Anime for HERO:Main Page

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Anime for HERO, The HERO System Anime RPG Wiki Resource, is a wiki open for game groups to provide resources for Characters created with the HERO SYSTEM 5th Edition rules for settings in the stlye of Japanese animation and manga, as well as for animation characters in general. This wiki is intended as an example of characters, campaigns and resources for anime-style RPGs using the HERO System.

Character Submission Guidelines

Anyone can submit characters, mecha, vehicles, Powers, Spells, and anything else HERO-related to this Wiki with some connection to anime or anime fandom. Frequently multiple versions of the same character or items will be submitted, at different point levels -- this is perfectly OK. The caterogies below are not intended to be arbitrary, but they are all general categories. I would like to avoid having cateogires for specific series of films if at all possible.

Writeups should, whenever possible, include as substantial an amount of flavor text as can be managed. However, due care should be used in writing this text. If the flavor text for the character you are submitting is likely to be inappropriate for a teenage audience, you should include a warning in both the categoty index and in the entry itself, preferably near the top. NOTE: Bceause of the nature of the genres being discussed in anime fandom, discussion of gay or lesbian relationships does not require a warning unless it involves descriptions of explicitly described CONDUCT.

The articles themselves, including stat listings, should of course be 100% Wiki-compliant. If you have any doubts, I recommend that you preview each article before saving it.

Because of concerns over "fair use" and copyright issues, the following cannot be posted to this Wiki:

  • Images of any kind, including fanart
  • Links to any outside website from which files of any kind can be downloaded, with the exception of Hero Designer data files
  • Links to fanfiction stories. Fanfiction characters have a section of their own and are permitted, but do not link to the stories themselves. Direct quotation from fanwork is not permitted on this Wiki without the explicit permission of the writer.

Writeup Categories

These are the categories for writups. If there is a category you do not see that needs to be added, you may do so.