Johan Fitzluria
Pathfinder Stats
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human
Class (Original): Sorcerer 5 (Fire Elemental Bloodline)
Class (Current): Sorcerer 7 (Fire Elemental Bloodline)
- Strength 8
- Dexterity 14
- Constitution 10
- Intelligence 19
- Wisdom 12
- Charisma 16
Johan doesn't look his age at all. Although he's closing in on twenty-two, he looks as if he'd be seventeen or less, often making people mistake him for a kid. He got curly blond hair, round cheeks and emerald green eyes that's always peering out from behind a pair of glasses. He tries to keep his hair according to latest aristocratic fashion, but unfortunately the hair resists. He's of medium build, although he looks (and is) rather meek. His clothing is an interesting mash-up of utilitarian adventurer gear and the latest high fashion. At least he tries to look his best.
Johan is the timid, nerdy kind of guy. He's extremely clever, very serious and unbelievably dedicated, even a bit over-achieving, his only flaw being his short temper. Sometimes, Johan just becomes so angry. And when he does, things happen. Johan is terribly ashamed about it though, and whenever it happens he'll be dreadfully embarrassed about the whole thing.
Anyway, Johan is of a good breeding, and it notices. His speech is correct, always adding honorifics to his sentences, not to mention that he got an impeccable sense of etiquette and what's "proper" behavior. Unfortunately the can't be said about his people sense. Johan's timidness has a tendency to get the better of him, resulting in him often hesitating about what to do when faced with a situation that requires him to communicate with the rest of the world.
Johan is a case of mistaken profession identity. Extremely intelligent and bookish, you'd think the boy's a wizard. You'd also be completely wrong. Fact is that Johan is a sorcerer. Not an especially strong one, but a sorcerer all the same. And to Johan's dismay he got a special connection to fire. According to Johan, evoking fire is easier than tying your shoelaces. Fact is that it's a bit too easy, which in the past has lead to accidents.
Johan's forte is mid-range combat. Although he's quick thinker, a spoiled youth without any hardships has left his bodily strength and close combat skills with much to ask for. If he's capable of keeping his distance though he's downright deadly as he can let his full spectrum fire spells loose at his opponents. He might hesitate about doing this though, as he's by nature a pretty peaceful fellow who would prefer that we all got along.
Johan is the seventh son of the prestigious Fitzluria family. His father is even one of the lords of the Parliament and the Johan's multitude of sibling carries different important tasks around or outside the city of Alfein. Well, with one exception. Johan.
As the seventh son in an already huge family Johan's birth could at best have been described as redundant, if not unnecessary. Johan is so far down on the inheritance that even the house Butler probably has a better chance than him of becoming the next Lord Fitzluria. If Johan had been a normal youth he'd a pleasant life obscurity and a comfy arranged marriage. Unfortunately Johan isn't what you'd call a normal youth.
At an early age Johan showed proof of a short, violent temper and a tendency towards rash action. Not that bad usually, if it weren't for the fact that Johan also showed aptitude towards pyromancy. One burnt down mansion later and Johan was sent at utmost haste to tutoring at the Grand Arcanum. The tutoring lasted for two years, and then the fourteen years old Johan got relegated for burning up the Headmaster's quarters in a fit of rage.
After that incident Johan was kept somewhat as the family's secret shame, something that should preferably be kept as far away as possible. As he grew up he'd be sent from relative to relative, switching schools as often as a normal person switches his underwear. This went on until the youth's eighteenth birthday, when he was unceremoniously kicked out on the street and made to fend for himself.
Since then Johan found a living as an adventurer. These days Johan considers his fire control and temper a serious character flaw, and whenever he'll feel rather ashamed whenever he loses his temper these days. He doesn't blame his family for estranging him, rather seeing it as a fitting punishment. This has even motivated him to prove himself capable of handling himself and today he usually see every challenge as a test towards his dedication of becoming a better son. And no, he doesn't realize how stupid that really sounds.