The Flying Piglet

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Revision as of 12:12, 26 December 2008 by (talk) (Crew)
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The building of the Flying Piglet was commissioned five years ago by one of the richer Lartan lords as the crown jewel of their House, a luxury cruiser bigger and better than any other. Although it no longer is a top performance ship, it the Flying Piglet still performs admirable. The Flying Piglet has been borrowed to Winterweir in exchange for some beneficial trade arrangements with its owners.

The Ship

The Flying Piglet sports a twin pair of rear engines capable of pushing the big ship to the impressive speed of 40 miles per hour, and it's kept flying using a state of the art levitation schemes and a four lifting gas containers incorporated to in the hull. The ship is about a hundred and fifty feet long, and fifty feet wide, and got five floors besides the deck. The first floor us used mostly for storage, the second floor is the engine room, the third floor contains the kitchen and crew cabinets, the fourth floor is for guest and the fifth floor has a great ball room for banquettes and other social events. The lodges in a separate room connected to the bridge. The Flying Piglet is completely unarmed.


It sports a crew of roughly fifty persons, although only half of that number is actually concerned with flying the ship. The rest is servants and kitchen staff or the like. The Flying Piglet also sports its own jazz orchestra hired especially for this occasion.

Known Crew members

  • Captain Rupine