Wilbur D'Diavalos

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Neutral Evil


Warlock 9


Wilbur appears to be a respectable looking teacher in his late sixties. A reasonably cautious looking man, only rarely do people pick up on how truly vile he's become on the inside. His fastidousness prevents him from showing just how powerful he really is. Few would suspect he's an awesomely powerful wizard.


Wilbur is a man that still maintains his pleasant and calm demeanor. Few would ever suspect he's purely evil and even Cyne's ability to Detect Evil is thwarted by a magical ring (none of the other cultists have such protection). He is not naturally sadistic. He's willingly chosen to become a monster and always calmly carries out his atrocities, which makes him the most vile of them all.


Wilbur Diavalos is the former teacher of Johan Fitzluria and Octavian Lucian. He's also a close friend of Cynehard Keigwin. At one point in his career, he was a genuinely good and noble man that wanted very much to improve the lot of the poor. Many would routinely point to his brother and think of him as the 'good' one. Even Shannon's information network, which would gladly reveal that there is a cult called the Crimson Sign operating in the city, would be hard pressed to connect Wilbur to it.

Wilbur's corruption came at the hands of a young woman named Gabrielle Aderre. A Half-Lilin woman that he had briefly had a passionate affair with the mother of. Claiming to be his daughter, Wilbur knew that his career would be ruined if it came out. Feeling an obligation to her, he accepted her into his home. Gabrielle was a loose and corrupt woman who practiced strange magics, but every time that he grew angry at her, she reminded him that he'd unwittingly abandoned her. In truth, she was the lowest of the low, her mother had been exiled from the Thon clan for the practice of black magic and worship of the Forbidden God (Malaxas).

Wilbur was horrfied when his daughter revealed that she'd sold her soul to devils and attempted to confront the demons involved in order to free her spirit. What he did not realize was that he was a sacrifice by his child. Tortured and broken by the Netherdeep over the course of years, despite only moments passing, he was restored to health and returned.

He then proceeded to strike his daughter and chain her as an offering to the Incubus she'd summoned. The incubus had gained two souls for the price of one. Gabrielle was to be the vessel of the Dukkar and Wilbur would use his position of trust in the community to gain more souls for Malaxas.

At times, Wilbur cries himself to sleep while others he takes regular injected doses of Soyomas to keep the memories of his deeds from reaching him so he doesn't go insane(r).

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown