Nika Earhart

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Revision as of 17:21, 4 December 2008 by Nika (talk | contribs) (Background)
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First Episode TBD
Concept Badass Pilot/Blockade Runner
Theme Song TBD
Played By {{{actor}}}
Full Name Nika Gwendolyn Earhart
Legal Status No Criminal Record
Known Aliases None
Age 32
Birthplace Boros
Favored Weapon Pistol, Bow


Nika Gwendolyn and her twin Nala Guinevere (don't ask, her mother was something of an oddity in her reading habits) were born on a large ranching spread on Boros, about three days' horseback ride from the main spaceport in the middle of one of the worst snowstorms that had ever whipped through the region. Their mother Fern barely survived the birth, and she was sickly for much of the girls' childhood.