess, probably somewhere in the mass around where the wave of blueness fell to pieces?
DanteE: How's the place look to The Sight?
Theresa: *calls* "Hello to the Chancel! Point us in the direction of being brash and reckless?"
Random_Nerd: Like a rubber sheet, upside down. Where you guys are, there are a bunch of peaks rising about twenty feet up, shining rather brightly. The mass looks like a rounded hill, with a sharp peak in the middle. Over past them, there's a mountain.
Random_Nerd: (Theresa, shouting at mundane or Aspect volume?)

  • DanteE points to the mountain in blue. "That way."

Theresa: (Mundane at the moment. I might cause hurt if I yelled Aspectly.)

  • Herbert nods and follows Dante.

Random_Nerd: The ground shakes for a moment, and everything seems monochrome while it does.
Random_Nerd: You guys are about a hundred yards from the closest Dionyl.
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and they have better-than-human hearing, since they're made of vibrations, but worse-than-human vision, particularly for distant objects.)
DanteE: "... did we do that, or it?"
Theresa: "I don't think I did. But I'm trying not to think in too hard of a direction."
Random_Nerd: William: "Okay, I think I have a feel for this."
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and I'm working under the assumption, unless you say otherwise, that you guys are trying to stick to Prosaic sight.)
Herbert: (In my case, yes.)
Random_Nerd: From the direction you're going in, you hear the dionyl-mob equivalent of "watermelon watermelon, rhubarb rhubarb."
Theresa: (A request? Just kidding...)
Random_Nerd: It seems like some of the mob are wandering over in the direction of whatever it is that they're all looking at.
DanteE: "Let's find Blue Shock"
Random_Nerd: (If you're still using the Sight, you can see where the Noble presence is.)
Theresa: "They shouldn't be heading into this...we should get them back away from here."
Random_Nerd: Over to the left, a few hundred yards away, another mob of Dionyl is present. More waves of color sweep towards it, but each one bleaches and fades as it gets nearer, turning to a sort of dull grey.
Random_Nerd: (And, yes, it looks like grey light. It's magic. A wizard did it.)
Theresa: "Should we split up?"
Random_Nerd: (Think we should stop soon?)
DanteE: "Better not, until we have a handle on what we're up against/
Herbert: (Yep, my brain is in no shape to find a solution to this crisis ;) )
Theresa: (I'm getting a little blurry, yes.)
DanteE: "Plus, Blue SHock can guide us to who or what needs help."
DanteE: (Ha! No one can stop the Knights of Crayola! :D )
Herbert: (My ninja probably could :p )
Random_Nerd: (Okay, I think it's time to call it a night.)
Theresa: (The waz would make the duct tape not-sticky.)
Random_Nerd: ______________STOP____________________
Theresa: (wax even.)
Theresa: (Yeah, I need sleep.  :) )

      • Theresa_ is now known as BethE.

Random_Nerd: Thoughts?
Theresa: I always enjoy your NPCs, dear.
DanteE: starting to look like a Major Plot unfolding... is it?
Random_Nerd: Oh, and by the way, I know this seems to contradict what you found out when you researched the end of the Age. But this isn't /your/ apocalypse. It's the /Excrucians'/ one.
Herbert: I really appreciate the interaction with Migrations. He's an interesting fellow and a great 'device' to explore the Dark/Light divide.
DanteE: ... we're seeing an Excrucian Apocalypse?
Random_Nerd: Think I'm overdoing the Sympathy For The Power Of The Dark bit?
Random_Nerd: More or less. I know this seems like just them doing bad things to you, but trust me, it's shaking them up a lot more.
DanteE: Depends. Are you a man of wealth and taste?
Theresa: ... Now I'm hearing you in my head saying, "This Apocalypse isn't _for you_!"
Random_Nerd: Hopefully this will make sense soon. But trust me, I'm going somewhere with this.
Herbert: No, no, I think you're using the right tone.
Herbert: I feel it isn't somewhere pleasant though...
Herbert: ;)
Theresa: Dear, I enjoy your games. I trust you. It doesn't have to make sense. Wild, ya know?  :)
DanteE: only thing is, how will you intro Stories next week?
Random_Nerd: Well, this is just as much of a big thing as what you guys saw, so perhaps him as reporter-on-the-scene?
Herbert: It's a challenge!
Random_Nerd: I'll have to talk with him to work out the details.
Random_Nerd: But it seemed better to move this event up a little than to have "session where everyone just sits around because the thing that was supposed to happen can't."
DanteE: That's true...
Herbert: The idea of Story as a reporter sounds pretty good.
Random_Nerd: So, was the way I described Dionyl making visual sense?
Theresa: Yes, but that may be because we have talked about Dionyl on long car trips.
Herbert: It made /some/ sense ;)
DanteE: maybe a little confusion on Dionyl vs. Sight
Random_Nerd: Oh? Could you go into more detail on that?
DanteE: Just so I'm clear... the mountains are Sight-only, right?
Random_Nerd: Yeah.
Random_Nerd: That was how your Sight interpreted what's going on.
Herbert: I think you successfully translated the otherworldliness of the place, but I'm afraid that I was a little too tired to completely visualize it.
Random_Nerd: Oh, and if you guys weren't Nobles, you'd be caught up in the local worldview, which is rather stranger than what you saw.
DanteE: hm...
DanteE: so the DanteMobile is now a giant bug in between two buildings made of Yellow?
DanteE: Let's just hope they wind up appreciating my Winston Wolf imitation...
Random_Nerd: No, no. Luc is Winston Wolf.
Theresa: Hmm..if the changes stick, then Dante may drive back a Volkswagon.
Herbert: I'll fill it with ninjas.
Random_Nerd: So, does the whole Dionyl worldsight thing make sense, the way I've explained it?
DanteE: Just remember the trunk's in the front
Herbert: So far, so good.
DanteE: I think I get it...
Theresa: I think so.
Random_Nerd: Okay, good.
Random_Nerd: Mind if I head out now?
Herbert: No problem. I'll probably do the same :)
DanteE: oyasumi-nasai
Herbert: Good night gang. As always, it was a pleasure gaming with you!
Theresa: Night, guys! gOOD GAME!
DanteE: you too Tpyo!
Theresa: Bah.

Chapter 12