Necessary Evil The Rejects/Blackjack
Jack 'Blackjack' O'Hara
- Agi d8/Sma d6/Spi d4/Str d4/Vig d10 (super)
- Pace 6/Parry 6/Charisma 0/Toughness 8
- Fighting d8
- Guts d6
- Intimidation d4
- Investigation d6
- Shooting d10
- Taunt d6
- Heartless (-)
- Terminally Ill (+)
- Death Wish (-)
- Grim Servant o' Death (+)
- Arcane Background (Super Powers) (Free)
- Power Points (Human free edge)
- Trademark Weapon (+1 to shooting rolls with my gun)
- Level Headed (draw init twice, take highest)
- Ageless (1)
- Broadcast - More range/device/slow activation (1 +2 -1 -1 = 1)
- Ranged Attack (Trademark Gun) - 3d6 damage, AP3, Medium AoE, Rapid Fire, Device (3 + 3+3+2+3, -3 for device = 11)
- Regeneration (5)
- Super Vigor (2)
- Ruger RE-IV Targeting Eye ($200)
- Combat Drugs (5xRed) ($100)
- Laser Sight ($50)
- Autograpnel ($100) <-- Essential in all games ever!
- Bedroll ($25)
- Canteen ($5)
- Flashlight ($20)