Johan Fitzluria's TV tropes
Here's a collection of tropes applying to Johan Fitzluria.
- NonActionGuy - He wish.
- TheSoCalledCoward - Johan is a runner, not a fighter. With that said, he can be extremely destructive when he lets loose.
- TheChick and TheSmartGuy - Johan exists some weird pseudo-plane between these two archetypes.
- StraightMan - Is yet to make a single joke. Quite good to observe the absurdity of the situations he gets into though.
- SquishyWizard - With great power comes great squishiness.
- IJustWantToBeNormal - Alas, it seems that he's forever cursed with CursedWithAwesome
- PowerIncontinence - Johan's life is a story of incidental pyromania. It's because of his UnstoppableRage really.
- TheUnfavotire - This might happen to you to if you start burning up your parent's properties during fits of rage.
- WellDoneSonGuy - Johan would like nothing else but return admitted back to his family.
- ChewToy - For every step forward Johan takes, somebody else will push him ten steps sideways. Everyone does this. Even the gods.
- ExtremeDoormat - A lot of Johan's troubles would probably go away if he had the balls to stand up for himself. Unfortunately he doesn't.
- RockBottom - This is where you find him.